There's a collision-resistant hash function $H$.
Given $x$, how hard would it be to find a set $a[i]$ such that:
$H(a[1]) \oplus H(a[1]) \oplus \cdots \oplus H(a[N]) = H(x)$
whereas none of $a[i]$ equals to $x$?
There's a collision-resistant hash function $H$.
Given $x$, how hard would it be to find a set $a[i]$ such that:
$H(a[1]) \oplus H(a[1]) \oplus \cdots \oplus H(a[N]) = H(x)$
whereas none of $a[i]$ equals to $x$?
This question is studied extensively in the paper
In appendix A, they describe how to break the one-wayness of the function $H(x_1,\ldots, x_n) = h(x_1) \oplus h(x_2) \oplus \cdots \oplus h(x_n)$. The idea is as @SEJPM suggests in the comments above: XOR is the operation of a vector space over $\{0,1\}^\ell$ (where $\ell$ is the output length of $h$). Sufficienctly many $h(x_i)$'s form a basis for this vector space. Once you have a basis, you can easily solve for a subset of basis vectors that XOR to any desired value.
I had started typing an answer, but @Mikero gave the answer for the regime $N>\mathrm{bitlength}$ that you are interested in, which is when the problem is easy to solve.
This answer complements his, for the case $N$ is a small constant and the problem is of exponential complexity in the bitlength.
Let $\ell$ be the bitlength of the hashes. Assume we have a random set of $K=2^{\ell/N}$ hashes. Since here are $K^N=2^\ell$ possible $N-$sums $$H(a[1])\oplus H(a[2]) \oplus \cdots \oplus H(a[N])$$ we can obtain from this set, with constant probability one of these will hit your $H(x)$ since the hash target space has size $2^{\ell}.$
If $\ell=256,$ and $N=2$ this would essentially be the birthday problem with complexity $O(2^{\ell/2}).$ By reduction to the case when $N=2^v$ is a power of 2 Wagner's paper gave an $$O(2^{\ell/(1+\lceil \log N\rceil)})$$ recursive solution.
No good algorithm is known for $N=3.$ The $N-$XORSUM problem is relevant to learning parity with noise and to the Equihash blockchain mechanism.