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Questions tagged [homomorphic-encryption]

Cryptosystems which support computation on encrypted data. They might be partially homomorphic (support for one operation such as + or *) or they might be fully homomorphic (any sequence of + and *).

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1 vote
1 answer

In the DGK Cryptosystem, how hard is it to recover g, if we have knowledge of the private key?

Given the knowledge of the values for $v_p$, $v_q$, $n$ and $u$, and knowing that $g^{u*v_p*v_q} \mod n = 1$, how hard is it to compute the value of $g$? My assumption is that it is as hard as the RSA ...
user120896's user avatar
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How to multiply a boolean share with an arithmetic share

The problem is to multiply a boolean share with an arithmetic share, a commonly used technique in functions such as multiplexing. In my opinion, a straightforward approach would be to convert the ...
Hobbit's user avatar
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1 answer

CKKS Encryption key, decryption key and evaluation key sizes

I am using CKKS to securely compute one function. I am using Pyfhel library with the below parameters for the experiment: ...
Sumana Bagchi's user avatar
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Help with Hybrid Homomorphic Encryption

I read in this paper here that symmetric ciphers like AES is not a good choice for Hybrid Homomorphic Encryption due to large multiplicative depth. I want to understand more about this statement. How ...
Green Amber's user avatar
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Issue building RLWE based program

I've successfully built a LWE based program now moving onto building a RLWE based python program using: as a ...
ringlearningwemmet's user avatar
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Tutorial of lattice estimator to compute a specific function with BGV

I recently try to go into lattice estimator I did find the document of it, but unfortunately, can not follow. May I ask how to run the lattice estimator to ...
js wang's user avatar
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1 answer

What does the $\pi_r^{-1}$ notation mean in the Frobenius Map in CKKS Scheme?

I read the Homomorphic Encryption Paper, TensorFHE. On page 5, they explain the Frobenius Map function that is used for the ciphertext rotation in CKKS Scheme. It said: For every $a^{(i)}=(a^{(i)}_j)$ ...
malioboro's user avatar
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0 answers

Set union homomorphic hash function that ignores duplicates

Does a hash function with set(not multi-set) union homomorphism exist? LT-hash is very close to what I am looking for where items could be added/removed from the set in arbitrary order but adding the ...
krishnav's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

EC-ElGamal scalar-to-point mapping for a secure multiparty computation setting

The ElGamal cipher is additively homomorphic for points, but not for scalars. In a single party setting, people usually get around this by mapping the scalar m to ...
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1 answer

Number field embeddings for homomorphic encryption

Suppose Alice chooses a number field $K$ and a polynomial $f(x) \in K[x]$. She computes the splitting field $L$ along with an embedding $\varphi: K \rightarrow L$. In SageMath, ...
Jackson Walters's user avatar
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CKKS encoding. Why not just use fft

I am studying the ckks scheme from this blog post. In the vanilla encoding part we want to encode a complex vector of size N to a complex polynomial of degree N-1. This of course is possible if we ...
GAlexakis's user avatar
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Fully homomorphic encryption textbook suggestion

I am looking for mathematics textbooks which include a rigorous introduction to fully homomorphic encryption and especially CKKS / TFHE algorithms at the level of Boneh and Shoup's A Graduate Course ...
ephe's user avatar
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Help with TFHE multiplication

I am trying to understand TFHE and realise that TFHE supports three types of ciphertexts: LWE : supports additive homomorphism and multiplication with constants RLWE : compact version of LWE RGSW : ...
Green Amber's user avatar
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Homomorphic Encryption from LWE (Gentry) - Error Bounds

I am reading Gentry2013. He describes on page 10 under descryption, that $v_i \in (q/4, q/2]$. Later he describes that this ensures that the error does not grow outside of $q/2$ such that the ...
Thomas Christopher Davies's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Why use coordinate-wise random rounding instead of regular rounding?

I've been reading a blog article on CKKS encoding and there they implement a coordinate-wise random rounding algorithm (which can be found in this paper) instead of the plain old rounding. The same ...
ephe's user avatar
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Sparse Packing for CKKS

Let $N$ be a power of two integer and $n$ be a divisor of $N$. We can encode a vector in $\mathbb{C}^{N/2}$ into the polynomial ring $R=\mathbb{Z}[X]/(X^N+1)$ as described in the original CKKS paper ...
ephe's user avatar
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Homomorphic Subtraction and Sign Evaluation

Are there any homomorphic encryption methods that allow both homomorphic subtraction and sign evaluation? Given two integers $A$ and $B$, I would like to know, homomorphically, whether $E(A)-E(B)$ is ...
Isa Watanabe's user avatar
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Understanding FHE bootstrapping: value of $q$ fed to lattice estimator

I am implementing OpenFHE. In the implementation I'm generating the modulus chain as shown in the example here. I am trying to run Lattice estimator for the same parameters in this example. I wanted ...
Green Amber's user avatar
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Urgent help with R-LWE Parameters Choice

I am trying to understand CKKS bootstrap algorithm and wanted to understand how is p (plaintext modulo) and q (ciphertext modulo) related in determining the size of the modulus chain. Suppose my ring ...
Green Amber's user avatar
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1 answer

About TFHE schemes

I'm starting to read about TFHE, however my background is not that deep. Mostly, I've learnt about it thanks to this paper, and I am trying to delve deeper into it. I've also read the Zama blog post ...
hectorvr14's user avatar
-1 votes
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Urgent help with LWE Estimator

I am trying to estimate LWE parameters. I know of the GitHub library for LWE estimator but it has no instructions for installation and also provides no guidance for running simple examples. I have ...
Green Amber's user avatar
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Privacy-preserving source to destination shortest path algorithms with real-time querying

I'm looking for implementations of privacy-preserving shortest path algorithms that offer real-time or near real-time query performance, where both the source and destination nodes are kept secret. I'...
captain's user avatar
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Homomorphic Max For Two Distances

I have a interesting geometric problem involving distances on a finite plane. I'll provide the unencrypted mathematical background and proof and after that pose the question as it pertains to HE. ...
Isa Watanabe's user avatar
5 votes
4 answers

Is the XOR of hashes a good hash function?

Definitions: Let $h$ be a hash function with output size $n$ bytes. Suppose the file $F$ can be divided into chunks of size $n$ bytes $F=f_0+f_1+\dots +f_i$ where the operator "$+$" stands ...
Rafael's user avatar
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Difference between TFHE and CKKS?

What are the differences in parameters while implementing CKKS vs TFHE? For example modulus size, ring dimensions, bit security. Any pointers to literature would be appreciated
Green Amber's user avatar
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Is there any bound on the size of ring dimension for Torus FHE?

I see that all implementations of TFHE in opensource supports 2^10 to 2^12 size of ring dimensions. Is there any specific reason (crypto) behind choosing the value or can we choose higher dimensions (...
Green Amber's user avatar
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Does the use of OPRF or OT remove the need of HE in PSI?

I was reading a systematic literature review on Private Set Intersection (PSI) protocols (, which mentions that the main ...
Jayce's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Is ElGamal homomorphic encryption using additive groups works only for Discrete Log ElGamal? What about EC ElGamal?

It is known that in Discrete Log ElGamal encryption, the ciphertext $E$ is encrypted as: $a\ =\ g^k$, where $k$ - random scalar from $[0,\ p)$, $g$ - group generator $b\ =\ (Y^k*m)\mod\ p$, where $Y$ -...
Azii's user avatar
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Can there be fully homomorphic encryption with this property?

Lets say Alice has data D and wants to send this data for Bob to process it with algorithm A. Is it possible to encrypt D so that it can only be used to run algorithm A? Alice and Bob will communicate ...
taha ismet sevgili's user avatar
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Formal connection between fully homomorphic encryption schemes and field homomorphism

In fully homomorphic encryptions schemes (FHE), we aim to preserve both additional and multiplication operations in the encrypted space such that the operations can be decrypted later. This concept ...
Josh's user avatar
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1 answer

Question Regarding Idenitities of Gentry's Homomorphic Encryption on LWE

In the paper Homomorphic Encryption from Learning with Errors: Conceptually-Simpler, Asymptotically-Faster, Attribute-Based Gentry introduces the following identity $\mathbf{a} \in \mathbb Z^n,\mathbf{...
Thomas Christopher Davies's user avatar
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Zero-Knowledge Proof of a number being generated "randomly" (similar to a dice roll)

If party1 asks other parties to give a random number, for simplicity, say in a range from 1 to 6 (like in a dice). Is it possible for party1 to ensure that the number received is in a given range and ...
user60588's user avatar
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Mental Poker: Can the shuffle of the deck be done Publicaly by a single player at the start of the game

Ref: Mental Poker Revisited by Barnett and Smart. I am looking at mental poker problem. Generally, the shuffling process is done by a single player who starts the game and not by all players. But, in ...
user60588's user avatar
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Where are the bad and good lattice basis for LWE's ciphertext: (as+e+Δm, a)?

Letś talk about LWE with 2 dimensions. I've seen somewhere they talking about encrypting with the good basis (public key) and then only the bad basis can decrypt. I assume that the bad basis is the ...
aaa's user avatar
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1 answer

Can Batch Encode and Bootstrapping Be Used Together

I have referenced some documents stating that "To implement bootstrapping, the plaintext modulus 𝑡 needs to be chosen as a prime power." Meanwhile, the SEAL library documentation on Batch ...
Huy Vu's user avatar
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2 answers

Real-or-Random Security (IND$-CPA) for Homomorphic Encryption?

I am reading papers about homomorphic encryption recently. To my knowledge, all of them opts for the Left-or-Right security i.e. distinguish between $M_0$ and $M_1$ given $\mathcal{E}_K(M_b)$ for $b \...
gan's user avatar
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1 answer

Literature on Batching in FHE

From what I understand, the folklore way to batch Ring-LWE style cipher texts is to use the Chinese remainder theorem. I am wondering if there are any different approaches/optimizations to this style ...
woah's user avatar
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Should Homomorphic Encryption Keys Be Generated by a Key Generation Server or the Data Owner?

I'm currently working on a project involving homomorphic encryption and I'm trying to determine the best practices for key generation. Specifically, I'm unsure whether the keys should be generated by ...
snow's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Why is division in fully homomorphic encryption impossible?

I am trying to use division in PySyft or tenSeal or anything but the devs still haven't learned how to support division?!?!
David Bower's user avatar
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How can one model the behaviour of CKKS decryption noise?

I am trying to program a simulator for CKKS. It is a "simulator", in the sense that there is actually no encryption involved, but to a person seeing only the plaintexts (before encryption ...
Michael's user avatar
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Efficient commutative one-way encryption or hashing

Spent two days researching the subject, but so far I haven't come up with a satisfying answer as to whether there is a feasible solution to the following problem: A has a secret $m$ whereby $0 \leq m \...
Andreas P.'s user avatar
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Decrypting the sum of votes but not the single vote

For educational reasons I am implementing an e-voting platform. The idea is that the voter generates the ballot on client side, the ballot is verified using a zero-knowledge proof protocol. Also, the ...
g3k0's user avatar
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About IND-CPA security of Homomorphic Encryption

I am trying to understand IND-CPA security in (Partially) Homomorphic Encryption schemes. However, the result of the proofs is usually something stating that a ciphertext does not expose anything ...
Daniel Morales's user avatar
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Plaintext modulus choice for Fully Homomorphic Encryption

For SIMD fully homomorphic encryption scheme like BFV/BGV, and the underlying R-LWE problem parameterized by $n, p, q, \alpha$ (respectively the dimension, the plaintext modulus, the ciphertext ...
ProfCornDog's user avatar
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Ideal multiplicative depth for a generic Levelled CKKS scheme

If I need to implement a generic hardware accelerator for the Levelled CKKS scheme (no bootstrapping supported), what would be the ideal multiplicative depth I should support? - that can support a ...
Moopan's user avatar
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1 answer

Is it possible to homomorphically evaluate an encryption circuit?

I know that it is possible to homomorphically evaluate a decryption circuit as it is the main idea behind bootstrapping, but I was wondering if it was possible to evaluate an encryption circuit ...
ProfCornDog's user avatar
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Implement reciprocal of a floating point number using Chebyshev approximation in CKKS

I am trying to obtain the reciprocal of a floating point value $x$ using the Chebyshev approximation, where $x$ is mostly in the order of $10^3$ to $10^5$. Subsequently, I am trying to implement that ...
Sumana Bagchi's user avatar
2 votes
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The cost of the additive homomorphic encryption of McEliece cryptosystem

Let's have two integer-vectors $v_1$ and $v_2$ that are encrypted by McEliece public key. An intermediate node between the sender and receiver receives the two encrypted vectors $\text{E}(v_1)$ and $\...
Anas Ahmad's user avatar
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Interactive Zero-Knowledge Proof for the Multiplication Gate

Refer to an interesting article (link) on Medium on the subject matter. To understand more about pRandomValue and vRandomValue. The article mentioned, "pRandomValue, on the other hand, is used to ...
user60588's user avatar
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Homomorphic Decryption with the Encryption (ciphertext) of Secret key for Bootstrapping purpose

The section 3.1 of the GHS11 mentions that: Given the $q_L$-ciphertext $c = (c_0, c_1)$ (that encrypts a polynomial $a \in F_2[X]/F(X)$), we postprocess it to get $c^\prime = (c_0 + c^*, c_1) \text{ ...
kindi's user avatar
  • 11

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