I'm trying to prove that the following two definitions are equivalent:
$\forall m\in M $ and $c\in C$ $\Pr[C=c \mid M=m]=\Pr[C=c]$
$\forall m_1,m_2 \in M $, $E_k(m_1)=E_k(m_2)$, where $E_k(m_i)$ stands for the distribution over $k$ of the encrypted message $m_i$.
First - just to make sure, I am indeed supposed to show two directions, right? (i.e. first $\Rightarrow$ second and second $\Rightarrow$ first). This is my understanding regarding showing an equivalence for any two definitions.
If so, I'm able to prove the direction first $\Rightarrow$ second but I'm unable to do the second direction. How do I use the fact that for every pair of messages I have some conclusion about any single general message $m$?