Short version: how is it possible to round a continuous Gaussian into a true discrete Gaussian (usually denoted $\mathcal{D}_{\mathbb{Z},\alpha q}$)? The goal is to obtain a reduction from continuous LWE to a true-discrete LWE and combine it with the reduction from $\textsf{GapSVP}_\gamma$ to continuous LWE.
Longer version: in [Reg05], the discrete Gaussian they consider (denoted $\bar{\Psi}_\alpha$, or sometimes $\lfloor\mathcal{D}_{\alpha q}\rceil$) for the noise is a "strange Gaussian": it is obtainable from a continuous Gaussian of parameter $\alpha q$ that you just round to the nearest integer modulo $q$. They also prove that if you can solve continuous LWE, you can solve $\textsf{GapSVP}_\gamma$. In order to also prove the security of LWE with this strange discrete Gaussian, they explain a trivial reduction from continuous LWE to this "strange discrete" LWE: if you can solve the "strange discrete" LWE, you can solve the continuous LWE problem by just rounding your samples to the nearest integer, and call the discrete oracle on these samples. So the hardness goes like this:
$$\text{strange discrete LWE} \leftarrow \text{continuous LWE} \leftarrow \textsf{GapSVP}_\gamma$$
However, if I understand correctly, this Gaussian is not a "real Gaussian", and people prefer to use instead a "true discrete Gaussian" like [MP12] (I guess it has better mathematical properties when you want more involved properties, like bounds on singular values). But then, it is not possible to use in the same way the [Reg05] result to prove the hardness of "true-discrete" LWE, since we can't anymore turn a continuous distribution into a true-discrete one.
So what is the usual way to do this rounding to obtain the following reduction? $$\text{true discrete LWE} \leftarrow \text{continuous LWE}$$ This paper [GMPW20] suggests that [Pei10] solves this problem... but I can't find where.
Also, is there a reduction that directly does:
$$\text{true discrete LWE} \leftarrow \text{GapSVP}_\gamma$$
without transiting via the discrete case?
[MP12] Trapdoor for Lattices: Simpler, Tighter, Faster, Smaller, Micciancio, Peikert.
[GPV08] How to Use a Short Basis: Trapdoors for Hard Lattices and New Cryptographic Construction, Gentry, Peikert, Vaikuntanathan.
[Pei10] An Efficient and Parallel Gaussian Sampler for Lattices, Peikert.
[MW17] Gaussian sampling over the integers: Efficient, generic,constant-time, Micciancio, Walter.
[HSL17] Rounded Gaussians, Hülsing, Lange, Smeets.
[GMPW20] Improved Discrete Gaussian and Subgaussian Analysis for Lattice Cryptography, Genise, Micciancio, Peikert, Walter.
Bonus: Additional unrelated information: Out of curiosity, what is the current state of the art on the sampling over $\mathcal{D}_{\mathbb{Z},\alpha q}$? Is there any exact sampling method? And what is the recommended method to program that kind of sampling, which is both simple to program and not too inefficient in practice? For now I saw that Section 4.1 of [GPV08] gives a simple rejection sampling method to approximate a sample of a true discrete Gaussian. It was later improved in [Pei10], which is a bit more complex. I just saw [MW17], I need to check what it actually does.
-- EDIT --
I'm also quite confused why people like "true discrete Gaussians" that much: people may say "the sum of two discrete Gaussians is a discrete Gaussian". Fair enough. But you could always say for "strange Gaussians" that rounding a continuous Gaussian makes the problem more complicated compared to the initial continuous Gaussian: so in the proof, you can always say "Let's replace the strange Gaussian with a continuous Gaussian", and now we analyse the attacks on this new protocol: and now, we do have this nice property that the sum of two continuous Gaussians is a continuous Gaussian. And strange discrete Gaussians also seem to be more efficient [HSL17] to sample than true discrete Gaussians, so what's the benefit? Would you have an example of application in which this true discrete Gausian is really required?
For instance, [MP12] uses these true Gaussian, but the search to decision reduction from [MP12] is formulated for continuous Gaussians. The only theorem I can see (I did not checked the last section "Applications") that could actually requires true Gaussian would be Lemma 2.9 which bounds singular values of $\mathbf{R}$ (required for correctness). However, the theorem is true for any $\delta$-subgaussian distribution, so I would expect the strange Gaussian to also be $\delta$-subgaussian for some reasonable $\delta$, and since for true discrete Gaussian they obtain a value for $C$ only empirically, I guess there is chances that this can also be done for strange Gaussians.