In this paper ("Strong key insulated signature schemes" by by Dodis, Katz, Xu, Yung (2002)), I understand most of the proof for Lemma 1 (pg. 9); I struggle with how some of the probability is calculated though.
No need to read the paper, I think, all you need is the following:
- Adversary $A$ breaks (the "new") scheme $\Pi$
- Challenger $A'$ wants to break the underlying scheme $\Theta$ using $A$
- The signing oracle takes as input a message and a time period $i$
- The maximum number of queries to the signing oracle is $q(k)$
Confusing part:
At some point,challenger $A'$ draws a random $r \in \{1,..,q(k)\}$ and then looks at the $r^{th}$ signing query that $A$ makes.
- If this query has as input a time period that was already used in a previous signing query, then abort the experiment.
- If this is the first time that this time period (denoted $i^*$) is queried, proceed.
- If $A$ at any time queries or has queried the "key exposure" oracle for time period $i^*$, also abort (key exposure = revealing the secret key for the queried period).
In the end, $A$ forges a signature for a time period $i$. (Adaptively, I think, so $i$ is not fixed in the beginning but A chooses it at the end.)
Then the paper says:
With probability at least $1/q(k)$, the experiment is not aborted and $i^∗ = i$ [..].
My guess
$P(\text{experiment not aborted } \wedge\, i^∗ = i) =\\ P(\text{period }i^* \text{not queried before } r^{th} \text{signing query } \wedge\, \text{no key exposure query for }i^* \wedge\, i^∗ = i )$
What now? I don't see how computing this can be so obvious; I can think of so many questions:
- Are those events all independent and therefore $P(\text{period }i^* \text{not queried before } r^{th} \text{signing query } \wedge\, \text{no key exposure query for }i^* \wedge\, i^∗ = i ) = P(\text{period }i^* \text{not queried before } r^{th} \text{signing query })*P(\text{no key exposure query for }i^*)*P( i^∗ = i )?$
- Is $P( i^∗ = i )=1/q(k)$ or is the probability higher that the adversary picks an $i$ for the forgery that they know something about (= that they have queried before)? Or do we assume that $A$'s queries are random? Why would we assume that?
- Is $P(\text{period }i^* \text{not queried before } r^{th} \text{signing query })$ the same for all $r$ or is it higher for small $r$ (="early" queries)? Does it depend on whether $P( i^∗ = i )$?
I'm honestly baffled that this probability is given without further explanation, I must be missing something elementary. Can you help?