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Encrypting the nonce in AES-CCM

I'm working on a network where nodes communicate using AES-CCM encryption, within a context of tight bandwidth limitations, making every bit count. The setup uses a nonce that combines a 16-bit node ...
byte-carlton's user avatar
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AES-CCM replay attack and nonce

My wireless sensor nodes and gateway application use timestamps as nonces and guarantee that different messages use different nonces so that security is not compromised. If the gateway does not ...
hcglitte's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

What is the purpose of the "Explicit Nonce" in TLS for AES-GCM and AES-CCM?

TLS uses an explicit (secret) 32-bit nonce in combination with the 64-bit sequence number to create the IV for AES-GCM and the nonce for AES-CCM. However, I wonder why TLS needs the explicit nonce. In ...
budderick's user avatar
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Picking a nonce in the context of CCM (CTR with CBC-MAC) mode

After having read the RFC 3610: Counter with CBC-MAC (CCM) and the Wikipedia article on CTR mode, I'm not sure how a nonce should be picked. The RFC says: A nonce N of 15-L octets. Within the scope ...
Sebi's user avatar
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Unique GCM/CCM initial counters without recipient side message counters

I am implementing the encryption layer for a communication protocol. The bulk encryption method used is either AES-CCM or AES-GCM. Due to implementation details, encryption of packets is usually, but ...
Henrick Hellström's user avatar