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Questions tagged [lattice-crypto]

Lattice-cryptography is the study and use of lattice problems applied to cryptography.

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31 votes
1 answer

Uniform vs discrete Gaussian sampling in Ring learning with errors

The Wikipedia article on RLWE mentions two methods of sampling "small" polynomials namely uniform sampling and discrete Gaussian sampling. Uniform sampling is clearly the simplest, involving simply ...
Morty's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

What is the difference between the standard representants of $\mathbb Z/q\mathbb Z$?

The symbol $\mathbb Z/q\mathbb Z$ (given that $q$ is prime) represents the prime field $\mathbb Z_q$. Basically, the elements of this field are represented by $\{0, 1, \dots, q-1\}$, let's call this ...
caesar's user avatar
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11 votes
1 answer

Most influential/illuminating papers/books/courses on lattice based cryptography?

I'm interested in some sort of "compendium" on lattice-based crypto. There are a bunch of maths behind FALCON and other stuff. A lot of articles are devoted to lattice crypto, but not of them are of ...
Kirill Tsar.'s user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

Relation between decisional SIS and leftover hash lemma in lattices

The semantic security of Regev's cryptosystem [Reg05] is based on the LWE assumption and leftover hash lemma. This lemma implies that because $m \approx (n+1)\log q$ is large enough, so for uniform $A\...
Hamidreza's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

Discrete Gaussian Sampling role in Lattice-Based Crypto?

I'm reading up on how post-quantum cryptography works, and stumbled upon the notion of discrete Gaussian sampling. However, I can't understand where it fits in the greater picture - currently it feels ...
Daniel B's user avatar
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33 votes
3 answers

New quantum attack on lattices (or Shor strikes again)?

Lior Eldar and Peter W. Shor published a paper on in which they present a new quantum algorithm against a variant of BDD. They claim that their new algorithm can efficiently solve the ...
mephisto's user avatar
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13 votes
2 answers

What does "Worst-case hardness" mean in lattice-based cryptography?

In the wiki page of Lattice-based Cryptography the "Worst-case hardness" is defined as below: Worst-case hardness of lattice problems means that breaking the cryptographic construction (even with ...
Habib's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

Are LPN and LWE problems equivalent?

Learning with Error (LWE) problem seems like a generalization of Learning Parity with Noise (LPN) problem, where in the latter one uses bits. But, this also makes LPN seem very related to the problem ...
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8 votes
1 answer

Find collision in Ajtai's hash function using short vector

Background What is Ajtai's hash function? Given a matrix $A \hookleftarrow U(\mathbb{Z}_q^{n \times m})$ and a column vector $\vec{m} \in \mathbb{Z}_d^m$, the hash of the message $\vec{m}$ is given ...
user33284's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

LWE: Round a continuous Gaussian to a true Discrete Gaussian

Short version: how is it possible to round a continuous Gaussian into a true discrete Gaussian (usually denoted $\mathcal{D}_{\mathbb{Z},\alpha q}$)? The goal is to obtain a reduction from continuous ...
Léo Colisson's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Provably Secure Password Authenticated Key Exchange Based on RLWE for the Post-QuantumWorld

In this paper (Provably Secure Password Authenticated Key Exchange Based on RLWE for the Post-Quantum World), author describe password authenticated key exchange scheme on page 9 and 10 (see Fig. 1 on ...
vivek's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

How to estimate the hardness of SIS instances?

The Short Integer Solution (SIS) problem is to find, given a matrix $A \in \mathbb{F}_q^{n \times m}$ with uniformly random coefficients, a vector $\mathbf{x} \in \mathbb{Z}^m \backslash \{\mathbf{0}\}...
Alan's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

RLWE Explanation

In RLWE, we often choose the following polynomial ring, where q is a prime, and n is a power of 2, e.g. $2^k$ $$\mathbb Z_q[X]/(X^n + 1)$$ We know that ${X^{2^k}} + 1$ is an irreducible polynomial ...
fuo55631's user avatar
3 votes
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Is LWE easy when the matrix $A$ is sparse?

Recall that the LWE problem is the following. LWE problem. Let $q$ be a prime, let $\chi$ be a distribution of small elements over $\mathbb{Z}/q$, and let $n,m$ be two integers (dimensions of vectors ...
Kolja's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

NTRUEncrypt fails on quaternion algebra

This is a follow-up of my previous two questions (1 and 2), might be relevant to check them out first for a full context. I am trying to re-create results from this paper. The basic algorithm is ...
max's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Why does lattice KEX not require sampling with high precision?

I was reading the NewHope paper, and I see that they are using Binomial distribution and not a discrete Gaussian distribution as was used by BCNS. I also remember hearing somewhere that lattice key ...
typos's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

How would low-precision Gaussian sampling impact the security of BLISS?

For digital signature, I implemented BLISS in my cryptographic suite, and wrote the Gaussian sampler based on Lattice Signatures and Bimodal Gaussians. But unlike the reference implementation and ...
DannyNiu's user avatar
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Do q-ary lattices have parallelogram kind of structure?

An $m$-dimensional lattice is defined by a basis $A \in \mathbb{R}^{m \times n}$ is the set of points $\{Az : z \in \mathbb{Z}^n\}$. A picture of these points would be like a nice parallelogram kind ...
satya's user avatar
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62 votes
4 answers

Polynomial-time Quantum Algorithms for Lattice Problems

A new paper, by Yilei Chen, whose title is Quantum Algorithms for Lattice Problems ( appeared on eprint and it claims to solve hard lattice problems, such as the ...
Hilder Vitor Lima Pereira's user avatar
25 votes
3 answers

What does the work "An Efficient Quantum Algorithm for Lattice Problems Achieving Subexponential Approximation Factor" mean?

In An Efficient Quantum Algorithm for Lattice Problems Achieving Subexponential Approximation Factor, the author claims they give a polynomial-time quantum algorithm for solving the Bounded Distance ...
user77340's user avatar
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18 votes
2 answers

Why is Approximate GCD a hard problem?

There are many Fully Homomorphic Encryption over the Integers schemes whose security is based on the intractability of the Approximate GCD (AGCD) problem. The paper Algorithms for the Approximate ...
robertkin's user avatar
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16 votes
0 answers

Given a 'good' basis for a lattice, how can we solve the CVP?

I'm doing a little bit of reading about lattices. I read that if we can find a 'short' basis for our given lattice, we can solve CVP and SVP very efficiently. However, the paper didn't describe an ...
pg1989's user avatar
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16 votes
4 answers

Kyber and Dilithium explained to primary school students?

Kyber and Dilithium are post-quantum cryptographic designs, but the resources are hard to understand. Is it possible to explain those ciphers to children?
Flan1335's user avatar
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14 votes
1 answer

Is lattice-based cryptography practical?

How viable is lattice-based cryptography in a "practical" setting? It has been said that lattice-based cryptography would be a "post-quantum" cryptography scheme, but is it feasibly implementable?
Steven Sagona's user avatar
11 votes
2 answers

Why is the Lovász condition used in the LLL algorithm?

The LLL algorithm is used to approximate the Shortest Vector Problem, i.e., it outputs a reduced basis. Such a basis will satisfy two conditions: $$ \forall i \gt j. \quad \lvert\mu_{ij}\rvert \le \...
preethi's user avatar
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9 votes
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Does there exist trapdoor permutation from lattices?

It seems that the lattice functions are either surjective (SIS) or injective (LWE), due to the error that is basically intended to destroy the structure and provide security. I was wondering whether ...
user avatar
9 votes
3 answers

What is a purpose of reducing lattice basis?

This may be too broad question but it is not. I have been studying lattices for few months now, more specifically I studied: Lattice problems ($SVP$, $CVP$ and etc.) Lattice cryptography in post ...
Node.JS's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

Gaussian distribution in lattices

In many lattice based cryptosystems, Gaussian distribution is used. Can you explain why only Gaussian distribution is preferred?
preethi's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

How to find the value of a vector modulo a basis in lattice-based cryptography

In Gentry's paper on fully homomorphic encryption using ideal lattices, he finds the values of vectors modulo a certain basis. For instance: $\psi \leftarrow \psi' \mod B$ Taken from page 69 of ...
danxinnoble's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

What is the direct connection between LWE and GapSVP?

Learning with Errors Problem (LWE): Given a polynomial number of random noisy linear equations $b_i$ in the form of pairs $$ (a_i, \quad b_i = \langle s, a_i \rangle + e_i) $$ where $a_i \in \mathbb{...
LQWE's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Hardness of Short Interger Solution in Lattices

Short Integer Solution ($SIS_{n,m,q,\beta}$) is defined as: Given a matrix $A \in \mathbb{Z}_{q}^{n \times m}$, find a non-zero vector $x \in \mathbb{Z}^{m}$ such that $A \cdot x = 0\mod q$ and $||x|| ...
preethi's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

MLWE (and RLWE) to LWE reductions proof

In crypto papers, cryptanalysis of MLWE/RLWE/etc. is often reduced to LWE. Why can we do this? Is there strict proof of such reductions?
OneUser's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Why is does the protocol of Ding et al. produce biased bits and does it relate to passive security?

I am not understanding the following from "Lattice Cryptography for the Internet" by C. Peikert (pages 9): We remark that a work of Ding et al. DXL14 proposes a different reconciliation method ...
Node.JS's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

$L^3$ Grover search of NTRU variants

I was reading a text on cryptology by Wayne Patterson and came across the $L^3$ algorithm which reduces integer lattices with respect to their base. I've also read on the NIST CFP A8 that attacks ...
floor cat's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Finding the exact solution of an LWE instance with a sparse matrix

I already asked a question about the feasibility of LWE when the matrix A is sparse or small here. Let $q$ be a prime, let $\chi$ be a distribution of $\textit{small}$ elements over $\mathbb{Z}/q$, ...
Kolja's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

LWE with identity sub-matrix and reused sampled from [MP12]: why is it secure?

I studied this paper a while ago, but now I'm confused by the paper Trapdoors for Lattices:Simpler, Tighter, Faster, Smaller by Micciancio and Peikert. Page 24 and 25, they present an algorithm that ...
Léo Colisson's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

What is the largest parameter broken for NTRU?

The original secure parameters for NTRU shown below are from the original HPS98 paper. This is vastly different from the current secure suggested parameters in the NIST PQC round 3 submission. ...
evernal's user avatar
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Prove that a small Ring-LWE secret is unique

I just want to know whether my proof is correct, which is about proving that if the Ring-LWE secret is small, then it is unique. Before giving my proof, here is a fact: Fact 1: $\Pr [\Vert r \Vert_\...
Chito Miranda's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

How to determine the concrete security of lattice cryptosystems?

I am currently reading about lattice cryptography and am interested in the cryptosystems based on the LWE problem. I understand the reductions from lattice problems to dLWE. Then we base our belief in ...
AntoineD's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

How does the 'Flatten' function reduce the coefficients of a vector/matrix?

Seen here, at the bottom of page 5, $\operatorname{Flatten}(\vec{a})$ is defined as: $\operatorname{Flatten}(\vec{a})=\operatorname{BitDecomp}(\operatorname{BitDecomp}^{-1}(\vec{a}))$ For an n-...
Stilton's user avatar
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1 answer

Gap problem for Learning With Errors

Informally, a "Gap problem" arises when solving the computational (or search) version using an oracle for the decisional version. This definition of Gap Problem was introduced by Okamoto and ...
cygnusv's user avatar
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2 answers

How is the matrix A related to the lattice space L in SIS?

Is the matrix $A= (b_1|,...,|b_m)$ where B=$(b_1,...,b_m)$ is the basis of the lattice space, $L$(B)? Not sure if the answer is trivial however I'm having trouble seeing how SIS is a lattice hard ...
Stilton's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Trapdoors for lattices

I refer to an article I focus on (a bit modified) Algorithm 1 which runs as follows (in my understanding): For given $n, m\in \mathbb N$, $q=2^k$ and a distribution $\...
vladkkkkk's user avatar
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1 answer

Understanding Unique-SVP and Kannan's Embedding

I am trying to understand the Kannan embedding technique. But I am confused about the formation of the B' and the finding of the short vector inside that basis. How does this basis matrix in the ...
Semiramis's user avatar
3 votes
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NTRUEncrypt fails on sedonion algebra

This question is a direct follow-up (hopefully - the last) of my previous one; please see it for full information. I would like to further generalise NTRU cryptosystem on higher-order algebras. ...
max's user avatar
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Hardness of $SIS$ and its reduction to an NP-complete problem

Short Integer Solution ($ SIS_\gamma^{(q,n,m,\beta)}$): Given a matrix $A\in Z_{q}^{n×m}$, find $x \in Z^m $, such that $Ax=0\mod q$ and $||x|| \le \beta$ Is $SIS\in NP$ ? If $SIS \in NP$, then it ...
preethi's user avatar
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2 votes
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Question about the description from ring SIS to SIS in the survey paper: A Decade of Lattice Cryptography

I am currently reading "A Decade of Lattice Cryptography" At page 30, section 4.3.2, it descrip left multiplication by any fixed ring element a It mention something about curcilant matrix ...
js wang's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

LWE with a binary matrix A

In LWE, we know that given reasonable public parameter $A\in \mathbb{Z}_q^{n\times \lambda}$, secret $s\in \mathbb{Z}_q^{\lambda}$ and noise $e\in \mathcal{X}^{n}$, random $r\in \mathbb{Z}_q^{n}$, $(A,...
user102777's user avatar
2 votes
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Classification of attacks against lattices

I'm interested about the cryptanalysis side of lattice-based cryptography, and was wondering whether there is a survey paper or something that gives some classification of attacks against lattices, ...
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Can this problem reduce to the SIS problem or LWE problem?

The description of the graceless problem is as below. Given a full rank square matrix $A=(R\cdot S+E)\in\mathbb{Z}_q^{n\times n}$,where: $q>2^\lambda$ is a prime; $R\leftarrow\mathbb{Z}_q^{n\times ...
X.H. Yue's user avatar
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