The Inversive congruential generator produces random values with: $$x_{n+1} = a\cdot x_{n}^{-1} + b \mod P$$
(special case if $x_n=0$ -> $x_{n+1}=b$)
starting with an initial value $x_0$
With well choosen $a,b,P$ it produces all values in $\mathbb{F}_P $ (which are $[0..P-1]$)
That's the case if there is no r with $r^2 \equiv 4 a + b^2 \mod P$ with $P$ a prime.
Question: Is there any way to compute the index $n$ for a given value $v \in \mathbb{F}_P$ with $x_n=v$ ? (with $a,b,P$ well chosen and known)
Or is there any way to compute it faster than brute force?
For the $n$'th random value a equation exists with: $$x_n=(q_{n+1}\cdot x_0 + a\cdot q_n)(q_{n}\cdot x_0 + a\cdot q_{n-1})^{-1} \mod P$$ with $q$ a sequence again: $$q_0=0$$ $$q_1=1$$ $$q_{n}=a\cdot q_{n-2}+b\cdot q_{n-1} (\mod P)$$
q is similar to the Fibonacci sequence. Without modulo there is an equation for the $n$'th element as well: $$q_n= \frac{ (\frac{b +\sqrt{4 a + b^2} }{2})^n - (\frac{b - \sqrt{4 a + b^2}}{2})^n}{\sqrt{4 a + b^2}}$$ (I don't know if there also exists a form modulo $P$)
Update: $q_n$ equation modulo P
$r^2 \equiv 4 \cdot a+b^2 \mod P$
$1 \equiv t \cdot 2 \mod P$
$$q_n = ((b+r)^n-(b-r)^n)\cdot t^n \cdot r^{-1} \mod P$$ This equation also works in $\mathbb{F}_P$
However for the target values $a,b$ there exists no such root $r$.
(For other $a,b$ which can not produce all values it does work)
Update 2: simplification
For simplification we can assume $x_0=0$. With this the equation for $x_n$ would be:
$$x_n=(a\cdot q_n)(a\cdot q_{n-1})^{-1} \mod P$$
$$x_n=q_n\cdot q_{n-1}^{-1} \mod P$$
Any way to compute index $n$ for given value $v=x_n$?
Update 3: some test in wolframalpa
wolfram alpha has a solution for the non-modulo version (with $x0=0$):^n-((b-r)%2F2)^n)%2F(((b%2Br)%2F2)^(n-1)-((b-r)%2F2)^(n-1))%3Dv+for+n?
$$n = \frac{ \log(\frac{(b - r) (b + r - 2 v)} {(b + r) (b - r - 2 v)}) + 2 i \pi c_1}{\log(b - r) - \log(b + r)} $$
Using this I get a complex number for $n$ with real and imaginary part $\not\in \mathbb{N}$. If I compute $x_n=q_n/q_{n-1}$ and with this $v$ in $\mathbb{R}$ for an example it does work.
Any idea how to transform this to $\mod P$ (for values $a,b$ which don't have a root $r$)?
Or how to transform a $v\in \mathbb{F}_P$ to $\mathbb{R}$?
Update 4: Get rid of $r$ in $q_n$ equation
$q_n$ can be multiplied at top and bottom with $r$ to get $r^2$ only. With $x0=0$ the equation for $x_n$ would be (for $n>2$):
$$x_n=q_n q_{n-1}^{-1}= \frac{2 \cdot \sum_{k=1}^{\lfloor n/2\rfloor} {n-1\choose 2k-1} b^{n-2k}(r^2)^{k} }{4\cdot \sum_{k=1}^{\lfloor (n-1)/2 \rfloor} {n-2 \choose 2k- 1} b^{n-2k-1} (r^2)^{k } } \mod P$$
The lower part need to be the inverse and not a divisor for $\mod P$.
However I don't see any way to extract a formula for $n$ out of this. Do I miss something?