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Questions tagged [differential-analysis]

Differential cryptanalysis is a form of cryptanalysis which studies cryptographic algorithms by observing how differences in input affect differences in output.

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1 answer

How can Blowfish be resistant against differential cryptanalysis if it doesn't have S-boxes tuned for that?

The S-boxes used in DES were carefully tuned for resistance against differential cryptanalysis, a technique not known to the public at that time but known to designers of DES. It was later discovered ...
juhist's user avatar
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Is there any notion of key-recovery attacks security (perhaphs using games) that is equivalent to IND-CPA?

I am talking about Symmetric Cryptography only in the following. We know that Semantic Security (in the presence of eavesdropper) implies security against message recovery (in the presence of ...
Alessio Proietti's user avatar
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New Impossible Differential Attacks on AES reduce time complexity

I am interested in the following snippet from the paper New Impossible Differential Attacks on AES. Analysis of Steps 3–4 of the 7-Round Attack in the 8-Round Attack The most time consuming steps of ...
can balıkçı's user avatar
3 votes
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improved impossible differential crpytanalysis of 6-round rijndael

I'm studying the paper: "Improved Impossible Differential Cryptanalysis of Rijndael and Crypton". I've got two questions: Please explain the calculation performed for step 5? Step 4 ...
can balıkçı's user avatar
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Can a differential attack on FEAL4 yield multiple valid keys?

For my version of this attack I used the FEAL4 version depicted here and in the book "Applied Cryptanalysis Breaking Ciphers in the Real World -- Mark ...
curious_cryptocopter's user avatar
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Differential uniformity of vectorial Boolean function

What could we say about differential uniformity of (a vectorial Boolean function) $F = f+g \pmod 2$ (i.e. XOR) in terms of differential uniformity of $f$ and $g$?
Ranit Dutta's user avatar
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Heys Differential Cryptanalysis Question

I'm wondering if anyone is aware of the best input difference to input into the system Heys outlines in his paper ( to achieve a high probability ...
user115598's user avatar
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How to estimate the bias of linear cryptanalysis given the input and output masks

Assume the input linear mask is $a$, and output mask is $b$,for a block cipher $F$ with $r$ round,How to accurately and quickly estimate the bias of linear cryptanalysis? which is \begin{equation*} ...
HelloSpace's user avatar
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Midori block cipher design: importance of $S_b$ as the S-box

With a use of almost MDS the Midori cipher provides a good diffusion. But why $S_b$ is used as S-box and what is its actual importance?
Ranit's user avatar
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Differential cryptanalysis of modes of operation

It is not quite difficult to understand the idea of differential cryptanalysis applied to a standalone block cipher. The method investigates, how differences of plaintext evolve while going through ...
Georgii Firsov's user avatar
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How to evaluate the minimum complexity of the key recovery when the success probability p is given?

Since the practical security of a symmetric-key primitive is determined by evaluating its resistance against an almost exhaustive list of known cryptanalytic techniques. My problem is that could we ...
HelloSpace's user avatar
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Writing a specific position of AES state in a specific round in terms of Key bytes

Suppose we manipulate the zeroth byte of AES state after the 9th round ShiftRow operation and we want to see its effect on the ciphertext. The propagation of the error effect is demonstrated in the ...
Mohammadsadeq Borjiyan's user avatar
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Cryptanalyzing a hash compression function

I'm designing a hash function which uses a double-tree construction and a compression function $c(s,A,B,C,a)$ ($s$ and $a$ may be omitted when there's only one of them) where $s$ is a set of three ...
Pierre Abbat's user avatar
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What are the RCons for mini-AES if you want to encrypt more than 2 rounds?

I'm implementing impossible differential cryptanalysis on mini-AES using Raphael phan's paper. I've coded mini-AES using Raphael phan's first paper on the structure of mini-AES, where he only mentions ...
siba36's user avatar
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Where did the number of initial plaintexts required for impossible cryptanalysis on Mini-AES came from?

I'm implementing impossible differential cryptanalysis on AES and I've started with implementing it on mini-AES to fully understand the process using R.Phan's paper as a reference. But I don't ...
siba36's user avatar
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Differential trails in differential cryptanalysis

From section 4.4 of this book I'm confused on how the ...
Simon Balfe's user avatar
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how to build the plaintext structure for impossible differential cryptanaysis on IDEA?

I'm trying to implement impossible differential cryptanalysis on 3.5 round IDEA using Miss in the Middle Attack on IDEA and Khufu paper as a reference and I'm stuck on the first two steps of the ...
siba36's user avatar
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2 answers

Best complexity of guessing difference of AES-256 outputs

Suppose we have two plaintexts $m_1$ and $m_2$ such a way that $|m_1| = |m_2| = 128 $ and these two plaintexts are different just in one bit. Now suppose we know the value of $c_1 = AES_{k}(m_1)$($|k|...
abbas's user avatar
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1 answer

how to build textset for Impossible Differential Cryptanalysis on IDEA?

I'm implementing impossible differential cryptanalysis on 3.5 round IDEA using the methods in "Miss in the middle attack on IDEA and Khufu" paper. In the first step, I need to provide $2^{32}...
siba36's user avatar
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What's the average time to generate IDEA pairs?

I'm trying to implement impossible differential cryptanalysis on IDEA cipher based on the Miss in the Middle Attacks on IDEA and Khufu, I've started by implementing the cryptanalysis on 3.5-Round IDEA ...
siba36's user avatar
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Are there any papers talking about generating the pairs used in differential cryptanalysis or impossible differential Cryptanlysis?

I'm trying to implement impossible differential cryptanalysis on IDEA cipher based on the Miss in the middle attack on IDEA and Khufu paper. I'm trying to implement the attack on 3.5-Round IDEA and I ...
siba36's user avatar
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Differential cryptanalysis - how to extend the attack to rounds before the last?

Suppose that we have a block cipher such that the last round of the cipher depends on half of the key and the penultimate round uses the other half. Suppose also that I attacked the last round using ...
xhuliano's user avatar
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Why does differential cryptanalysis always start from the last round?

Suppose we are working with a cipher with the same general structure as AES. I want to attack the cipher in the following way: suppose that the differential holds only for the first round (much higher ...
xhuliano's user avatar
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differential diffusion property of addition in SPECK cipher

I'm studying Impossible Differential Cryptanalysis of SPECK paper and I'm having trouble understanding the differential diffusion property of addition in page 19 which is as follows: can someone ...
siba36's user avatar
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2 answers

Breaking the Even-Mansour Cipher with Quantum Period Finding: Probability of unwanted collision

The paper Breaking Symmetric Cryptosystems using Quantum Period Finding shows how to break the Even-Mansour Cipher using Simon's algorithm. The Even-Mansour uses two keys $k_1, k_2$ and a random ...
cryptobeginner's user avatar
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What is a differential attack on a hash function? How would one attack a SHA algorithm and what would achieve?

Currently, I have been assigned to attack a reduced version of SHA-1. What are we trying to achieve? How do we attack it?
Drilon Aliu's user avatar
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Differential Privacy with Outliers

To use the Laplace mechanism, we have to get the global sensitivity of a query function. What do we do in the case where there is one huge outlier(or multiple outliers) in the dataset such that the ...
Tiana Johnson's user avatar
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Statistical Cryptanalysis. Would one "reverse" weak key schedule algorithms or peel off each one of internal rounds?

The context is iterated ciphers. Regarding Differential and Linear Cryptanalysis, the methods seem to make a cryptanalyst able to do an educated guess on a partial subkey (e.g. bits from the last ...
Alessio Proietti's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How do we find differentials in differential cryptanalysis when we don't the details about the S-boxes

I m new to cryptanalysis and trying to understand differential cryptanalysis. I have read the paper by Howard M. Heys. I understood the concept of differentials but I m not able to understand how to ...
Praneeth Chandra's user avatar
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Differential analysis of SPN

Reference : Tutorial by HM Heys If we find a differential trail that holds with some non negligible probability for n-1 rounds for a n rounds SPN structure, then we can recover some of the bits of the ...
Itsy's user avatar
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How Differential Cryptanalysis of DES work?

I have been studying the DC of DES. As a beginner, I completed the general structure of DES and began DC. I understand the idea of attack, how to find different characteristics for differential ...
Ekin's user avatar
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1 answer

Sensitivy Maximization RAPPOR (Local Differential Privacy)

Hi I have a doubt at the end of the proof of the RAPPOR Algorithm, when they say the sensitivity is maximized when $b'_{h+1}=b'_{h+2}=...=b'_{2h}=1$ and $b'_{1}=b'_{2}=...=b'_{h}=0$. I don't ...
Miguel Gutierrez's user avatar
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Targeting integer number of right pair in differential attacks

As we know, purpose of attackers is finding some high probable differential characteristics in differential cryptanalysis. Then they construct some plaintext structures, plaintext pool and expect some ...
NB_1907's user avatar
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Complexity of Boomerang Attack on COCONUT98

I am trying to understand the paper The Boomerang Attack from David Wagner. On page 162 about complexity of boomerang attack the paper says that: The attack requires $8 \cdot 2 \cdot 32 \cdot 2^{32} ...
user738585's user avatar
3 votes
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What are "unspecified" differentials in a differential characteristic?

I've been studying many papers on differential cryptanalysis and I see that in the published differential characteristics, such as in the appendices of [1], [2] and [3], some differences are left &...
tcapwasraw's user avatar
3 votes
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How exactly to concatenate two differential trails to form a boomerang disguisher in practice?

I've been reading many papers on boomerang/rectangle attacks. The general strategy is to find two trails for a small number of rounds and then concatenate them to form a longer distinguisher. ...
tcapwasraw's user avatar
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How do we know a single differential/linear trail dominates the others?

I have read the proof of AES's resistance against differential cryptanalysis. In the proof the authors show that there is no single differential trail with prop ratio higher than $2^{-300}$ over 8 ...
Monster's user avatar
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Why the differential cryptanalysis complexity is linear with inverse of the probability while linear cryptanalysis is quadratic with the bias inverse?

I am trying to understand the analysis of the complexity of Differential Cryptanalysis versus the complexity of linear cryptanalysis. In differential cryptanalysis the number of required texts is $\...
sbox's user avatar
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1 answer

Backdoor Designer Key Recovery in LowMC-M

The paper proposed a framework for embedding a malicious backdoor in LowMC cipher, that will later help the designer to recover the secret key in the known-...
Eddy's user avatar
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I cannot get the meaning of "check s-box"

In second lecture of cryptography, we had a lecture "Block cyphers" and teacher gave me permuted array of numbers 1...10 and letters "a"..."f" and asked me to find XOR ...
Moody Lover's user avatar
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Building a 4-bit S-box with a 4-uniform DDT

I am looking for a 4-bit S-box which has only 4s in its difference distribution table (except the top left corner) but I was not able to find one in the literature. Has such an S-box been already ...
Raoul722's user avatar
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Differential attack on repeating pairs of zeros in blocks

Let's consider $5$ types of vulnerabilities in one round of encryption in 128-bit cipher. We got 00 at the beginning of the block (the first two bits are two zeros). We got 00 in the middle of the ...
Tom's user avatar
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Trying to attack specific encryption scheme

Let's consider 128-bit cipher. Now let's consider example keys $k_1$ to $k_{128}$: $k_1$: 10 $k_2$: 1100 $k_3$: 11110000 ... In general every key $k_n$ can be some binary number which is consist of $n$...
Tom's user avatar
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Differential and Linear Cryptanalysis on Random Sbox

Assume that we use the key to perform a uniform permutation to generate a sbox. The literature is rich supporting the statement that a random Sbox can make any cryptographic scheme weaker. I have ...
Radium's user avatar
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Differential-linear attack on DES

Is there any known differential-linear attack on full round DES? I couldn't found any and couldn't work on this due to time restriction.
Ahmet Sakal's user avatar
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(Enhancing Linear-Differential Cryptanalysis - Biham et al.) Diff-Lin Extension Characteristic and Characteristic Probability

I studied Langford and Hellman's Differential-Linear Cryptanalysis and moved on to Biham, Dunkelman and Keller's Enhancing Linear-Differential Cryptanalysis. In the paper, although I've read many ...
Ahmet Sakal's user avatar
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Are the weaknesses of my functions attackable?

I got specific problem with my functions in $128$-bit block cipher. One round of encryption is like that: $input$ $\rightarrow$ $F(k_{i},input)$ $\rightarrow$ reverse block $\rightarrow$ $F(k_{i+1},...
Tom's user avatar
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Are the weaknesses of my s-boxes attackable?

I got specific problem with my s-boxes in $128$-bit block cipher. One round of encryption is like that: input - sbox - reverse block - $sbox^{-1}$ - output Every s-box got specific $128$-bit key. $...
Tom's user avatar
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Improving differential cryptanalysis of a vulnerable cipher

How to avoid differential cryptanalysis attacks when you are inventing new cipher? Let's say you have a $16$-round $128$-bit cipher vulnerable on differential cryptanalysis attacks. Now let's say you ...
Tom's user avatar
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Are these two methods of differential cryptanalysis different?

I'm trying to understand how differential analysis works. I'm reading this and this tutorials, but it looks like they do different things. In the first paper author tells us to bruteforce last round ...
Kirill's user avatar
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