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2 votes
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plaintext and its encrypted version known [duplicate]

I have a (long) text in two versions, encrypted and plaintext. I think it was encrypted using a substitution cipher method (I'm pretty sure, indeed). I'm not good in this matter, I know little about ...
Paolo B.'s user avatar
-1 votes
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Decide strategy to decrypt cipher [duplicate]

TL;DR: If you have to decrypt a cipher for example, and you don't know which encryption method(s) have been used.... Where do you start? Or "do you just start"? Or are there certain questions you have ...
Erik van de Ven's user avatar
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How to determine the shift key to decrypt a ciphertext which was encrypted using Caesar cipher?

So I found this question in a model paper, Break ciphertext ”BJJY GPXF DI TJPM ZSYH” which is encrypted by a Caesar Cipher. This gives a meaningful plaintext if we use 21 as the shift key. So ...
yeshika Senadeera's user avatar
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How to decode a (Vigenère?) substitution cipher? [closed]

I am trying to decode a message that I suspect has been encrypted with a Vigenère cipher: Utl zluuocp zsc rvzu hbcp ztvibfz vrabzz utl ilry. Utlal flal cb fbaiz, qszu zbsciz. Utvu cllihl vhzb dvil ...
Kamijou's user avatar
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Cryptanalysis of XOR cipher with repeated key phrase

My assignment is to cryptanalyze cipher text that we know was encrypted with a stream cipher (bitwise XOR of plain text and key stream), and decrypt to plain text. We know the key stream is a repeated ...
Joe's user avatar
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How to solve encryption with ASCII output

There are lots of text files which have unknown data packets with ASCII output (no available plaintext exists with regard to any ciphertext, I have only encrypted outputs). The input data is known to ...
Mostapha O.'s user avatar
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How to do a frequency analysis?

I don't quite get frequency analysis.. I see percentages and else, when I tried to do a frequency analysis on a pictogram cipher, the only letter I was able to analyze was the letter A. Any step-by-...
vikkonn's user avatar
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Deciphering “easy” ciphers without hints

I've been keen on IT Security for a long time now and I've learned a lot about networking & security. However trying a "decryption challenge" I'm lacking what I think is basic encryption/...
UsuallyNot's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to decrypt a string given as part of a game/prank? [closed]

I have been given an obviously encoded string, that looks similar to this: ...
CBlew's user avatar
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Ciphers based on Keywords

I am looking for different ciphers that use a key word (like "hello" or "awesome") to encrypt a given text. I know about the Keyword Cipher already; I'm looking for others.
DUO Labs's user avatar
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How to start a classical cryptanalysis on a Substitution + Shift cipher? [closed]

i was thinked about problem of Cyrpto. At first glance, it looks like a simple classic password problem, but there are a lot of difficulties to think about the way the two encryption schemes are ...
paeh's user avatar
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What is the procedure to proceed towards breaking a cipher text when the process of encryption is not known?

I mean , if one is provided with a cipher text and the process of encryption through which text has has been encrypted has not been provided , then how is the cipher text broken ? Is frequency ...
Aashish Loknath Panigrahi's user avatar
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How do you go about breaking a Quagmire III Cipher? [duplicate]

For example, take K1, from the Kryptos sculpture, which has been long solved. It's text is as follows: EMUFPHZLRFAXYUSDJKZLDKRNSHGNFIVJ
James Strommer's user avatar