I'm working on a quantum random number generator based on the shot noise of CMOS camera sensor. Shot noise in an image is caused by the variance of the number of photons hitting the sensor per unit of time. The distribution follows the Poisson distribution. To collect shot noise, I have to illuminate the sensor with a diffused light source.
A lot of papers discussing how to extract randomness from shot noise usually use equal frequency binning method. The following image is an illustration of randomness extraction using two bins. If the current sample is greater than average, output 1, if the current sample is less than average, output 0.
The problem with this method is it's not easy to determine the cut points, or in this case, the average. I tried to use moving average but the voltage of the light source sometimes drops for a few seconds caused by the other electronics in my room and it makes the output generated by my RNG sometimes biased for a few seconds. I tested the generated data using NIST Statistical Test Suite and it only passed 5/15 tests.
Although it passed 14/15 tests when I applied von Neumann debiasing method, the fact that the quality of the raw data is really bad still bugs me. So I experimented with a different extraction method. Here's how it works using one pixel
Let Brightness(t) be a function that returns the brightness of the pixel at time t
if Brightness(0) < Brightness(1) then
output 1
if Brightness(0) > Brightness(1) then
output 0
don't output anything
Basically, take two non-overlapping samples, if the second sample is brighter than the first one, output 1, if the second sample is darker than the first sample, output 0.
The data generated using this method passed 15/15 NIST tests. But since I've never seen any paper discussing a method like this, I need confirmation if this method really as good as it looks, and maybe some explanation why it's good. Thank you.