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how to break AES [duplicate]

why is breaking a (asymmetric) 1024 bit RSA key less difficult than breaking a 128 bit (symmetric) AES key? Breaking RSA key involves finding the prime factors of a large number. What is involved in ...
george s's user avatar
32 votes
3 answers

Is 128-bit security still considered strong in 2020, within the context of both ECC Asym & Sym ciphers

Given that much of our ECC crypto primitives provide “only” 128-bit security when defined over a 256-bit curve due to pollard-rho, is it then still safe in 2020 to consider 128-bit security safe for ...
Woodstock's user avatar
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43 votes
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Is AES-128 quantum safe?

I've been reading lately some contradicting messages with regards to the quantum-safe resistance of AES128. First, there are blog posts by Ericsson people like these ones: Can quantum attackers break ...
Jimakos's user avatar
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40 votes
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Is AES-256 a post-quantum secure cipher or not?

We know Grover's algorithm speedup brute-force attacks two times faster in block ciphers (e.g brute-forcing 128-bit keys take $2^{64}$ operations, not $2^{128}$). That explains why we are using 256-...
AES256's user avatar
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14 votes
5 answers

Does Grover's algorithm really threaten symmetric security proofs?

By Shannon's theorem of perfect security, if I give you a ciphertext 'LOUPL', you can do a brute-force attack and then you would find plaintexts like 'HELLO', 'APPLE', 'SPOON', but you can't ...
Victor Espinoza's user avatar
4 votes
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For Symmetric Cryptography, why is it considered more important to safeguard a key than the function/algorithm for encrypting/decrypting a message?

As stated for the question above here's an analogy: You are a robber looking for a house to rob with two different scenarios that might occur. 1. You have a key that you know belongs to a house and ...
omar7439's user avatar
15 votes
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How reassuring is 64-bit (in)security?

In Feb 2017, CWI and Google announced SHAttered hash collision attack on SHA1, which took $2^{63.1}$ work estimated 6500 CPU years, to achieve. Therefore, 64-bit should be considered now an insecurity....
DannyNiu's user avatar
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What are the rules for using AES-GCM correctly?

When using AES-GCM I know that I am supposed to use a new initialization vector every time I call the AES-GCM algorithm with the same key. What are other rules must be followed to use AES-GCM ...
ams's user avatar
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12 votes
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What is a multi-target attack?

What exactly is a multi-target attack? How does the attack work on different cryptographic schemes (block ciphers, hash functions, elliptic curves)? How can it be avoided?
Conrado's user avatar
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9 votes
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Security levels in NIST Post-quantum project: e.g. AES-128 vs SHA-256

In an article about NIST Post-quantum Standardization project I read about the security criteria of the proposed schemes and there was this table (Level I lowest security, level V highest): Level I: ...
gorte's user avatar
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Good layperson analogy for password and encryption keys

NOTE: QUESTION UPDATED. SEE BOTTOM OF THIS POST. I'm writing something where I need to make someone come across as though they know cryptography. I don't know enough, but as cryptography plays only a ...
Nicola's user avatar
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Why does NIST want 112-bit security from 128-bit key size for lightweight cryptography?

In NIST's Submission Requirements and Evaluation Criteria for the Lightweight Cryptography Standardization Process document it is stated that: 3.1 AEAD (Authenticated Encryption with Associated Data) ...
kelalaka's user avatar
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Why GCM operation mode with AES-128 is recomended and can we use AES-192 and AES-256 with GCM?

It happens that on the internet I often find that AES encryption should use a 128-bit key only if it is used in conjunction with the GCM mode of operation. Why only with 128-bit keys? What happens ...
user avatar
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5 answers

Is it theoretically possible to create an unbreakable cipher?

I know this question might sound strange, but is it theoretically possible to create an unbreakable cipher if we don't consider bruteforce? Some of us believe that it is possible to create ciphers and ...
Evan Su's user avatar
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When is a cipher considered broken?

We've all read how some people claim AES is broken because there was supposedly a way to get the plain text from a cipher text faster than brute-force. But is this the definition? Is a cipher broken ...
Vincent's user avatar
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