Could you explain the 'Breaking 104 bit WEP in less than 60 seconds' paper, without skipping too much technical details.
Could you an answer questions, like: how is '1.24/256' a significant difference compared to '1/256'? And how this seemingly small difference could lead a '104-bit WEP key' to a reduced required computational effort that is approximately 2^20 RC4 key setups.
'The algorithm is based on the following ideas. Andreas Klein, a German researcher, showed that there is a correlation in RC4 between Keybytes 1 to i-1, the keystream and the keybyte i. If the keybytes 1 to i-1 and the keystream are known, it is possible to guess the next unknown keybyte with a probability of about 1.36/256 which is a little bit higher than 1/256. We were able to show that it is also possible to guess the sum of keybytes i to i+k with a probability of more thatn 1.24/256.'