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CBC-MAC Padding weaknesses

I'm trying to wrap my head around how different padding methods affect the strength of CBC-MAC's. Suppose a message is split into different blocks, m1, m2, m3 etc. and the last block is padded with 0'...
sharkyxy's user avatar
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For TLS AES_CCM mode how does CBC_MAC work when the message length is not aligned to block size?

Even after goign through lot of specs I failed to understand how CBC-MAC works, specifically in case we have message not aligned to 16 bytes. Are there any padding bytes?
Elena Gurevich's user avatar
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NRPAD and FPAD padding schemes (Korean Seed?)

I've got an API spec that specifies NRPAD and FPAD as possible padding schemes. I see these being used together with the Korean SEED algorithm. The SEED specification however is void of any padding ...
Maarten Bodewes's user avatar
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