Linked Questions

2 votes
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How secure is MD5 for one way authentication?

I have a server S1 with an Private String (PS) as an identifier shared with a server S2. Every 10 min S1 publish the hash value of PS+the current time which is used as public identifier (PI). Every ...
user3235881's user avatar
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1 answer

Does the length extension attack apply to KDFs?

Older hash functions like SHA-256 and SHA-512 are vulnerable to the length extension attack, which is problematic in the context of a MAC. There are several ways to prevent this: Use a newer hash ...
samuel-lucas6's user avatar
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What does this protocol mean?

Does this mean that the message is being added onto the hashed(message, tag) ? m || H(m, "secret") So the output would be something like: "RandomMessage"+...
NoDirection's user avatar
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Can the secret and the message be switched in a mac? [duplicate]

A HMAC is usually said to be H(sk || msg) for some secret key sk and message msg. My first question is, can we compute it as H(msg || sk) instead ? Is there any drawbacks doing it ? If the answer is ...
Makubu's user avatar
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