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Questions tagged [factoring]

The decomposition of an integer number to the product of other integers. Algorithms such as RSA are based on the premise that no practical way has been found was to factorize large integers when they have been produced by multiplying two large primes.

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Consequences of breaking Diffie-Hellman to factoring

According to the answer in What are the consequences of Diffie Hellman problem in P?, it appears we believe Discrete Logarithm and Diffie-Hellman are equivalent problems. We also know if Discrete ...
Turbo's user avatar
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A highly space-efficient embedding of prime factorization problem using the Ising model

I hope this is not off-topic for this SE, as it directly relates to the RSA problem. My background is in quantum information and computation, so please excuse me if my notation doesn't match your ...
Amirhossein Rezaei's user avatar
6 votes
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Find unknown primes from two RSA modulus

Suppose that $𝑝$, $𝑞$, and $𝑟$ are $512$-bit primes and for some integer $𝑎 < 10^5$, $𝑝 + 𝑎$ is also prime. We know the moduli $𝑛_1 = 𝑝 × 𝑞$ and $𝑛_2 = ...
Lisbeth's user avatar
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Reduction from factoring to RSA and the Oracle RSA problem

Recently I read some papers related to RSA Brown16,AM09,BNPS01 and I learned that there is a variant problem of RSA is The oracle RSA problem (or one more RSA Problem) is $m+1$ copies of the classic ...
constantine's user avatar
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Is a cryptosystem based on hardness of factorization of polynomials, as defined below valid? [closed]

I'm proposing a cryptosystem as defined below: Private Key: $(R, A, R^{-1})$, where $R = \left(\mathbf{r_1}, \cdots, \mathbf{r_n}\right)$ is full-rank, with $n \geq 4$, even; $A = \left(a_1\mathbf{...
Yuri S VB's user avatar
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Why doesn't the existence of the Quadratic Sieve algorithm imply that integer factorization is in the class SUBEXP?

SUBEXP is defined as the intersection of DTIME(2^n^c) over all c>0. The order of the Quadratic Sieve algorithm is O(exp((k+o(1))(logN)^1/2(loglogN)^1/2)). Doesn't this imply that the decision ...
Omeglac's user avatar
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How often do hard-to-factor numbers occur?

[Computer scientist here who is not totally familiar with the factoring literature -- please forgive my ignorance.] It's well known that hard-to-factor integers, $n$, are typically semi-primes, such ...
Hans Schmuber's user avatar
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How to know if a random number is a probable semiprime?

Simple question : given a randomly generated number $N$ from a hash that is hard to factor, how to check if $N$ is probably a semi‑prime in a faster way than factoring it ? My problem is while it’s ...
user2284570's user avatar
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Factoring 350 to 400 bits long rsa number with a factor that has a known bitlength… But in less than 5 to 7 minutes and less than $100

the gnfs is the most efficient algorithm for factoring numbers formed of equal composites. But it’s sequential/Linea Algebra parts mean (If I’m not wrong), that it requires at least 10 minutes on ...
user2284570's user avatar
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How could a 1024‒bits RSA modulus be most economically factored within months today?

Of course this is a question with an answer that is due to evolve. A 2002 paper about TWIRL stated that the cost would be around 10M\$ and an other 10M\$ to manufacture the device. A later 2007 paper ...
user2284570's user avatar
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RSA given 30% MSB of p and 30%MSB of q

is factoring RSA given 30% MSB of p and 30%MSB of q possible in polynomial time? Notice that it is known that given 50% MSB of p or q it is doable in polynomial time using Coppersmith's theorem
Don Freecs's user avatar
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Can a very efficient RSA factoring algorithm be worth money?

If someone had a very efficient RSA factoring algorithm, would a company or government entity be willing to purchase it? What factoring time would be considered fast, months, days, hours, minutes? ...
steveK's user avatar
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Finding square roots in $QR_{n}$ when its order has a small factor

I am stuck at a homework problem to find the square root of a quadratic residue $b$ in $Z_n$ ($n$ is not a prime). Currently, I have figured out that there exists a number $a \in Z_n$ such that $a^2 \...
ark's user avatar
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Why does sum of remainders of numbers divided by known factors, and repeating the process over and over, give factors of the two starting numbers? [closed]

While working with serial division/remainder method of finding factors, I have found that using knowns such as the known factors of a comparative number, or the difference between a number to be ...
JohnBlack's user avatar
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Integer factorization $n = pq$ with additional knowledge of $\lfloor \sqrt{p} \rfloor \oplus \lfloor \sqrt{q}\rfloor$

We know that we can factor integer $n = pq$ when we know that $p\oplus q$, where $\oplus$ means xor. If we know $\lfloor \sqrt{p} \rfloor \oplus \lfloor \sqrt{q}\rfloor$, can we factor $n$?
vfenux's user avatar
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finding r-th root in $\mathbb{Z}/n\mathbb{Z}$

I was reading the paper One-way Accumulators: A Decentralized Alternative to Digital Signatures by Benaloh and de Mare [link], and in section 4.2, they say that given $z\in (\mathbb{Z}/n\mathbb{Z})^*$ ...
vxek's user avatar
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Big prime factor of the prime number you feed to Diffie Hellman

They say the security of Diffie-Hellman depends on the factorization of (N-1), where N is the big prime number you feed it. More specifically, (N-1) itself has to have a big prime factor, such as (N-1)...
Kevin Stefanov's user avatar
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Noisy Quantum Gates Spoil Shor's Factorization Attack

Update: In Lipton and Regan's blog, Scott Aaranson and Craig Gidney have commented that the results are not unexpected and also not a deal-breaker in that dealing with this type of noise is already ...
kodlu's user avatar
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Can some cryptographic conclusions in the prime field be applied to the Galois field?

Such as integer factorization problem and discrete logarithm problem. Assuming a large polynomial is obtained by multiplying two generated polynomials, is it NP hard to decompose it into these two ...
ZhuJerry's user avatar
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How did they factor RSA 240?

Since NFS runs in essentially $n^{1/3}$ time, and RSA-240 is a composite of two 120-digit primes, shouldn't this have taken at least $10^{40}$ operations, not including any overhead? Even if you could ...
The Yomster's user avatar
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RSA : Is there a way to compute phi(n) or N itself if we only know e, d and a ciphertext?

I am trying to solve a problem where private key exponent d, ciphertext c, and public key exponent e (65537) are known. How can I calculate φ(n) or n itself? An extended version of the problem would ...
bd55's user avatar
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Time Complexity of RSA Trial Division

I'm having trouble understanding how time complexity of trial division is exponential. If it takes $\sqrt n$ tries to factor $n$ in the worst case scenario then time complexity is $\mathcal{O}(\sqrt n)...
ikeachairs's user avatar
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Non probabilistic algorithm : Given secret key $d$ we can factorize $n$ assuming $e$ is small

I read in an introduction to a paper that if $e$ is small enough and we were given secret key $d$ in RSA, then there is an efficient deterministic algorithm to factorize $n$. I've searched about that ...
tonythestark's user avatar
18 votes
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Quantum Computing Used to Break RSA by "fixing" Schnorr's Recent Factorization Claim?

There is a claim by Chinese researchers making the rounds (Schneier's blog here) that RSA can be broken by Quantum Computers. The paper is on arXiv. Wading through the discussion in Schneier's blog, ...
kodlu's user avatar
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RSA: exploiting consecutive primes

It's given 2 plaintexts $m_1$ and $m_2$, and 5 different values of $n\quad\{n_1, n_2, n_3, n_4, n_5\}$ which are generated as follows: $n_1$ is a a product of two relatively small 128-bit $p$ and $q$ ...
Alden Luthfi's user avatar
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Does it weaken a RSA modulus to publish a generator of a small subgroup?

Let $n = P\cdot Q$ be the product of two safe primes $P = 2p+1$ and $Q=2q+1$. Let $g$ be a generator of $C_{p} \subset \mathbb{Z}_n^*$, the multiplicative subgroup of order $p$. In other words, $g^p = ...
RobinLinus's user avatar
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Take n = 4633 and B = {−1, 2, 3}. Note the b-smooth numbers as {67, 68, 69}. Find the factor of n

This question is from Quadratic Sieve Factorization Method. Didn't find the solution on the web also. And not aware of how to solve such questions.
alu vaja's user avatar
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How to factor $n = p.q$, where $p,q$ are primes, knowing a multiple of $\mathrm{lcm}(p-1, q-1)$? [duplicate]

I was reading this post about Shamir's hash function, which is defined as follows: Let $p,q$ be positive prime integers and let $n=p\times q$. Let $\ell = \mathrm{lcm}(p-1, ...
vxek's user avatar
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Is it secure if I disclose an element equals 1 modulo p in Zn?

Let $n = pq$, $p,q$ are two large primes, then $\mathbb{Z}_n^*\cong \mathbb{Z}_p^* \times \mathbb{Z}_q^*$. We disclose $n$ and keep $p, q$ secret. Is it secure if we disclose a random element $a$: $a\...
Bob's user avatar
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How fast is Factorization reduced to a Discrete Logarithm?

Given a RSA modulus $n$, which is the product of two safe primes: \begin{align*} P &= 2p + 1 \quad\quad\quad Q = 2q + 1 \\ n &= P \cdot Q = 4p q + 2 p + 2 q + 1 \end{align*} The ...
RobinLinus's user avatar
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Why if x ∉ Z*n then the gcd(x, n) != 1? RSA

I understand that if the $\gcd(x, n)\neq=1$ then the $\gcd$ is one of the $n$ prime factors, $q$ or $q$. But how is the fact that $x \not\in Z^*_n$ related to $\gcd(x, n)\neq 1$?
P00's user avatar
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How do I prove that if $\text{gcd}(m,n) \neq 1$, the result is $p$ or $q$ in RSA?

I understand that $\text{gcd}(m,n)$ needs to be $1$ so we can apply the Euler's theorem, and if it's not $1$, the result is one of the prime factors of $n$. But Why the result it is always $p$ or $q$? ...
P00's user avatar
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CTF question with hint "Quadratic method to solve ifp problem"

I totally have no idea about this Rabin decrypt problem. source code: Inside there were $2^{21}$ times of encryption and decryption of ...
shanzhuer's user avatar
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A probable attack for RSA (factorization): how to improve it?

A probable attack for RSA (factorization): how to improve it? $N=8*G+3$ can be factored if there is a non-trivial negative $k$ such that $\frac{(N*(9+24*k)-3)}{8}=-6*m^2 $ [to exclude the two trivial ...
Alberico Lepore's user avatar
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What kind of special numbers are not suitable as RSA keys?

I have read that some integers are not appropriate to be chosen as the modulus in an RSA cryptosystem. Some of these numbers are those that, given a modulus $n=pq$, then $p-1$ or $q-1$ do not have ...
Begoña Garcia's user avatar
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Is Fermat's Factorization Method used in any practical application?

Is there any use for Fermat's Factorization Method in the world of cryptography? I see that several algorithms are based on it, such as the quadratic sieve and general number field sieve. I understand ...
Raine's user avatar
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How to factorize RSA modulus while given two Public Exponents and the difference between two Private Exponents?

The RSA modulus is the product of two $2048$-bit primes. And the two Public Exponents are both $16$-bit. I also got the difference between two Private Exponents $\left | d_1-d_2 \right |.$ Is there ...
Manc's user avatar
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Breaking RSA with P,Q LSB bits

Let's say we have a certain amount of LSB bits of P and Q and we want to fully reconstruct them given N=P*Q. I know this problem was studied in literature by Coppersmith and that Lattice methods are ...
gram's user avatar
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Does a 2047-bit factoring oracle affect 2048-bit RSA security?

I started wondering. RSA relies on prime factorisation being hard. So if a 2047-bit oracle machine existed that could instantly factor any 2047-bit number (and you can't look inside at how it works), ...
Christer's user avatar
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Is there a discrete log challenge?

RSA challenge is well-known and it has a wiki page. Is there a discrete log for $\mathbb F_p$ where $p$ is Sophie-Germain prime?
Guest007's user avatar
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Historical key sizes for RSA and discrete log [closed]

What is the historical pattern for key size increases for rsa vs discrete log? What are the current and future projected sizes for these?
Turbo's user avatar
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Factorization of the product of two specific primes

Help me please. Consider specific primes $p = x^{d} + 1$ and $q = x^{e} + 1$ for some $x, d, e \in \mathbb{N}$. Can their product $n = pq$ be factorized faster than the product of general primes ? In ...
Dimitri Koshelev's user avatar
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Question about sequence length/count/security of $x\mapsto x^\alpha \mod (N=Q\cdot R)$, with $Q=2q_1q_2+1$ and $R=2r_1r_2+1$ and $\alpha = 2q_2r_2$

Given a number $N$ with $$N=Q\cdot R$$ $$Q=2\cdot q_1 \cdot q_2+1$$ $$R=2\cdot r_1\cdot r_2+1$$ with different primes $P,Q,q_1,q_2,r_1,r_2$. If we now choose an exponent $\alpha$ containing prime ...
J. Doe's user avatar
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Which impact on security (factorization) has a common prime factor among prime factors? $N=P\cdot Q$ with $P=2\cdot F\cdot p+1$, $Q=2\cdot F\cdot q+1$

Which impact on security (factorization) has a common prime factor among the prime factors $P$,$Q$ of a number $N$ $$N=P\cdot Q$$ $$P=2\cdot F\cdot p+1$$ $$Q=2\cdot F\cdot q+1$$ with $F,q,p$ different ...
J. Doe's user avatar
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Given $N$ with $d$ prime factors. Can the number of unique values $x^d \mod N$ calculated for $d>2$? Does the total amount decrease at some point?

Given a number $N$ with $d$ unique prime factors. Can the number of unique values $v$ with $$v \equiv x^d \mod N$$ $$x\in[0,N-1]$$ $$N = \prod_{i=1}^{d} p_i$$ be calculated for $d>2$? (Q1) Does ...
J. Doe's user avatar
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A novel method for hiding data using prime numbers?

Has the following method of hiding data been proposed or studied? What is the efficiency or security of this method? What applications could use this method? Data is to be hidden in a number that is ...
Lewis Baxter's user avatar
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Are there applications which cannot be done with only factoring trapdoor?

Suppose we only have to use factoring as trapdoor function and we are disallowed to use other trapdoors, are there applications currently deployed which cannot be done?
Turbo's user avatar
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How secure is a projection to a subspace with much lower member size for $x\mapsto x^a$ mod $N = PQ$, $P=2p+1$, $Q=2qr+1$, to target space $r=2abc+1$?

A cyclic sequence can be produced with $$s_{i+1} = s_i^a \mod N$$ with $N = P \cdot Q$ and $P = 2\cdot p+1$ and $Q = 2\cdot q\cdot r+1$ and $r = 2\cdot u \cdot v \cdot w +1$ with $P,Q,p,q,r,u,v,w$ ...
J. Doe's user avatar
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Can Shor's algorithm factor over finite fields/rings/groups?

Shor's algorithm can (efficiently) solve equations of the form: $$n = pq$$ and $$n = x^{2} + y^{2}$$ This question is simple: Can Shor's algorithm solve these equations in polynomial time when they ...
anon's user avatar
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Can Shor's algorithm factor over the gaussian integers?

This is related to this question about solving the following expression: $$x^{2} + y^{2}$$ This can be factored over the gaussian integers as $$(x + iy)(x - iy)$$ If one could factor a sum of two ...
anon's user avatar
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