In NIST's Submission Requirements and Evaluation Criteria for the Lightweight Cryptography Standardization Process document it is stated that:
3.1 AEAD (Authenticated Encryption with Associated Data) Requirements
An AEAD algorithm shall not specify key lengths that are smaller than 128 bits. Cryptanalytic attacks on the AEAD algorithm shall require at least $\mathbf{2^{112}}$ computations on a classical computer in a single-key setting. If a key size larger than 128 bits is supported, it is recommended that at least one recommended parameter set has a key size of 256 bits, and that its resistance against cryptanalytical attacks is at least $\mathbf{2^{224}}$ computations on a classical computer in a single-key setting (The bolds are mine!)
- Why does the NIST require 112-bit security from at least a 128-bit key on AEAD?
- From the security perspective, they should require 128-security. Any attack that reduces 128-bit security can lead to more attacks. What is the rationale behind this requirement?
And similarly for the hash functions;
3.2 Hash Function Requirements
Cryptanalytic attacks on the hash function shall require at least $\mathbf{2^{112}}$ computations on a classical computer. The hash function shall not specify output sizes that are smaller than 256 bits. (The bolds are mine!)
From the values, we can hint that they consider the collision resistance. Similar questions;
- Why does NIST require 112-bit security from 256-bit hash functions?
- What is the rationale behind this requirement?