I couldn't figure out a field of order, say, 4, 8, 9 or 16. What are examples of such fields?
Let's do that with $8=2^3$.
- Elements of that field $\mathbb F_{2^3}$ will be assimilated to $3$-bit quantities, that is the set $\{\mathtt0,\mathtt1\}^3$, or equivalently polynomials of degree less than $3$ with binary coefficients, where e.g. $\mathtt{110}$ is the polynomial $x^2+x$, and $\mathtt{101}$ is the polynomial $x^2+1$.
- Our addition is bitwise exclusive-OR, or equivalently addition of polynomials, so that $\mathtt{110}\oplus\mathtt{101}=\mathtt{011}$, or equivalently $(x^2+x)+(x^2+1)=x+1$.
- For our multiplication we choose an irreducible_polynomial $P(x)$ of degree $3$ with binary coefficients (among two such polynomials, see this list of irreducible polynomials over GF(2) up to degree 11), e.g. $P(x)=x^3+x+1$; and we define multiplication as polynomial multiplication followed by reduction modulo $P(x)$. This simply tells that when in the product we get a term of degree $d\ge3$, we can get rid of it by adding the polynomial $x^{d-3}\,P(x)\ =\ x^d+x^{d-2}+x^{d-3}$. So for example
&\equiv x^3&\pmod{x^3+x+1}\\
&\equiv x^3+(x^3+x+1)&\pmod{x^3+x+1}\\
&\equiv x+1&\pmod{x^3+x+1}\\
thus $\mathtt{110}\otimes\mathtt{101}=\mathtt{011}$.
The full multiplication table goes
\otimes &\mathtt{000}&\mathtt{001}&\mathtt{010}&\mathtt{011}&\mathtt{100}&\mathtt{101}&\mathtt{110}&\mathtt{111}\\
The neutral for $\otimes$ is $\mathtt{001}$ that is the polynomial $1$. The distributive property and other commutative field properties follow from that for polynomials.
The elements of the a binary field of order $q=2^m$ cannot be represented as integers modulo $2^m$.
Actually it's OK to represent them as integers, and even convenient in some computer languages (perhaps our $\oplus$ is just the bitwise-XOR operator ^
). But when $m>1$, addition and multiplication modulo $q=2^m$ give the ring $\mathbb Z_q$, which is essentially useless to build the field $\mathbb F_q$, for $\mathbb Z_q$'s addition and multiplication bear no relation with $\mathbb F_q$'s $\oplus$ and $\otimes$.
A convenient way to represent elements of the a binary field of order $q=2^m$ is by means of binary polynomials of degree less than $m$.
Indeed. That's what we did above.
Following comment
If $m=1$ then coordinates over elliptic curve are just scalars, whereas if $m>1$ then a coordinate is in its turn a "set of coordinate".
Yes, that's a useful way of seeing it. An element of the field $\mathbb F_{p^k}$ is most naturally expressed as $k$ "coordinates" each in $\{0,1\ldots,p-1\}$ when devising a general computer implementation of arithmetic in $\mathbb F_{p^k}$. The usual mathematical statement of the same thing is that such element is a polynomial of degree less than $k$, with coefficients in $\mathbb F_p==\mathbb Z_p$.
In the first part of the answer I have specialized to $p=2$, since the question mentioned binary in the title, but we can do the same for any prime $p$, and that makes polynomial notation shine: it implies the definition of addition, and of multiplication with the help of an irreducible polynomial.