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Questions tagged [lfsr]

Linear Feedback Shift Register, a pseudorandom bit generator which can be efficiently implemented in hardware.

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Finding LFSR Tap bits. The question is below please help me out with the correct answer [closed]

Note: The notation from this problem is from Understanding Cryptography by Paar and Pelzl. Suppose you have an LFSR with 6 state bits. The first 12 bits of output produced by this LFSR are ...
Andriana's user avatar
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Can I get the taps and the initial state of an lfsr, just knowing a part of the final keystream?

So, imagine you have an lsr sequence like this: 1101 0111 1000 1001 That has been obtained from the initial sequence: 1011 ...
pkq403's user avatar
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Sequences over groups and multiplicative recurrences

Feedback shift registers (FSRs) with nonlinear feedback function produce recurring sequences which satisfy polynomial recurrence relations defined by the feedback function. If the register cells are ...
Viren Sule's user avatar
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Proof of theorem by Lin and Costello

I want to prove the following theorem in LFSR: If $f(x)$ is a polynomial in $\text{GF}(2)$ with exponent $e$, which means $f(x) \mid x^e + 1$. I want to prove that $e \le 2^n -1$. I had some attempts ...
niloufar hz's user avatar
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Why is firmware implementation not preferred for more lfsr based encryption schemes?

Given that an algorithmic implementation of a linear feedback shift register based encryption scheme is (much?) more secure against side channel attacks; why are hardware platforms usually used? I get ...
Me2's user avatar
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How to identify if a legacy encryption algorithm used in my programming language is secure?

I used an open-source programming language called Lucee / Cfscript that is closely related to Adobe Coldfusion. The default function that developers use to encrypt and decrypt data (usually for ...
ialexander's user avatar
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Decrypting 3 Binaries | LFSR

I have three binary arrays each one representing the pixels of an image. For example, if the picture size is 100 pixels X 100 pixels. Then the binary array would be 100×100×8×3 bits. These files are ...
Ahmed Diyaa's user avatar
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Finding the polynomial for LFSR given it's length and output

Let's say that i know that the output of an LFSR with length 4 is 1,1,1,0,0,1,1. Constructing the 3 equations modulo 2: $$s_{4} = \sum\limits_{i=1}^{4}c_{i}s_{4-i} \Leftrightarrow c_{2}+c_{3}+c_{4}=0$$...
Prothean 's user avatar
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Determining the coefficients of a binary LFSR

I am currently leaning about LFSRs. I was told that a binary LFSR with length m has a form of $s_m=a_0s_0+a_1s_1+\ldots+a_{m-1}s_{m-1}$ are binary numbers. $a_0\ldots a_{m-1}$ are hidden and we are ...
rin ichinose's user avatar
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Why do Mersenne Twister use Mersenne prime but not regular prime numbers

I'm trying to figure out why Mersenne Twister use exactly Mersenne prime numbers but not regular primes. What makes Mersenne prime numbers more appropriate for this role than regular primes?
pacman's user avatar
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Distinct sequences in a Fibonacci LFSR

How many distinct sequences can a $128$-bit Fibonacci LFSR (considering $4$ taps set for the maximum period) generate? Will all $2^{128} - 1$ distinct seeds produce distinct sequences? Also, let's say ...
vibhav950's user avatar
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Is there a standard for LFSRs to test against for use in a stream cipher?

I am trying to implement a stream cipher that uses an LFSR PRNG. I have found resources online that give good primitive polynomials, but I am struggling to find resources with the initial states as ...
Lachlan's user avatar
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Find Linear Complexity of sequence beginnings

I know that in order to find the linear complexity of the two sequence beginnings $$(1,-1,0,-1,0,0,0,0,1,0,\dots)\in\mathbb{Z}_3^\mathbb{N}\\ (2,0,-1,-2,0,0,-2,2,-1,-2,\dots)\in\mathbb{Z}_5^\mathbb{N},...
stack_math's user avatar
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What is the result of not connecting the 1st register to the xor gate in LFSR?

I designed 8 bit lfsr in vhdl. According to mathematical theory, I xor processed the outputs of registers 1, 4, 5, 6 and 8 and connected them to the input of register 1. theory says that if I give the ...
Doğukan Karakaya's user avatar
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How to find linear complexity of non binary prime fields using berlekamp_massey algorithm in Sagemath?

I am having a prime field of large size (assume it of the type GF(2**18)) and I need to find linear complexity of a sequence (of some specified length) defined on ...
Mathpdegeek497's user avatar
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Size of nonlinear filter sequence to recover LFSR feedback polynomial

Let's suppose that there is a filter generator which based on $n$-size LFSR. Denote a feedback polynomial as $g(x_1, x_2, \dots, x_n)$ and nonlinear filter function as $f(x_1, x_2, \dots, x_n)$. Let $...
Grigoriy's user avatar
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Attack on cipher that adds modulo FF output of two LFSRs (LFSR-12 and LFSR-19)

LFSR-12 with poly $x^7+x^2+1$ and LFSR-19 with poly $x^{11}+x^5+1$ are used to produce 8 bit of output each, output is then added together modulo FF (LFSR-12+LFSR19)mod FF I know first 8 bytes (-> ...
Mike's user avatar
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Multiplication of two LFSR

Let $a_n$, and $b_n$ two sequences generated by two LFSR with connection polynomials $P$, and $Q$. How to show the sequence $(a_n \cdot b_n)$ can be generated by a LFSR wit connection polynomial of ...
Ievgeni's user avatar
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Streams Ciphers - Linear feedback shift register logic behind design

I’m just seeking a better understanding as to the logic behind design of the A5/1 cipher’s keystream generator. Why are the registers degree chosen in such a fashion (19,22 and 23 bits long ...
Julian Fusco-Wright's user avatar
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Linear complexity of real and complex sequences

In cryptography output sequences of stream ciphers are binary valued (or more generally finite field valued). However mathematically sequences over real and complex variables can also be generated by ...
Viren Sule's user avatar
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Attack against stream cipher (LFSR with ASCII)

I'm reading Understanding Cryptography by Christof Paar and Jan Pelzl. In chapter 2 (Stream Ciphers) there's a question that goes like this: Assume we have a stream cipher whose period is quite short....
KetDog's user avatar
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Majority-based feedback shift register

Linear feedback shift registers (LFSR's) work by taking a fixed-length bit-string $b\in\{0,1\}^n$, as well as fixed "taps" (bit positions) and applying XOR to the taps, giving one output bit,...
Dominic van der Zypen's user avatar
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Linear Complexity of two dimensional finite patterns such as QR codes

Two dimensional patters are omnipresent in information transactions. QR codes, images are most common. I want to know if there is a concept analogous to the well known concept of Linear Complexity of ...
Viren Sule's user avatar
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Berlekamp massey possibly wrong SAGEMATH

This is in context with the inbuilt berlekamp_massey function in SAGEMATH. While computing the minimal polynomial of the sequences using the Berlekamp Massey function, I have felt that the Berlekamp ...
Mathpdegeek497's user avatar
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Berlekamp–Massey input sequence length

For a given periodic sequence of length $N$ for which minimal polynomial is being constructed. Does the Berlekamp-Massey algorithm take the input of $2N$, i.e., the repeated input sequence or just the ...
Mathpdegeek497's user avatar
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Polynomial notation of LFSR

I was following along with Christof Paar's lecture on Linear Feedback Shift Registers. He explains the structure coherently as a set of flip flops where the 'taps' are defined by a bit vector (0 for ...
user3556757's user avatar
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Can the Berlekamp-Massey algorithm falsely detect an LFSR?

Is it possible that the BMA detects an irreducible polynomial from a sequence that was not generated by an LFSR? I am feeding a sequence into the BMA under the assumption that it was generated by an ...
neolith's user avatar
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Finding initial key of Fibonacci LFSR knowing only polynomial and output stream-cipher

I need to know whether it is possible to find the initial key of a Fibonacci LFSR knowing only length and taps and output stream-cipher bit sequence? Plaintext is not ASCII, nor some other sort of ...
RobotVerter's user avatar
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Discrepancy $δ$ in the Berlekamp-Massey Algorithm

I have a question regarding to the Berlekamp–Massey algorithm. Can someone guide me to understand the idea/intuition of this algorithm? According to the explanation in Wikepedia, in each iteration, ...
ytj_banana's user avatar
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What tools are there to reverse-engineer an LFSR besides the BMA?

I have a certain timecode which I can’t seem to figure out. We gave successfully decoded other codes for the same purpose with the Berlekamp-Massey algorithm, but this code seems to have a linear ...
neolith's user avatar
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Use of scrambler LFSR for randomness extraction of semi-random source

I am using a linear feedback shift register (LFSR) in a scrambler configuration as a randomness extractor for a weakly random source. This source is semi-random (aka. Santha-Vazirani source): the bits ...
DurandA's user avatar
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What vulnerabilities does the LFSR filter generator have?

As the title suggests, I wonder what kinds of attacks there are in the LFSR filter generator. The most representative attack is the fast correlation attack and inversion attack. I wonder what other ...
zelda191919's user avatar
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What does that mean, that A5/1 is clocked?

What does that mean, that A5/1 is clocked? What happens if the clocking bit agrees with the majority bit?
Tom's user avatar
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What is the linear complexity of a modified LFSR sequence with a fixed length of zeroes inserted between every pair of successive terms

There was a deleted question that asked; We know that if $n$ zeros are inserted between every pair of successive terms of the sequence in LFSR (variable changed $x$ to $x^n$) then linear complexity (...
kelalaka's user avatar
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Is there a library that output LFSR images given parameters?

I'm looking for a library that given parameters; feedback polynomial, initial values then it will produce $\LaTeX$ / Tikz codes to include in Latex documents or LFSR images. Is there such a library? ...
kelalaka's user avatar
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Is there a way to find the two generator polynomials of a JPL sequence?

I am decoding a binary sequence that was detected as an unpractically long LFSR by the Berlekamp-Massey algorithm. First of all, the generated sequence is far longer than it needs to be and since it ...
neolith's user avatar
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Reversed Fibonacci LFSR taps

In the classic book "Applied Cryptography" (20th anniversary edition) from Bruce Schneier, there is an illustration of a maximal-length LFSR: According to the book, this LFSR uses the tap ...
DurandA's user avatar
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Is a LFSR sufficient for post-processing a biased TRNG?

I am building a TRNG on a FPGA based on ring oscillators. I found out that Linear Feedback Shift Registers (LFSRs) are commonly used for the post-processing of TRNGs. Here is my initial design: Let's ...
DurandA's user avatar
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Listing first 8 bits generated by LFSR

Consider the primitive polynomial P(x) = x^4 + x^3 + 1, initialized with the bit string (shifting occurs from left to right, were the right-most bit represents the LFSR output): 1101. List the first 8-...
hollyjolly's user avatar
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How to find the matrix of LFSR output?

I am trying to find polynomial , but don't know how to get matrix matrix must look something like this: For example ...
Moody Lover's user avatar
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Is there a way to bound linear complexity of a sequence less than its period

Linear complexity of a sequence $s_0,s_1,\ldots$ over a finite field is the shortest length $n$ of linear recurrence of the sequence such that $s_{n+j}=\sum_{i=0}^{n-1}a_is_{i+j}$ for $j=0,1,2,\ldots$ ...
Viren Sule's user avatar
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How to interpret Berlekamp-Massey algorithm?

I'm trying to find a way to understand the process of the Berlekamp-Massey Algorithm. But I'm struggling in understanding the fourth step of the process, which is $B^{(r+1)}(x) = A^{(r)}/\delta^{(r)}$....
ytj_banana's user avatar
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Breaking the 40 bit DVD CSS stream cipher

This is from the transcript of Dan Boneh's Coursera Crypto course So it turns out this is easy to break in time roughly ...
user93353's user avatar
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Decrypting LFSR, knowing the beginning of the cyphertext, and nothing else

I have a cipher-text in binary, I know the beginning of the plain-text. I know that it is encrypted using LFSR, and I know nothing else. How can I attack, and decrypt it? What I have tried; I ...
Ataberk Özbay's user avatar
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Why are LFSRs represented as polynomials?

Disclaimer: I am neither an electronics engineer nor am I a mathematician. I understand what an LFSR is. I can derive the periodic sequence if an LFSR is described by it's taps. My question is - why ...
user93353's user avatar
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XOR LFSR and all zero state

I read this in a description of Linear Shift Feedback Registers Note that the allzero state must be excluded. If an LFSR assumes this state, it will get “stuck” in it, i.e., it will never be able to ...
user93353's user avatar
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autocorrelation of non-linear shift register with the period of $2^n$ (full period)

throughout the question I will talk about sequences in bipolar alphabet, meaning, over {1,-1}. I have read in the book Shift Register Sequences by Solomon W. Golomb that sequences with the period of $...
Mr.O's user avatar
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Is it possible to construct a PRNG where the output numbers have a certain distribution of hamming weights?

I am in need of a non-uniform random number generator where each n-bit output has a hamming weight with a certain binomial distribution. For example, I would like a non-uniform PRNG which generates ...
Ollie's user avatar
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Period of LFSR sequence with reducible polynomial

I want to prove the following theorem: Let's assume a LFSR(Linear feedback shift register) sequence with a reducible characteristic polynomial of degree $n$ over the finite field $\mathbb{F}_q$. Under ...
math4ev's user avatar
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Attack on LFSR key stream generator

Alright this is a question I found on one of my books: Given is a stream cipher which uses a single LFSR as key stream generator. The LFSR has a degree of 256. How many plaintext/ciphertext bit ...
Trey's user avatar
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