Linked Questions

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Why is appending the key to a mesage and then hashing that insecure if the hash isn't weakly collision resistant? [duplicate]

Suppose I have H(M|K) and that H is not weakly collision resistant. If I have a message mac pair (M,MAC), how is it possible to find another message mac pair (M2,MAC2)? My thinking for this problem is ...
user979616's user avatar
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Secret key suffix vs HMAC [duplicate]

What is the benefit of using HMAC over hash with key suffix? I realize that using key prefix is a bad idea because it allows message extension attacks. When adding key as a suffix such attack ...
sanjihan's user avatar
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Can I use `SHA (message || key)` as MAC? [duplicate]

One should not use SHA for MAC, because knowing SHA(key || message) and message you can construct ...
srututu's user avatar
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Why don't we use H(m||k) as a MAC? [duplicate]

HMAC seems a bit complicated. Why can't we use $H(m||k)$ as a MAC? Unlike $H(k||m)$, length extension attacks won't work. Is there some other obvious attack?
ithisa's user avatar
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Is HMAC needed for a SHA-3 based MAC?

HMAC does nested hashing in order to prevent Length Extension Attacks. Given that you use the SHA-3 hash (which is resistant against length extension attacks), would you still need to go through that ...
hl3mukkel's user avatar
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Is H(k||length||x) a secure MAC construction?

If $H$ is a typical secure hash function, then $(k,x) \mapsto H(k \mathbin\| x)$ is not a secure MAC construction, because given a known plaintext $x_1$ and its MAC $m_1$, an attacker can extend $k \...
Gilles 'SO- stop being evil''s user avatar
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Why is h(m||k) insecure?

Here is the post that explains the failure for doing h(k||m) and I understand it. But I don't understand how h(m||k) is subjected to collison attack, or birthday attack. Please explain?
CppLearner's user avatar
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Why is H(message||secret_key) not vulnerable to length-extension attack?

Given a Merkle-Damgård hash function $H$, I know that an attacker can forge a message protected by a MAC computed as $H(\textrm{secret_key}||\textrm{message})$. Why can't he perform the same ...
Peter's user avatar
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Using bcrypt for MAC - is it correct and secure?

Suppose there is a hashing function: $$ph = bcrypt(sha256(m + k), salt)$$ Here $ph$ is a password hash obtaining by applying $bcrypt$ on $sha256$ result of concatenating a message $m$ with a secret ...
Alex Sidorov's user avatar
7 votes
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MAC where key is provided afterwards

I was just wondering if there is a MAC scheme where the key provided after part of the message has been hashed. I was just looking at TLS 1.3 and a comment of Thomas Pornin where the messages needed ...
Maarten Bodewes's user avatar
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Is this DIY remote lock protocol secure?

I need your advice on following scheme of exchange protocol between remote lock and key. I'm planning to use following algorithm: Key generates unique value that never repeats (in reality it's just ...
Ruslan's user avatar
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Strange MAC algorithm

I'm working with a payment provider which uses the following algorithm for signing messages: The merchant is securely given a secret key k, known to them and the ...
Lachezar Balev's user avatar
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Symmetric mutual authentication with client using a derived secret

I'm attempting to find a client/server authentication protocol that allows the client and server to authenticate each other when the client doesn't know the server secret but does have a sensitive key ...
joshperry's user avatar
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Strength of $H(k\|H(m))$ as a MAC algorithm

What is the strength of $H(k \| H(m))$ compared to HMAC? Compared to $H(m \| k)$? What is the strength in bits of a given key/output size?
Melab's user avatar
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Known text attack on Hash function (SHA 256 or SHA512)

I was thinking the below attack scenario on hash function. Let's assume that three binary numbers A(1000 bits), B(16 bits) and C(283 bits) are concatenated together and H(A||B||C) is generated using ...
Sami's user avatar
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