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Questions tagged [commutative-encryption]

A commutative encryption system allows a message encrypted with two different keys to be decrypted using the keys in either order.

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9 votes
5 answers

Software implementation of a commutative cipher?

I've got an application (detailed below) that calls for the use of a cipher that is commutative. I've been doing some googling & reading, and there are two algorithms that seem to get mentioned ...
Roy Pardee's user avatar
20 votes
3 answers

Are there any secure commutative ciphers?

This answer lists two commutative cipher algorithms - Pohlig-Hellman and SRA. However, they don't appear to be too secure. My question is, here there any commutative ciphers out there that are secure ...
ThePiachu's user avatar
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13 votes
1 answer

Is Pohlig-Hellman Cipher the only option?

I am looking for a cipher which would allow something like this: E(E(M, a), b) = E(M, ab), where a and b are encryption keys, and ab is a combination of the keys that is impractical to separate into a ...
irakliy's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

Is there an encryption method where the order of decryption is irrelevant to the order of encryption?

With most encryption methods, if a message is encrypted first using key $k_1$ and then using $k_2$, to decrypt it you have to use first $k_2$ and then $k_1$. I was wondering if there are any ...
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3 votes
1 answer

Can we decrypt in this order when the message is encrypted twice?

If we encrypt a message twice with symmetric key $k_1$ first and then $k_2$ like $E_{k2}\{E_{k1}\{m\}\}$ , ideally we should decrypt with $k_2$ first and then $k_1$ but is it possible to decrypt with $...
sashank's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Commutative homomorphic encryption for zero-knowledge transfers

I am trying to design a scheme that would allow the following: Alice has a number $a$ which she wants to keep secret Bob has a number $b$ which he wants to keep secret Alice can "transfer" a number ...
irakliy's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

How can Alice enable Bob to look-up values in a private map

I think this problem is similar to private set intersection, yet distinct in a way where: Alice has an extensive Mapping of say id to name id1 -> John Doe id2 -> Jane Doe id3 -> Edgar Poe ...
zetaprime's user avatar
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0 answers

Information sharing using interactive zero-knowledge system

I am trying to build a system that would allow information sharing in a kind of zero-knowledge way. Here is the set up: Let's say there is a trusted third party that has Alice's sensitive info M (e.g....
irakliy's user avatar
  • 989
14 votes
1 answer

Can a commutative block cipher be indistinguishable from a random one, assuming a random permutation of keyspace?

Define a commutative block cipher with keyspace the finite set $K$, and message space the finite set $S$, to be an application $$\begin{align} E:K\times S&\mapsto S\\ (k,x)&\mapsto E(k,x)\text{...
fgrieu's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Can a commutative block cipher be indistinguishable from a random permutation, for fixed key?

Define a commutative block cipher with keyspace the finite set $K$, and data space the finite set $S$, to be an application $$\begin{align} E:K\times S&\mapsto S\\ (k,x)&\mapsto E(k,x)\text{ ...
fgrieu's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

2way cryptography

Imagine Alice sending Bob a message. They act like this: Alice encrypts a message with her key and sends it to Bob. Bob encrypts the message again with his key and sends it back to Alice. Alice ...
christostz's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Is there a system where multiple people can encrypt a message and then decrypt it in any order? [duplicate]

For example, A encrypts a message. B encrypts that. C encrypts that. Then B decrypts, followed by A then C. Are there systems that allow this? Does such a property have a name?
user40176's user avatar
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