Suppose we have an $n$ bit ciphertext $c$ protected by a $k$ bit $MAC$, with $k < n$. Generally, we expect collisions after $O(2^{k/2})$ ciphertext/MAC pairs are seen.
Consider the following modifcation:
- Adversary chooses $m \in \{0, 1\}^n$ and sends to oracle.
- Oracle sends back $\sigma((c) || MAC(c))$, where $c=E(m)$ is a randomized encryption, and $\sigma$ is a permutation on $n+k$ bits. $\sigma$ remains unknown to the adversary.
Suppose $\sigma$ stays constant. It seems that we either attack the MAC/Encryption, or figure out the permutation. If the MAC and Encryption are perfect, then I don't see how we can find the MAC bits: any k element subset of the n+k bits will have the same birthday paradox probability of collisions. In fact, if we take $2^k + 1$ messages, the pigeonhole principle gives collisions to all subsets.
It seems our only help is if the MAC/Encryption has statistical biases that we can detect among the $O(2^{k/2})$ messages, but this seems that we must analyze all message k bit projections, which may be huge. Can we do better?
If we can't do better, what is the drawback of such a scheme? Is it impractical to have the hidden permutation be a shared secret? What about a set of such permutations?