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79 votes
2 answers

What is safer: ZipCrypto or AES-256?

Like in title: which one of these encryption methods (ZipCrypto, AES-256) is more secure and why? I am asking about it because I'd like to know which should be preferred when compressing files with ...
alex's user avatar
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4 votes
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AES-128 as compression function in Merkle-Damgard construction

Using a compression function $f : A × A → A$. A basic version given by: $W_0 = IV$ $W_1 = f(W_0, m_1)$ $W_2 = f(W_1, m_2)$ ... $W_n = f(W_{n-1}, m_n)$ $W_n$ is the output of the hash function, $...
Hughtwo's user avatar
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1 answer

WinZip AE-2 for small files and AE-1 for larger - how small/how large for each?

I'm adding password protection/encryption support to a Python package that makes ZIP files ( I'm opting to not add ZipCrypto support, but instead add WinZip-...
Michal Charemza's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Is it safe to use GZIP to avoid padding related attacks

I am designing a library that supports encrypting some in-memory data using AES in CBC mode. Now I need a padding but it seemed to me that Apple's CommonCrypto library and OpenSSL have different ...
Maxthon Chan's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Keystream reuse in AES-256 in AE-2 encrypted ZIPs

Is keystream reuse a meaningful concern in AES-256 encrypted ZIP files that adhere to the AE-2 spec? From “Attacking and Repairing the WinZip Encryption Scheme” by Tadayoshi Kohno when using 256-bit ...
Michal Charemza's user avatar
1 vote
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Is it possible to recover password having ZIP/AES file and unpacked file?

Is it possible to recover password having ZIP/AES file and unpacked file? Or unpack other files with the same password?
flig's user avatar
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Compressing AES [duplicate]

I have this program which encrypts multiple files using AES then compress it using LZO into one single file. The problem is that the final file is almost equal in size than all the files which means ...
Shockwave's user avatar