Let $H:\{0,1\}^*\rightarrow \{0,1\}^\ell$ be a collision resistant hash function (CRH), and let $\Pi = (\mathsf{enc,dec})$ be an encryption scheme with the following properties:
- $\Pi.\mathsf{enc}: \mathcal{K} \times \{0,1\}^\lambda \rightarrow \{0,1\}^\ell, \lambda\leq \ell,$ define as follows: $\Pi.\mathsf{enc}(k,m) = m \oplus H(k)$
- $\Pi.\mathsf{dec}: \mathcal{K} \times \{0,1\}^\ell \rightarrow \{0,1\}^\lambda$ define as follows: $\Pi.\mathsf{dec}(k,c) = c \oplus H(k)$
is $\Pi$ chosen plain-text secure (CPA)? To the best of my knowledge, if $H$ is modeled as a pseudorandom generator (PRG) or a pseudorandom function (PRF), then $\Pi$ is CPA if a distinguisher cannot distinguish the output of the PRG/PRP from an output produced by a truly random function. However, I am not able to find such a reduction for a CRH.
Let's say Alice uses $\Pi$ to share a message $m$ over pair-wise channels with Bob and Charles (Alice-Bob, Alice-Charles share a symmetric key produced by a Diffie-Hellman exchange).
- Alice sends $c_b = m\oplus H(k_{AB})$ to Bob and $c_c = m\oplus H(k_{AC})$ to Charles
Let's assume Decisional Diffie-Hellman. if an adversary is able to break the CRH, can it extracts $m$ from $\{c_b, c_c\}$? (we can assume that besides Bob and Charles, Alice sends the same message to other people).
Edit: I think the answers to this question help explain why CRH is not enough to provide CPA security. However, in my opinion, it does not fully answer this question because, as mentioned in the answers below, simply providing a uniformly distributed output does not imply CPA. Non-determinism is needed.