with enigmas flaws removed, how comparable to modern algorithms would it's security be?
With the specific change you specified, it would still (by modern standards) be considered "broken".
Here is how you can perform a distinguishing attack, and do a partial key recovery (recover the first two rotor settings with a good probability of recovering the third rotor setting) with about 400 characters of known plaintext.
I'll be assuming a 26 character rotor, however the attack scales to other sizes.
Here's how to recover the first rotor setting (and if you do recover a setting that works, that's a distinguishing attack):
- In the encryption operation, the note that:
- The plaintext character is sent through the first rotor: $A := R_i({Pt})$
- The ciphertext character is sent through the first rotor after stepping it one position: $B = R_{i+1}(Ct)$
- The mapped plaintext $A$ is different than the mapped ciphertext $B$
This holds because the internal rotors and the reflector do not step during the operation, and hence will never map a character to itself.
Note that this might not be true if the second rotor is stepped during the encryption operation; however that will occur only once every 13 character encryptions.
So, if we take a guess at an initial rotor setting, we can determine how all the plaintext and ciphertext characters are mapped. Then, if we find two instances where the plaintext and ciphertext characters are mapped to identical $A, B$ values (and those locations are not multiples of 13 apart), we know that that initial rotor setting is impossible.
After 400 characters, the probability that an incorrect rotor setting will show as possible is approximately $2^{-13}$; as there are significantly fewer than $2^{13}$ possible settings for the first rotor, then with high likelihood, only the correct setting will remain as possible (and if no settings remain, then this isn't modified Enigma).
Now, that we've recovered the first rotor setting (and position), we can peel off the first rotor operation (by applying the now-know first rotor operation to the known plaintext/ciphertext), and use a similar attack to recover the second rotor (which is actually easier; we have a lot more information per rotor step). And, if the third rotor steps during the 400 character encryption but not the fourth (probability >50%), then we can recover the third rotor (using the same trick)
Bottom line: this would be considered (by modern standards) totally broken