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Questions tagged [obfuscation]

Obfuscation is the process by which the code is altered so that a developer finds it much harder to understand clearly what the intended program does or how it operates. The larger the program the greater the obfuscation, as code becomes intertwined linking different segments through out the program.

8 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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How to explain indistinguishability obfuscation (iO) to my grandmother?

At the risk of oversimplification, how do I explain indistinguishability obfuscation (iO) to my grandmother?
Nathan Aw's user avatar
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Homomorphic encryption and program obfuscation

[Say I want to outsource the computation of $y=f(x)$ without revealing information about $x$, $y$, or $f$. I thought I'd have to combine homomorphic encryption with some obfuscation $\mathcal{O}$, ...
yoyo's user avatar
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Distributional Virtual Black Box security

Can anyone clearly explain the difference between these two notions of obfuscation security: VBB security and D-VBB Security. VBB Security: An obfuscated program is no better than just a black box ...
Vshi's user avatar
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Cryptographic Code Anonymization

I've been reading a lot about techniques related to stylometry whereby programmers can be de-anonymized by analyzing their source code. Resisting deanonymization seems like a multifaceted problem. ...
Sidharth Ghoshal's user avatar
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Indistinguishability obfuscation and PRFs

Consider a family of pseudorandom functions $F$, each member $f_k$ of this family is indexed by a key $k$. It is true, due to a result by Barak et al, that black box obfuscation is not possible for a ...
BlackHat18's user avatar
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Obfuscation scheme wanted

I'd like to know if there's any cryptographic scheme that implements something similar to what I'm summarizing here below. Thanks a lot for reading and for any hint or question. Intro-Scenery: There's ...
Lorenzo's user avatar
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Are there servers that are oblivious to their own output?

Suppose there are $n$ parties with public keys $pk_1,...,pk_n$. Is it possible that a server S constructs an algorithm $A$ so that for some public random nonce $r$ given as input, S computes some &...
Doron's user avatar
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Decrypting an AES string

I'm dealing with a website that loads a javascript file which eventually sets an AES hash/value (whatever it's called) as a cookie. The file is heavily obfuscated making it hard to understand certain ...
Joe's user avatar
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