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Effect of small secret attacks on non homomorphic encryption schemes

The new paper by Albrecht describes a new attack on "unusually" small secrets that are used in homomorphic encryption schemes. In the paper the talk about binary secrets or LWE Normal form i.e $\...
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What is the direct connection between LWE and GapSVP?

Learning with Errors Problem (LWE): Given a polynomial number of random noisy linear equations $b_i$ in the form of pairs $$ (a_i, \quad b_i = \langle s, a_i \rangle + e_i) $$ where $a_i \in \mathbb{...
LQWE's user avatar
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Dimension of secret key vector tensor with itself?

In the algorithm FHE.KeyGen on page 18 of BGV, the dimension of the secret key $\textbf{s}_j$ is $n_j+1$. Why would the dimension of the long secret key $\textbf{s}_j' \leftarrow \textbf{s}_j \otimes \...
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Noise of ciphertexts in LWE/RLWE based FHE

Often times $[\langle \textbf{c}, \textbf{s} \rangle]_q$ is referred to as the noise associated to the ciphertext $\textbf{c}$, and that decryption is correct when the norm of the noise is $< q/2$. ...
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Bit decomposing a polynomial in BGV cryptosystem

I'm having trouble with the BitDecomp subroutine on page 9 of the BGV cryptosystem. I'm focusing on the RLWE instantiation so $R_q = \mathbb{Z}[x]/(x^d+1,q)$. I can't see how BitDecomp works for a ...
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GSW Homomorphic Encryption

In GSW homomorphic encryption scheme proposed here. The integers are over $Z_q$ where $q$ is a modulus parameter of the scheme. It is not clearly mentioned in paper if the ordinary representation of $...
caesar's user avatar
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proof of correctness Ring-LWE cryptosystem

I've been studying Ring-LWE based crytposystems such as the one in this paper, but I can't seem to find/come up with a proof of correctness for this particular scheme. The encryption goes as follows: ...
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How to find the value of a vector modulo a basis in lattice-based cryptography

In Gentry's paper on fully homomorphic encryption using ideal lattices, he finds the values of vectors modulo a certain basis. For instance: $\psi \leftarrow \psi' \mod B$ Taken from page 69 of ...
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