We can represent elements of a finite field $F$ in various ways polynomial basis and normal basis. There is one other; generator-based representation and this is based on the fact that the multiplicative group of a finite field ($F^*$) is cyclic so there is a generator of this cyclic group, call $g$ and we write $\langle g \rangle = F^*$. Now every element of $F^*$ can be written as powers of the generator as $x = g^i \in F$ for some positive integer $i$. The identity is $g^0$. In this way, the multiplication is easy
$$\text{let } a,b\in F, \text{ and } a = g^x, b = g^y \text{ then } a\cdot b = g^{x+y}.$$ The bonus is the fact that the discrete log is easy since we tack the elements by the generator's power but the addition seems hard. $$a +b = g^x + g^y = g^z, \quad z =?$$ Questions;
- How hard the addition?
- Are there any cryptographic scheme that uses this hardness?