Some signature schemes, notably ECDSA, unwillingly allow users to prepare their public/private key pair as a function of two arbitrary messages of their choice, and compute a signature that checks for both messages¹. In the case of ECDSA, the public/private key pair is fully functional, and can sign normally, including for making a certificate signing request for it's public key. Convincing a third party of the intend of foul play is hard, and requires both messages. I ask about concrete security consequences there.
Some others signature schemes, notably any $3k$-bit short Schnorr signature scheme² (not EdDSA which is $4k$-bit), have an even more worrying security vulnerability. At any time after normal generation of a key pair, a holder of the private key can prepare two messages with distinct and arbitrary chosen content except for a small section, and their common signature, by a collision search attack on the hash only, with expected cost a mere $\Theta(2^{k/2})$ hashes. The attack can be repeated, and be undistinguishable by a third party from a successful pre-image attack of the hash without the private key, of expected cost $\Theta(2^k)$ hashes.
Broadly, these attacks could be named substitution of signed message by the signer, with the first kind premeditated. Sub-classification makes sense (like if perpetrating the attack reveals the private key; it does in the first attack, not in the second).
What are standard names for the security properties preventing such attacks? Are there standard security experiments for these security properties?
Note: I also asked how IT practice deals with the issue there on security-SE, so please don't answer here on that aspect. I admit there is overlap for the naming part.
¹ See section 4.2 in Jacques Stern, David Pointcheval, John Malone-Lee, and Nigel P. Smart's Flaws in Applying Proof Methodologies to Signature Schemes, in proceedings of Crypto 2002.
² Claus Peter Schnorr, Efficient Identification and Signatures for Smart Cards, in proceedings of Crypto 1989 then Journal of Cryptology, 1991.