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1 answer

GnuPG - provide encryption key for AES rather than deriving it from passphrase

I'd like to encrypt a file with AES256 and provide my own 32-bytes for the encryption, rather than having GPG derive it from the passphrase. I could not find such option, but I'm thinking about a ...
Slimevine's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Why use ASCII armor for file encryption?

GPG and age both offer a --armor option but what is the use case when it comes to file encryption? Surely most channels allow for transmitting binary data nowadays? ...
guest's user avatar
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Safest method for encrypting a file on a local machine

I am looking for a safe method to encrypt a local file on my machine. Let's say I have a file containing my logins and passwords -- how can I make sure that the encryption is reasonably sufficient in ...
Proto Ukr's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

How does gpg know what cipher algorithm is needed for decryption?

I am using gpg to make encrypt a tar.gz. My first try uses --verbose --symmetric and then the decryption is done with ...
Trevor Boyd Smith's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

In GnuPG, what's the difference between --s2k-cipher-algo and --cipher-algo? [duplicate]

I want to change some encryption options while using GnuPG to encrypt a file symmetrically. 1) However, for choosing the cipher algorithm, GnuPG has two commands and I don't know which one to use. ...
COLD  Crypto's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Is this cascading encryption, and is my security weakened as a result?

I'm trying to understand what is, and what is not, considered cascading encryption. All of the posts and conversations I've read over the past few days discourage the practice, including this article. ...
John's user avatar
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2 answers

Does gpg's symmetric encryption keep information about the filename?

If I encrypt a file with gpg -c, and change the filename. Is there any way I can restore the filename as I used as a password. or the name encrypted to?
illsecure's user avatar
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