Questions tagged [multiparty-computation]

Multi-party computation (MPC) allows a set of parties, each with a private input, to securely and jointly perform any computation over their inputs.

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Secure multiparty computation protocols for stable matching?

Are you aware of papers proposing secure multiparty computation protocols for stable matching problems such as Stable Roommates and Stable Marriage problems? Specifically, I would like the ranking of ...
Lorenzo's user avatar
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Is there any secure deterministic two-party computation protocol?

The notion of security considered here is privacy. Is there a secure two-party protocol does not rely on randomness at all when considering passive adversaries (or active adversaries)? If the answer ...
amyyy's user avatar
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7 votes
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Generating suitable prime numbers for Paillier key pair in GG18

I am working on MPCs (multi party computation) in crypto, and now I am developing a implementation of GG 18. In sign phase, algorithm needs MtA (Multiplicative to Additive) and uses a Paillier key ...
user109261's user avatar
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Does game-theoretical fairness work in when the goal of one party is randomness

When we take the coin flip in Blum's algorithm in "Coin flipping by telephone a protocol for solving impossible problems", where Alice and Bob both want ownership over the same car, then one ...
Mangudai's user avatar
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Constructing OR gate with OT

I am constructing a two-party OR gate and trying to do this with oblivious transfer. Yet I am very new to oblivious transfer, wishing to know whether the following construction makes sense. Goal: ...
ccc's user avatar
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How to build a secure multiparty computation protocol using oblivious transfer as a blackbox?

The following statements seems to be a consensus in cryptography community. Oblivious tranfer is a complete primitive for secure multiparty computation (SMC). But I cannot find any explicit ...
Jiawei Wu's user avatar
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On the Adaptive Security of MPC Protocols

In adversarial context of MPC, the corruption behavior refers to the assumptions about the corrupted parties’ deviation level from the protocol specification. Three main types of corruption behaviors ...
NB_1907's user avatar
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2 answers

Is there a way to calculate a hash with two people so that no one knows the pre-image but if they get together they do?

I'm trying to find a way to have multi party hash computation, more specifically for SHA256. I want for two people to be able to compute a hash so that none of them knows the pre-image but when they ...
Dani Vilardell's user avatar
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What's the fastest way to generate matrix vector Beaver triplets?

$\vec{u_0} + \vec{u_1} = (M_0 + M_1)\cdot (\vec{v_0} + \vec{v_1})$ $P_i$ gets $(\vec{u_i}, M_i, \vec{v_i})$ where $M_i$ is a matrix , $\vec{u_i},\vec{v_i}$ are vectors, with all entries uniformly ...
Bob's user avatar
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Why zero sharings are used to mask secret value to the masked value appears to be a random value?

Some interpretations say "By masking a secret value with a uniformly random zero sharing, the masked value appears to be a random value drawn from a uniform distribution. This randomness helps ...
IRise's user avatar
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Implementing ECDSA threshold using a secret sharing scheme

My question might be a duplicate but I wasn't able to find a similar question. I recently developed a wallet-like app and I am trying to implement some MPC features. I searched a little and even asked ...
misaq saadat's user avatar
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How is a message $\mu$ encrypted in a witness encryption scheme below? What does C(x) = 1 mean below?

I was reading this paper, where I came across the following statement on Pg 4 under the Homomorphic Commitments: A witness encryption scheme, associated with a NP language, consists of an encryption ...
Paritosh007's user avatar
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What does a semi-malicious setting mean in MPC? How is it different from malicious or semi-honest setting?

I was reading this paper, where I came across the following statement: We consider the problem of unbounded MPC with security against semi-malicious adversaries in the dishonest majority setting. In ...
Paritosh007's user avatar
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Garbled circuit and secret sharing

Recently, I was reading the paper One Hot Garbling published on CCS 2021. I noticed a sentence in it: In this work, we forgo the standard GC notation of garbled labels in favor of garbled sharings of ...
Emison Lu's user avatar
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Why does joint distribution of simulation output and functionality output is required?

I was going through this simulation tutorial. For example, let x and y be lists of data elements, and let f be a functionality that outputs an independent random sample of x ∪ y of some predetermined ...
Paritosh007's user avatar
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Dynamic Distributed Key Generation for elGamal

I am looking for a scheme for dynamic threshold public-key encryption, which includes dynamic distributed key generation. Namely, the number of parties that participate in DKG is bounded, but unknown. ...
Stanislaw Baranski's user avatar
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Question about Secure Multi-Party Computation

I am doing research about Non-interactive Secure Multi-party Computation and encounter a dilemma that I am not quite sure if it is possible and wonder if there are better thoughts that could help. ...
qingqingthe's user avatar
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Multi party authentication or encryption

I rent a room in a building. There are also 9 others who rent other rooms in this building. Just like everyone else who rents a room I only have one key of this building. With my key I can open the ...
Quinten C's user avatar
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SMCQL practical examples

I am looking for some practical examples on how to use SMCQL on some typical SQL queries. The paper seems to be oriented more towards theory. Can somebody point me to some examples to understand it ...
user60588's user avatar
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Honest programming language for malicious adversaries in MPC protocols

One method to create a secure MPC protocol against malicious adversaries is to create a secure protocol against semi-honest adversaries and then add some zero-knowledge proofs to ensure that the ...
user avatar
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Secure Multi-Party Computation (MPC) protocol with all dishonest parties

What if we consider an MPC protocol in which all parties are dishonest? Is it unattainable (even with allowing abort) or is it just meaningless to think about?
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Signature size discrepancy for MPC in the Head signature

I have been puzzled by the following for a long time. In the (very well know in the field) paper: Improved Non-Interactive Zero Knowledge with Applications to Post-Quantum Signatures , the authors ...
miraunpajaro's user avatar
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Security of pseudorandom correlation for bilinear correlations

A pseudorandom correlation generator for bilinear correlation (namely, $x_0 \otimes x_1 = z_0 + z_1$, where party $\sigma$ gets $x_\sigma, z_\sigma$) over some field $F$ works roughly as follows (...
lamba's user avatar
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How to implement CRS model in the real world?

Traditionally, I think that implementing the CRS (common reference string) model in the real world is usually through a trusted third party or running a distributed protocol. Are there specific papers ...
Emison Lu's user avatar
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Why not substitute division of a public value by multiplication to its reciprocal?

MPC protocols have a harder time handling division (truncation) than multiplication. The case I am considering is when the divisor is a public value. Dividing it may lead to a wrong result due to ...
Zhengyi Li's user avatar
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How can Garbled Circuits be utilized to reduce the round complexity of GMW?

I've been reading this set of notes on some topics in MPC and am having difficulty understanding the transformation the authors make in order to reduce the round complexity of the GMW protocol through ...
Lt. Commander. Data's user avatar
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How can the AND gate be executed efficiently in the GMW protocol for the MPC setting?

GMW is a pretty straight forward protocol for the setting of 2PC. It is still straight forward for the case of MPC except for the AND gate. I'm struggling to understand how to obtain a "good"...
tur11ng's user avatar
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Conditional Boolean circuits

I have two questions I couldn't find straightforward answers to after many searches. (1) We can perform 2-party MPC over arbitrary functions using Garbled Circuit. To do that, we first need to convert ...
taserghar's user avatar
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Can BDOZ and SPDZ implement secure 2-party computation?

Considering that P1 has value x, P2 has value y and they want to compute x+y without telling the other what he has,So P1 and P2 secret-share their values to each other. Now P1 gets x1 and y1, P2 gets ...
jrzhu's user avatar
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Oblivious Decision Making

Suppose there is a ciphertext $C_1$ that hides message $m_1$ using a distributed additively homomorphic public key. I would like the holders of the key to run a protocol where if $m_1 = 0$, then it ...
Zarquan's user avatar
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MPC Protocol with Additions and Multiplications for FREE

Imagine an MPC protocol where both multiplications and additions come for free (2 round). The protocol works over arithmetic circuits, and the security setup is as relaxed as possible: Semi-Honest. ...
DaWNFoRCe's user avatar
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Most efficient way to implement a 1-out-of-4 OT for GMW?

Assuming evaluation in the online phase (no beaver triple/offline method used), each AND gate in GMW must be evaluated using a 1-out-of-4 OT. I've seen some sources (here, and here) say this can be ...
qmango's user avatar
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Security against malicious adversaries in MPC

I have a question in the context of two-party computation and the proof of the security of an MPC. I have looked at some of the beginning parts of this, this chapter 7, and this But I couldn't achieve ...
m123's user avatar
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Pseudorandom correlation generators for many small tensor products

Pseudorandom correlation generators (PCG) exist for tensor products, this is described in Figure 1 of [1]. Basically we want party 1 to hold $(x_0, z_0)$ and party 2 to hold $(x_1, z_1)$ such that $...
lamba's user avatar
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Multiple input AND/OR gate evaluation

In MPC, AND and XOR gates are two mostly used gates. However, most of the solutions (Garbled Circuit or Boolean Secret Sharing) considered these gates having 2 input wires and 1 output wire. I am ...
alexander's user avatar
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How to do modulo operation in a MPC scheme like ABY?

In MPC schemes like ABY or MOTION, the modulo operation is based on a ring $Z_{2^l}$. So for arithmetic sharing, it is relatively easy to make addition operation in the ring. My question is, what if I ...
mactep Cheng's user avatar
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Is it possible to execute multi party computation over public ledger?

Let $F(x_1,…,x_n)\mapsto(y_1,…,y_n)$ be some arbitrary computable function. Suppose there are $n$ parties, where each party $i$ encrypt its message $m_i$ with a public key $\mathrm{pk}_i$ and obtain $...
Doron's user avatar
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Is there any attack from a malicious adversary against semi-honest MPC protocol?

For semi honest MPC protocols, adding some errors can easily make the output wrong. I wonder beyond that, can malicious adversaries make some attacks against semi-honest protocols to obtain private ...
AmeliaLi's user avatar
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Reusing base Oblivious Transfers

I am new to Oblivious Transfer (OT) and am having trouble finding a definitive answer regarding if/when/how baseOTs can be reused in a computation when using OT-extension (for passive security only). ...
qmango's user avatar
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In SPDZ, difference between protocol in $\mathbb F_p$ and in $\mathbb F_{2^k}$

I have read SPDZ family protocol, the domain of the spdz_1 in 2012 is $\mathbb F_{p^k}$. Later mascot'16 supports both $\mathbb F_p$ and $\mathbb F_{2^k}$, where $p=2^k+u$. I want to know the ...
freely's user avatar
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the difference between field $F_{2^k}$ and ring $Z_{2^k}$ in multi-party computation, especially in SPDZ family [duplicate]

I have seen different protocols in field or ring, I used to think ring is a special field when 2^k. But when I read the paper later, I doubted my understanding.
freely's user avatar
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A Question on the "rewinding" technique in secure computation

Consider secure two-party computation against malicious adversaries in the standalone model. I know that the "rewinding" technique can be used to extract the corrupt party's input, e.g., in $...
X. G.'s user avatar
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How to prove the security of the MT-based multiplication protocol via the simulation paradigm

It is known that Multiplicaiton Triple (MT) can be used for secure online multiplication, which is defined by $\mathsf{Mul}(x, y)=(z_0, z_1)$, where $x\cdot y = z_0 + z_1$ $P_0$ sample random $a$, ...
xxx's user avatar
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Question about Ligero protocol

I have a question for those that might be familiar with the ligero protocol: Ligero In this protocol to be using an MPC in the head paradigm: described here. However, in the description of their ...
miraunpajaro's user avatar
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MPC model used in Ligero and Limbo

Ligero ( and Limbo ( use a somewhat unique MPC model for their zk-PCP where not all parties communicate with each ...
lamba's user avatar
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How does Diogenes prove equivalence of discreet logs despite the candidates not being composed of safe primes

In the paper describing a protocol for distributed RSA modulus generation, Diogenes, "[they] employ a special-purpose $\Sigma$-protocol based on [Sho00] for proving correctness of exponentiations ...
Nic's user avatar
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How to get started with Simulation and UC proofs?

I've been in my PhD program for a few months, and every time I try to understand the simulation and UC proof-paradigms I get so confused. I feel like what I really need is an easy set of (guided) ...
FearfulJoe's user avatar
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Millionaire problem where one entry is public?

I want to evaluation following functionality: Parties have secret shares of private input [a] and public input b, they want to measure if a>b, additionally only one party should learn the output ...
LWE-13's user avatar
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How Cut-and-Choose can leak information?

I'm currently reading the book "A Pragmatic Introduction to Secure Multi-Party Computation". On pages 103-104 I came across the following related to the Cut-and-Choose technique: If $P_2$ ...
tur11ng's user avatar
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Converting a random OLE (oblivious linear function evaluation) to an OLE

It is known that by adding an extra round of communication, it is possible to convert a random OT (where the choice bits and the sender input are random) to a standard OT, see https://crypto....
lamba's user avatar
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