Note: What you describe is actually a vector commitment (VC), not an accumulator, since you're committing to an order list of elements and presumably want to prove that a position $i$ has a certain value $v_i$.
It's actually very simple to prove that position $i$ changed from $v_i$ in digest $\alpha$ to $v_i'$ in digest $\alpha'$, thanks to the fact that most vector commitments are homomorphic.
Let $\mathsf{VC.Com}(\vec{v}) \rightarrow \alpha$ denote the algorithm that returns the commitment $\alpha$ to a vector $\vec{v}$.
Most VCs have a useful homomorphism property:
$$\mathsf{VC.Com}(\vec{v}) + \mathsf{VC.Com}(\vec{v}') = \mathsf{VC.Com}(\vec{v} + \vec{v}')$$
As a result, if you have a homomorphic VC and you want to check only position $i$ was updated, then all you need to verify is that:
$$\alpha' - \alpha = \mathsf{VC.Com}([0,0, \ldots, v_i' - v_i, \ldots 0])$$
$$[0,0, \ldots, v_i' - v_i, \ldots 0]$$
denotes the vector where all positions are 0 except for the $i$th, which is set to $v_i' - v_i$.
Therefore, the proof $P$ is empty.
Even better, most schemes support computing $\mathsf{VC.Com}([0,0, \ldots, v_i' - v_i, \ldots 0])$ in $O(1)$ time, so you can perform this check in constant time.
An example with [KZG10]-based VCs.
To commit to vectors of size $n$, KZG requires public parameters $h_i = g^{\mathcal{L}_i(\tau)}$ for all $i\in[n]$, where $\tau$ is a trapdoor.
(For the purpose of this example, you thankfully do NOT need to know that $\mathcal{L}_i(X) = \prod_{\substack{j\in[n]\\j\ne i}}\frac{X - j}{i - j}$ denotes the $i$th Lagrange polynomial for the evaluation domain $[n]$.)
The commitment is computed as:
$$\mathsf{VC.Com}(\vec{v}) = \alpha = \prod_{i\in [n]} h_i^{v_i}$$
The homomorphism should be obvious:
\mathsf{VC.Com}(\vec{v} + \vec{v}')
&= \prod_{i\in [n]} h_i^{v_i + v_i'}\\
&= \prod_{i\in [n]} \left(h_i^{v_i} \cdot h_i^{v_i'}\right)\\
&= \left(\prod_{i\in [n]} h_i^{v_i}\right) \cdot \left(\prod_{i\in[n]} h_i^{v_i'}\right)\\
&= \mathsf{VC.Com}(\vec{v}) + \mathsf{VC.Com}(\vec{v}')
Therefore, to verify the update was done correctly, you can check if:
$$\alpha' - \alpha \stackrel{?}{=} h_i^{v'_i - v_i}$$
[KZG10] Constant-Size Commitments to Polynomials and Their Applications; by Kate, Aniket and Zaverucha, Gregory M. and Goldberg, Ian; in ASIACRYPT'10; 2010