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Could the "100 Prisoners Problem" strategy help find a private key from a public key in elliptic curve cryptography?

In elliptic curve cryptography (ECC), repeatedly adding the generator point G to itself essentially forms a long cycle, with the length of the cycle being equal to the order of the curve (the total ...
Sigmund Kreuzer's user avatar
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Is generating random blake256 hashes until packed points is on the curve, a safe algorithm to avoid the discrete log between the generated points?

I know there’re many questions that ask how to safely HashToCurve, but I want to know if the method I found in an actual implementation is secured against the ...
user2284570's user avatar
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Getting the slope of a public key given its x and y coordinates

Is it possible to get the slope of a public key given its $x$ and $y$ coordinates? Since all the ECC calculations come from geometry, I thought this calculation might be possible.
Dev Tenji's user avatar
2 votes
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Not understanding elliptic curve scalar multiplication to produce Ethereum address

This is the equation Public key = Private key * G Here, ...
Asif Iqbal's user avatar
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Double- and -add algorithm

I am currently doing the elliptic curves and I'm stuck for 8 hours without finding solutions. I under stand the process of double and add but don't know how to obtain 5 * 8P = 4OP =11 P. 11 P was in ...
Stefan's user avatar
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Trouble detecting cyclic group order crossovers in SECP256K1

There's a problem in detecting whether the sum of public key addition has crossed the cyclic group order boundary For this example, think of public keys $Pub$ as private keys $Priv$, (private scalars),...
Maltoon Yezi's user avatar
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Is it possible to get the negative point with −x in that version of the Pedersen hash over the BaybyJubJub curve?

The Pedersen hash is a low constraints friendly hash for Zk-Snarks. Unlike many algorithms, the Pedersen hash returns a point P = (x,y) on a curve as a hash. ...
user2284570's user avatar
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Pedersen Hash : when truncating the hash to keep only the X coordinate, is it possible to compute a collision when the Babyjubjub curve is used?

The Pedersen hash is a low constraints friendly hash for Zk-Snarks. Unlike many algorithms, the Pedersen hash returns a point P = (x,y) on a curve as a hash. ...
user2284570's user avatar
2 votes
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Best Known Attacks on Discrete Logarithm in Generic Groups

This is a followup to my recent question Discrete Logarithm Challenges and Records. I am interested in confirming my understandings from the answer to that question, stated below: For a discrete ...
kodlu's user avatar
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How the mimc bug from circomlib was safely exploited to fake the merkle root in the witness in practice?

Several years ago, there was an unenforced constraint on verification in the cirmcomlib library : a tool for building projects using ZsNarks. The error allowed to forge cryptographic nullifiers/proofs ...
user2284570's user avatar
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(Non)security of algebraically derived EC keys

I recently had a situation where I needed to derive a secondary Curve25519 private key from an existing one programmatically. The obvious solution was to use a KDF, but I wondered at the time about ...
R.. GitHub STOP HELPING ICE's user avatar
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Verify that a point belongs to secp256r1

I need to verify that the point in this public key ...
Anonymous's user avatar
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How to determine secp256r1 or secp256k1 is used on the web sites

I'm pretty new at Cryptography (and at Cryptanalysis), but I went to the website Elliptic to try to discover the elliptic curve they use, and I found they use ECDP 256. So, by SEC2 I discovered they ...
Anonymous's user avatar
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Excluding specific factors for Pohlig-Hellman

I want to use Pohlig-Hellman and BSGS to solve the discrete log of an Elliptic Curve which has a composite order generator. The ...
Woodstock's user avatar
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Symmetric versus asymmetric self encryption

I can encrypt my files with a symmetric encryption algorithm like AES, or with an asymmetric encryption algorithm like RSA or ECC (I encrypt my files with my own public key). No communication is ...
user77251's user avatar
7 votes
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Which is the smallest safe elliptic curve (bit-length)?

At some elliptic curves are listed which passed certain security tests. The smallest bit-length of a safe curve listed there is 221 bits. At wiki page discrete logarithm ...
J. Doe's user avatar
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Can we retrieve his private key using his public key in ECC?

A paper wallet is the name given to an obsolete and unsafe method of storing bitcoin which was popular between 2011 and 2016. It works by having a single private key and bitcoin address, being printed ...
Chetan Warke's user avatar
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Is this the right way to implement ElGamal scheme over Elliptic Curves over prime field? [duplicate]

I'm fairly new to Cryptography, especially elliptic curves in general. I learned to do Point Multiplication, Scalar Multiplication and also programmatically implemented them. But I was trying to do ...
Aravind A's user avatar
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14 votes
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Is it safe to reuse a ECDSA nonce for two signatures if the public keys are different?

We denote the s value of an ECDSA signature $(r, s)$ on a message $m$ as: $s=\frac{H(m)+xr}{k}$ Assume two ECDSA signatures sharing the same nonce $(r, s_1) , (r, s_2)$ on two messages $m_1, m_2$, ...
Ethan Heilman's user avatar
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Security of an Elliptic Curve Public Key with a "Small" x-coordinate

Consider an elliptic curve over a finite field $F_p$ with $p$ prime and order $n$. Let $Q$ be a generator for the field. Given a public key point $P = aQ$, suppose we have an algorithm that finds an ...
Adam's user avatar
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How sensitive to change are elliptic curve formulae In layman's terms?

Take for example a curve from a recent question such as #25519:- $$y^2 = x^3 + 486662x^2 + x$$ It's considered "safe". What are are the implications of amending it very slightly to:- $$y^2 = x^3 + ...
Paul Uszak's user avatar
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Preserving location privacy

What are cryptographic techniques that could be used so that if I wanna to enable a server to send message to certain nodes in a network with preserving the privacy location for them ??
Mohamed's user avatar
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Understanding the q-SDH Problem (on elliptic curves)

I have some troubles in understanding the q-SDH problem. The discrete logarithm problem states the following. Given a point P of order on an elliptic curve and a point Q on the same curve. It is hard ...
null's user avatar
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What is the difference between Elliptic curves and Hyper-elliptic curves in terms of security? [duplicate]

What is the difference between Elliptic curves and Hyperelliptic curves in terms of security? I am relatively new to cryptography and have heard a great deal more about Elliptic curves than ...
Fathima Abdur Rahman's user avatar
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How effective is quantum computing against elliptic curve cryptography?

I've been reading the Wikipedia page on Elliptic-Curve Cryptography and I came across the following. in August 2015, the NSA announced that it plans to replace Suite B with a new cipher suite due ...
Fathima Abdur Rahman's user avatar
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What are the properties of secure Elliptic Curves?

I have heard about the standard elliptic curves called NIST curves. What are the properties of such cryptographically secure elliptic curves? Are they standardized according to certain protocols? Also,...
Fathima Abdur Rahman's user avatar
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Encrypt using ECDH with two different EC public keys, minimizing payload size

Let's say Alice has the private EC keys $a$ and $b$, with a base point of prime order $G$. Alice computes the corresponding public keys $A = aG$ and $B = bG$, and sends them to Bob. Bob now wants to ...
esneider's user avatar
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Elliptic curve representation

According to this page, Edward's curve point doubling can be represented in a different way by assuming $c=1$ and $d = r^2$. It then says we can represent $x y$ as $Y Z$ satisfying $r\cdot y = \frac ...
ponzi34's user avatar
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Why do elliptic curves require fewer bits for the same security level?

I'm studying the basics of cryptography and I didn't understand why elliptic curves use fewer bits. For example, finite-field Diffie-Hellman needs at least 1024 bit and it's a DLP, but elliptic ...
Ofey's user avatar
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Knowing interval of discrete log for elliptic curve

Are there any special attacks I can apply if I know the upper bound for $n$ (meaning $0 \le n \le \text{Upper Bound}$) in the equation $Q = nP$, where $P$ is the base point and I'm trying to solve for ...
user45697's user avatar
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Pollard's Lambda algorithm ecdlp with Pohlig Hellman

I'm trying to solve the ECDLP problem given an elliptic curve defined over a prime field. This prime is large (about 256 bits). I managed to factor the order of the curve, and most of the prime ...
user45694's user avatar
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Index calculus over elliptic curve over function field

According to my understanding there are some pretty solid seeming roadblocks to carrying out an index calculus on an elliptic curve over a finite field. The general strategy is to take points over $E(\...
rondo9's user avatar
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Problems when using PBKDF2 to create an ECDSA private key from a password?

System based on, e.g.: PBKDF2, ECDSA and authenticator's random challenges. Key derived from a password would be ECDSA's private key used to sign random challenges. Is password brute force the only ...
dnmx's user avatar
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Is there any way to test how secure is a new cryptosystem? [closed]

I have investigated Elliptic Curves and after that I have designed a cryptosystem using this technique. How can I test the safety of my scheme compared to another cryptosystems that use factoring such ...
MoebiusByDefault's user avatar
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Message Expansion / Encryption Blowup Factor / Ciphertext Expansion of ECC

In order to complete the following table with asymptotic times and message expansions, $\quad \quad \quad \quad \quad \quad \quad \quad \quad$ RSA $\quad$ McEliece $\quad$ ECC Encryption Speed $\...
Leafar's user avatar
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Found weil pairing. Index Calculus method on the results of weil pairing

Consider Elliptic curve with p = 59, A = 1, B= 0, P = (25,30) and Q=(35,31). So I tried to solve this using MOV attack. The torsion point for them E[5] is R(-25,30i) where is sqroot -1 Chosen two ...
Rashmi's user avatar
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Backdoor in NIST elliptic curves

Let $E$ be an elliptic curve defined over a finite field $F_q$ with prime order $n$ and $P,Q \in E$ and $k$ be private key such that $kP=Q$. Since $n$ is prime, $E$ is isomorphic to $Z_n$. Suppose $\...
Meysam Ghahramani's user avatar
20 votes
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Does Curve25519 only provide 112 bit security?

In a recent mail on the IETF CFRG mailing list it was claimed that: The (currently missing) security considerations (or somewhere) should describe why Curve25519 is ok when used in contexts where ...
SEJPM's user avatar
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Is cryptanalysis of CTB-Locker really impossible?

It seems that CTB-Locker make a lot of victims nowadays, and yet, the full encryption scheme of it is now publicly known [1,2]. Would any of you could find a weakness to exploit in this encryption ...
perror's user avatar
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Polynomial division hardware implementation

I am beginning the implementation of the polynomial binary division algorithm now as I understood i will be checking the MSB bit if 1 to XOR and shift the sum if 0 i will only shift. What I am not ...
user3368764's user avatar
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Polynomial Inversion over Galois Field

Hello guys I am looking to calculate the Inverse of a given polynomial in Galois field I have found the little Fermat's algorithm and the Itoh-Tsujii I am getting a bit confused with both algorithm ...
user3368764's user avatar
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Twisted curves in protocol

I've come to understand that twisted curves, as for instance defined in the Brainpool specifications, are $F(p)$-isomorphic to their regular $F(p)$ equivalents. So brainpoolP256r1 is isomorphic to ...
Maarten Bodewes's user avatar
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Why does knowing the number of points on a curve help solve ECCDLP?

Perhaps, this is a really obvious question, but I am still having trouble understanding how this all fits together. Why is knowing the number of points on an Elliptic Curve helpful in cracking it? ...
aggiecath's user avatar
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Using the same private key for two ECC key pairs

Let $(d_1,Q_1)$ and $(d_2,Q_2)$ be ECC key pairs over two different elliptic curves (say NIST P-224 and NIST P-256). According to the Elliptic Curve Discrete Logarithm Problem (ECDLP), if the private ...
user12778's user avatar
3 votes
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Derive a public EC key from two public EC keys

Alice has two EC key pairs: $a_1$, $a_2$ are private keys (integers), $A_1$, $A_2$ are the corresponding public keys (points). Alice and Bob want to create a new public key $C$. Alice must prove that ...
Niar's user avatar
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Why doesn't this replay attack work on ECDSA?

I've just started working with elliptic curves and ECSDA in particular, so my understanding of the underlying math isn't great. The thing I'm currently stuck on is trying to understand why replay ...
Kevin Howe's user avatar
9 votes
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ECC algorithm pollard's $\rho$ complexity

One of the methods to break a ECDLP is Pollard's rho algorithm. When ECDLP is defined over a finite field $F_p$, and given a relation $S=w.T$, where S and T are a member of $F_p$. Then ECDLP is to ...
Vineet Menon's user avatar
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How does the MOV attack work?

What exactly is the MOV attack, how does it actually work, and what is it used for? It's explained briefly here and I'd like to know what it is more / what is it fully used for.
Ben's user avatar
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