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Questions tagged [diffie-hellman]

The Diffie–Hellman key agreement is an anonymous, non-authenticated key-agreement protocol.

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EC private key check value by ECDH against base point

I am designing a general purpose software security module. One of my requirements is to "describe" a stored key, including a "check" value. The purpose of this "check" ...
Pedro Lamarão's user avatar
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When was EDH key exchange introduced to SSL/TLS?

I'm putting together a talk on the history of SSL/TLS and one detail I can't find info on is when DHE key exchange was introduced. If someone was able to point to an RFC or OpenSSL version that would ...
paj28's user avatar
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Why MDDH is DDH when k in Matrix D is 1?

I am reading a paper Multi-authority ABE for Non-monotonic Access Structures, when the author defines the DDH problem in preliminaries. The definition is I find it is a type of Matrix DDH when $k=1$....
Wang Xingwang's user avatar
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Randomizability of a signature scheme and the DDH problem

I am currently studying the so-called PS-signature and its property of being randomizable. In short, a PS-signature on a message $m$ is a tuple $(h, h^{x+ym}) \in \mathbb{G_1}\times \mathbb{G_1}$, ...
cauchy000's user avatar
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secure channel for sending partial private keys!

In certificateless cryptography, the KGC must ensure that the partial private keys are delivered securely to the correct entities. So my question is how KGC can send these keys secretly? In the other ...
ali alizade's user avatar
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Sending long-term DH public keys via a one-time-use DH key pair

I am developing a hobby project - a secure chatroom system, where I've developed a BigNum arithmetic library and a cryptography library in C from scratch, and coming up with a theoretical scheme that ...
Kevin Stefanov's user avatar
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Consequences of breaking Diffie-Hellman to factoring

According to the answer in What are the consequences of Diffie Hellman problem in P?, it appears we believe Discrete Logarithm and Diffie-Hellman are equivalent problems. We also know if Discrete ...
Turbo's user avatar
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Why using q = (p - 1)/2 for discrete log Diffie-Hellman scalar operations and not p?

As defined in RFC 3526 the prime $p$ and generator $g$ are known. The prime $p$ defined there is a safe prime, which can also be expressed as $p=2q+1$ with $q$ prime. The amount of elements in this ...
ojacomarket's user avatar
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DH Encrypt by XOR

I'm working in the Curve25519 domain (EC curve, 256-bit key size). I have a peer pubkey, and need to send it an encrypted message. For starters we create a "nonce" (ephemeral key), and use ...
valdo's user avatar
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How do I find the order of the subgroup in a Diffie-Hellman key exchange?

I'm implementing the Diffie-Hellman key exchange as specified in RFC 4253 for SSH. Here's an extract from the RFC: The following steps are used to exchange a key. In this, C is the client; S is the ...
Abitofevrything's user avatar
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Proof that Inverse CDH and Square CDH are equivalent

I am trying to prove said equivalence, but when proving SCDH -> ICDH using a reduction, I get stuck since I don't know how to compute $g^{x^2}$ starting from $g^{x^{-1}}$. Suppose exists $A_{ICDH}$ ...
Pietro D'Amico's user avatar
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Is the following Inverse Computational co-Diffie-Hellman problem hard?

Let $\langle g \rangle \stackrel{\Delta}{=} \mathbb{G}$ and $\langle h \rangle \stackrel{\Delta}{=} \mathbb{H}$ be groups of prime order $p$. Given $( p, g, g^\delta, g^{\delta^{-1}}, h, h^\delta )$, ...
honest-but-curious's user avatar
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Safety per bit DHKA and ECDH

I have a project where I compare the classical Diffie Hellman key agreement with its implementation with elliptic curves. Therefore I need a list with the safety per bit. Does anyone know where I can ...
anonym's user avatar
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Is the MITM protection provided by BLE LESC passkey mechanism bidirectional?

I'm trying to understand whether the passkey mechanism described in BLE LESC pairing provides bidirectional MITM protection. As far as I understand, A and B will generate the same shared secret using ...
cheapjuice's user avatar
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diffie hellman key exchange compared with ECDH [closed]

I have to write a paper about the Diffie Hellman key agreement. I want to focus on the implementation with elliptic curves and comparing the safety for selected attacks such as Pollards Rho and ...
anonym's user avatar
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How some auxiliary information influence the CDH assumption?

I am proposing a multi-party group-key agreement protocol in my paper, which can be seen as an extension of the classic Diffie Hellman bipartite group key agreement. However, how to formalize the ...
glietwp's user avatar
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Is shared secret and SKEYID are same in the IPSec?

I want to know that, is shared secret and SKEYID are same in the IPSec? I knew that from SKEYID, three further keys are generated (derivative, authentication and encryption). But from where this ...
Tech Learner's user avatar
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How do I solve a discrete log using pen paper for exam without bruteforcing it?

I have my Network Security finals. In elgamal cryptosystem, I am often encountering these equations like this 3 = (10^XA) mod 19 now everywhere I am finding only ...
Pragyan's user avatar
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Why does it take longer to generate suitably large primes for Diffie-Hellman key exchange as opposed to for RSA encryption / decryption?

For RSA, we need two primes p and q to define N = pq. We will only look how long it takes to generate a prime for p because the process is similar for q. From my lecture slides, my professor states ...
nasiedlak's user avatar
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Is it possible to use Diffie-Hellman protocol for symmetric group?

I was asked this question during one of my first cryptography classes, and I'm not sure if I understand it correctly. To begin, I know that after using the Diffie-Hellman protocol (which itself is ...
karolajoj_PL's user avatar
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What's the difference between these two attacks?(Lim Lee and Sub group) I am a beginner can someone explain in detail?

I am reading collin boyd textbook to learn MTI key agreement and various attacks on them . I encountered two such attacks called Small sub group attack and Lim-Lee attack where in Small sub group ...
whatisLimlee's user avatar
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Sending public key trough untrusted server

I am developing end-to-end encrypted chat system (which is open-source). When I want to give other client my public key, I need to send it trough server, right? I want to make sure no one can edit the ...
ENGO_150's user avatar
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Curve448 ECC parameters for use with OpenSSL

I need to be able to deterministically generate (and re-generate) private-public ECC key pairs curve448 for ECDH from human-friendly passphrases (not necessarily human-memorable, just easy to type in),...
Logan R. Kearsley's user avatar
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On a diffie hellman related oracle

Given an oracle that can compute $g^{x^{-1}}\bmod p$ from $g^x\bmod p$ is it possible to compute $g^{x^2}\bmod p$ in polynomial time ($p$ is a prime and $g$ generates the multiplicative group modulo $...
Turbo's user avatar
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A simple guide to Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange including the what, the how and the why

I'm tired of going online looking for a simple explanation of how the Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange works. Many guides I've found attempt to explain it using anything from "paint" to massive ...
suchislife's user avatar
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App for Secure delivery of the gray images using AES, DH, DSA - Help in implemeting the system structure

I have this uni project that I have to implement in code: "App for Secure delivery of the gray images, encryption-decryption with AES in OFB mode + secret key delivery using Merkle–Hellman ...
Mustafa Shama's user avatar
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Can DH be used for privacy-preserving proof of possession?

First time question poster so I hope the below is clear enough :). Problem summary: Can a Holder and Verifier safely use ECDH for a Challenge-Response protocol where: the Holder proves possession and ...
Peter Altmann's user avatar
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TLS 1.3 digital certificates and ephemeral Diffie Hellman

There is a lot of confusing information out there regarding the role of digital certificates and the use of Ephimeral Diffie Hellman in how TLS 1.3 operates. Would it be correct to state that the the ...
termcap's user avatar
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Inquiries on Strong Diffie-Hellman assumption

According to the SDH assumption, it is hard for an adversary to output a pair $(c,g_1^{\frac{1}{c+\alpha}})$ given a $q+2$ tuple ($g_1$,$g_2$,$g_2^{\alpha}$, ...,$g_2^{{\alpha}^q}$) Now, consider $g_1$...
Mahmoud Abdelsatar's user avatar
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Secure key exchange for custom USB device

I'm learning various cryptography protocols and use cases and since I'm developing a USB device and PC application, it would be nice to use encrypted communication. I studied TLS 1.2 key exchange but ...
unalignedmemoryaccess's user avatar
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One group element hybrid encryption for El Gamal

I am really curious about this one problem 10.12 from Katz/Lindell's book. It goes as follows: I am quite sure we can assume that $\textsf{Enc}_k(m) \in \mathbb{G}$, as the authors devoted the whole ...
Michael Hammer's user avatar
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Use of CertificateVerify in TLS_DH_RSA with client authentication?

Does anyone know if CertificateVerify is sent in TLS_DH_RSA with client authentication? Does anyone know the RFC or could explain the meaning of it? With TLS_RSA, a ...
user946822's user avatar
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Signed vs unsigned prekeys

I am trying to understand the signal protocol better. I spend some time trying to understand their codebase (the backend is written in java). The signal protocol indicates that the user has to upload ...
Farhan Syedain's user avatar
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Is this self algorithm made private key for Diffie-Hellman key exchange secure

i created a function in javascript that creates my a for the DH exchange like this: ...
Moritz Fesseler's user avatar
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Similar to Diffie Hellman for BLS in asymmetric pairing?

I had asked one question before One-More Computational Diffie-Hellman in asymmetric pairing groups and have not received answer. I am posing a supplementary question now that I just realized I don't ...
Manish Adhikari's user avatar
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Generating a new curve using an existing curve and new prime

Can you take a curve equation from and a large safe prime from existing DH parameters (for example openssl dhparam 9000), combine them, ...
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Is any safe prime sufficient for a secure DH key exchange?

There are some very large safe primes listed here: Would using any of them result in a secure DH construction? Generator is 2. The exponent ...
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Tor Key Exchange Client - Middle Node

I am currently exploring the workings of the Tor network, specifically how the Diffie-Hellman (DH) key exchange protocol is employed to establish shared secret keys between the client and each relay ...
Elian's user avatar
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which DH protocol is safer in communication with given condition?

I am trying to understand some concepts such as DH problem and its variants. I have the following question from the book I read. (note that I translated the question from my language to english) ...
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Are Safe and Sophie Germain primes evenly distributed?

Do Safe and Sophie Germain primes maintain a relatively stable distribution as numbers get larger, or do they become rarified beyond a predictable value? This is important in one area of triangular ...
Zekchelovek's user avatar
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Distinguishing between two DDH-like tuples

Given a group generator $g$ (in a group where DDH is hard). Let $X_1=g^{x_1}$ and $X_2=g^{x_2}$ be two public elements, where $x_1$ and $x_2$ are selected randomly and kept secret. Consider a game ...
Doron's user avatar
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Can the byte overhead of an ECDH based hybrid cryptosystem be reduced by encoding data in ephemeral key?

Motivation I have a use case that involves sending small (25-50 byte) encrypted messages over a very constrained channel. Many senders send public key encrypted messages to other receivers. Anonymity (...
Richard Thiessen's user avatar
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DHKE: Why using safe prime gives us "safe" subgroups?

I come from the question here: Safe primes subgroup in Diffie–Hellman key exchange Where the accepted answer states that there are only 4 possible outcomes for the order of a subgroup when using a ...
Ymi's user avatar
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What is the difference between Post-Compromise Security and Backward Security?

Post-Compromise Security and Backward Security seem to mean that the attacker has obtained the communication key between two parties or groups in the current state, but cannot further obtain ...
Guardzhan's user avatar
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Separation between CDH and DDH

Do there exist cryptographic primitives that have proved that they cannot be constructed from CDH assumption only but can from DDH assumption? More generally, do there exist cryptographic primitives ...
misosiru's user avatar
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How often do Double ratchet in Signal protocol update DH ratchet key

I'm trying to understand the specification behind doubleratchet algorithm, item 2.4. Double Ratchet. According to wiki: A client renews session key material in interaction with the remote peer using ...
pacman's user avatar
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How does the Legendre symbol reveal if $g^a$ is odd or even for Finite Field Diffie-Hellman

According to wikipedia(markdown is striped below) for Decisional Diffie–Hellman assumption: the DDH assumption does not hold in the multiplicative group $Z(p)$, where $p$ is prime. This is because if ...
pacman's user avatar
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Safe primes subgroup in Diffie–Hellman key exchange

I'm trying to understand how the safe primes numbers are used in Diffie–Hellman key exchange. According to wiki: The order of G should have a large prime factor to prevent use of the Pohlig–Hellman ...
pacman's user avatar
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Could ECDH-OPRF-PSI support private information retrieval?

Alice:has $x=(x_1,x_2,...x_m)$ Bob: has $(y_1,m_1),...,(y_n,m_n)$ For this, Alice wants to get some message from Bob, but does not want bob to know which one she gets Bob generate random $a \in Z_q$,$...
haoxuan li's user avatar
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Efficiently detect that a ciphertext is meant for Alice

Assume we have the situation that Alice is receiving somewhere in the magnitude of 1_000_000 encrypted messages, whereby a small number (n<100 for 99% of cases) of these messages are meant for her. ...
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