RSA private key can be found in two ways with $n = p\cdot q$, $p = 11$ and $q = 13$
- if Euler's totient function is used as in RSA paper: $$\varphi(n)= (p-1)(q-1) = 120$$ is used then
- $d = 67 = e^{-1} \bmod 120$
- If Carmichael Function used as requried in FIPS 180.4 and allowed in PKCS#1 v2.2 standards: $$\lambda(n) = \text{LCM}(p-1,q-1) = 60$$ is used then
Both are valid and Carmichael Function provides always the smallest $d$. The easy relation between both of them is that $\lambda(n)| \varphi(n)$. Therefore this indicates that in some setups we can have more than one valid private key where each of them $\leq \varphi(n)$. Actually, in the two distinct prime case we have the relation;
$$\varphi(n) = \lambda(n) \cdot \gcd(p-1,q-1).$$ This is due to the fact that $$a \cdot b = \operatorname{lcm}(a,b) \times \gcd(a,b) $$
Since RSA primes are distinct odd primes $p$ and $q$, then $\gcd(p-1,q-1) \geq 2$ and this implies that there is always at least two $d$ in the range $[1,\varphi(n)]$ and $\lambda(n) \neq \varphi(n)$.
This is your case and you have the $\varphi(n)$ and the attacker has $\lambda(n)$.
The PKCS#1 standard requires the Carmichael Function to be used for the calculation of $d$. Original RSA paper used Euler's totient function. Using shorter $d$ will decrease the signature time and less used decryption time.
Carmichael Function: For a positive integer $n$, $\lambda(n)$ is defined to be the smallest positive integer $k$ such that
$$a^k \equiv 1 \pmod n$$
for all $a$ such that $\gcd(a,n)=1$
Little proof of $\lambda(n)| \varphi(n)$:
The proof relies on the exponent definition of group theory.
Let $G$ be group then the non-negative generator of the ideal $\{z \in \mathbb{Z}: \forall g \in G (g^z=1)\}$ is called the exponent of the group $G$. For finite groups like RSA groups, it is finite and positive, and then it is the smallest positive natural number $z$ such that $g^z=1$ for all $g \in G$.
The exponent of any finite group must divide the order of the group. $\lambda(n)$ is the exponent by the definition and the order of the group is $\varphi(n)$ also by definition. This clearly implies $\lambda(n)| \varphi(n)$.
More than 2 private key example;
- $n = 6901$
- factors $6901 = 103 \cdot 67$, $p=103,q=67$
- $\varphi(n) = 6732$
- $\lambda(n) = 1122$
- $e = 43$
- $g =\gcd(p-1,q-1)=6$
- inverse of $e$ by $d = \varphi(n) = 5323$
- inverse of $e$ by $d' =\lambda(n) = 835$
Now all $d+k\cdot \lambda(n)$ are valid private key where $k \in [0,g]$, listing;
- 835
- 1957
- 3079
- 4201
- 5323
- 6445
SageMath code to find the above example;
p = random_prime(200, 400) #upper and lower range
q = random_prime(200, 400)
n = p*q
e = 43
print("n = ",n)
print("factors %s = " % n, factor(n))
phi = (p-1)*(q-1) # or call euler_phi(n)
print("phi = ",phi)
if gcd(e,phi) != 1:
print( gcd(e,phi))
lmd = lcm(p-1,q-1) #or call carmichael_lambda(n)
print("lambda = ",lmd)
print("gcd(%s,%s) = " % (p-1,q-1), gcd(p-1,q-1))
print("inverse of %s by phi " %e, inverse_mod(e,phi))
print("inverse of %s by lambda" %e, inverse_mod(e,lmd))
d = inverse_mod(e,lmd)
for k in range(gcd(p-1,q-1)):