I am a long time scroller, first time poster in the crypto stack. I've recently been finding myself leaving the realm of mainstream/standard crypto (imo that consists of symmetric/asymmetric encryption, some ciphers and one way hash functions ect). I am currently faced with a problem regarding using the RSA algorithm through multiparty computation. I am using RSA to conduct multiplicative homomorphic encryption using multiple keys. I am able to provably generate the encryption keys along with the final cipher text after multiplying all the values together. However I am not able to generate the correct decryption keys.
Process for encryption using RSA MPC
\begin{align} C_1 &= a^{e_1} \pmod n \\ C_2 &= a^{e_2} \pmod n \\ C_{final}&= C_1 \cdot C_2 = a^{e} \pmod n,\ \text{where} \ e=e_1 + e_2 \end{align}
The issue is that this only I can only really do this with a single encryption key (so if you consider $e_1=e_2$), whereas I would like to use multiple encryption keys ($e = e_1 + e_2$ or something equivalent), encrypt a value do some operation on that encrypted value then be able to decrypt it and receive some meaningful output.
Can someone help me with the problem of where to find details on using multiple encryption keys in RSA and working with the encrypted values directly ?
Research I based my working from: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/335743662_Enhanced_Homomorphic_Encryption_technique_using_RSA_ALGORITHM_with_multiple_keys