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3 votes
1 answer

Is the user's password revealed to a curious server in the OPAQUE PAKE?

If the server is honest-but-curious, it can attempt to guess the user’s password $\mathsf{pw}$ by computing $\mathsf{rw} = H(\mathsf{pw}, H'(\mathsf{pw})^s)$,where $s$ is the server's OPRF key. Then, ...
frost.crystal's user avatar
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OPRF and HashToGroup security

In OPRF protocol client needs to deterministically map an array of bytes x to an element of Group, namely an elliptic curve point. I know that it's insecure to replace HashToCurve with scalar ...
John dow's user avatar
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Does the use of OPRF or OT remove the need of HE in PSI?

I was reading a systematic literature review on Private Set Intersection (PSI) protocols (, which mentions that the main ...
Jayce's user avatar
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OPRF based on symmetric encryption

We need to use OPRF(oblivious pseudo random function) on very large sets. Unfortunately most of algorithms use elliptic curves and so this algorithms are very slow. Does exist some relaxation of oprf(...
Galois group's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How to construct a permutation (shuffle) oblivious pseudorandom function?

We know that OPRF is a two-party protocol, where Alice inputs $X = {x_1, ..., x_n}$, Bob has no input, and after executing the OPRF protocol, Alice gets $F_k(x_i)$, and Bob receives a pseudorandom key ...
song's user avatar
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Could ECDH-OPRF-PSI support private information retrieval?

Alice:has $x=(x_1,x_2,...x_m)$ Bob: has $(y_1,m_1),...,(y_n,m_n)$ For this, Alice wants to get some message from Bob, but does not want bob to know which one she gets Bob generate random $a \in Z_q$,$...
haoxuan li's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Anonymous PAKE using two party computation

Let's say client side has a secret password $\pi$. The server has a series of indices $0..n-1$ and a salt associated value $s_i$ for all $i \in \{0,n-1\}$ call it set $S=\{s_i | i \in \{0,n-1\}\}$ ...
Manish Adhikari's user avatar