I have a problem understanding the security of threshold decryption in multi-key homomorphic encryption (MKHE) with so called "noise flooding". In particular I think that it is not secure, so probably I misunderstood something.
MKHE allows multiple clients to encrypt their inputs $x_i$ with their private keys, which is joined into a common ciphertext $C$. An arbitrary function $f$ can then be used on $C$ to produce an encryption $C_f$ of $f(x_1,\ldots, x_k)$. Finally (and most importantly for this question), each client creates a partial decryption of $C_f$, which is joined to obtain $f(x_1,\ldots, x_k)$.
I will explain how this is done in this paper based on BFV FHE scheme (RLWE), since I think it is maybe the most simple. There are other approaches with similar ideas like this first paper, this paper ,...
For simplicity I will consider just a simple operation of addition. Say we have three clients, each encrypting $x_i$ and at the end we want to get $f(x_1,x_2,x_3) = x_1 + x_2 + x_3$. The scheme is based on RLWE problem, so let $R$ be a ring and $D_{\sigma}$ a distribution for which RLWE problem is hard. Let $q$ be the modulus of $R$ and $t$ the modulus of plaintext. Define $\Delta = \lfloor q/t \rceil$.
Setup: Let $a \in R$ be a uniformly random element.
Key-gen: Each client samples a secret and noise $s_i, e_i$ with $D_{\sigma}$ and set $b_i = -as_i + e_i$. Then $(s_i, b_i)$ is his key.
Encrypt: Each client encrypts $x_i$ by sampling $r_i, e_i^1, e_i^2$ with $D_{\sigma}$ setting $(c_i^0, c_i^1) = (b_ir_i + e_i^1 + \Delta x_i, a_ir_i + e_i^2)$
Eval: Ciphertexts $(c_i^0, c_i^1)$ are evaluated into an encryption of $f(x_1,x_2,x_3)$ by defining: $C_{f} = (c_0, c_1, c_2, c_3)$ where $c_0 = c_1^0 + c_2^0 + c_3^0$, $c_1 = c_1^1$, $c_2 = c_2^1$, $c_3 = c_3^1$.
PartDec: Each client samples so called "smudging noise" $e_i^{sm}$ and sends: $\mu_i = c_i^1s_i + e_i^{sm}$
MergeDec: Everyone can calculate $\mu = c_0 + \mu_1 + \mu_2 + \mu_3$ from which corresponds to $\Delta(x_1 + x_2 + x_3) + \text{noise}$ so the result can be extracted.
QUESTION: The reason for the security of the partial decryption is that the "smudging noise" should hide the secrets. But if I use the partial decryption $\mu_i$ of a client together with his partial ciphertext: $$c_i^0 + \mu_i = (b_ir_i + e_i^1 + \Delta x_i) + (c_i^1s_i + e_i^{sm}) = ((-as_i + e_i)r_i + e_i^1 + \Delta x_i) + ((a_ir_i + e_i^2)s_i + e_i^{sm}) = e_ir_i + e_i^1 + e_i^2s_i + e_i^{sm} + \Delta x_i$$ But this means that one can get $x_i$ which is not ok. One can hide $x_i$ only if $e_i^{sm}$ would be big enough to hide it. But then also $\mu$ would be flooded with noise. What am I missing?