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2 answers

How to be able to change the password to access data encrypted with AES-GCM, without reencrypting?

Let's say you need to encrypt plaintext which is 1 TB big. You have a password pwd. This very classical AES-GCM process is ...
Basj's user avatar
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Simple secret key encryption with PyNaCl [closed]

I am playing around with PyNaCl to get a bit into cryptography atm. Now I wrote two scripts to encrypt a file with a secret key and then decrypt it again using that key. The encryption part works ...
Marcus's user avatar
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Password in first line of file for AES-256 encryption

I'm using openssl with aes-256-cbc encryption to encrypt a file. The password is on the first line of the file and the ...
rrrkren's user avatar
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Single-purpose symmetric encryption scheme for single files

I'm writing a simple password manager program that will encrypt/decrypt a single file (it's size will most likely stay under a few K). This is my initial file format design: ...
tman's user avatar
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2 answers

Hash decrypts key, key decrypts cipher... why?

I noticed recently that a couple of pieces of encryption software (TrueCrypt being one of them) don't directly use a hash of the password as the key for the block cipher. Instead, they generate a ...
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