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Questions tagged [password-based-encryption]

Encryption using a key derived from a password or passphrase entered by the user.

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3 answers

Hardcoded PBKDF2 salt for password based AES-GCM?

I have a private text note to store on my remote server. I'd like to encrypt my data in my web browser, using JavaScript, before uploading it. Here is what I currently do: Edit my note in a textarea. ...
Tamás Bolvári's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Are Java PKCS #12 key stores reasonably secure with average strength passwords?

Suppose: We are using an application that stores sensitive private key information in a standard Java PKCS #12 keystore. Users are expected to provide an overall store password and also a password ...
mikera's user avatar
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1 answer

database encryption scheme salt storage

I'm thinking about a page-level encryption scheme for a database, the general structure would be something like the following: Derive KEY from PASSWORD and SALT using libsodium's Argon2ID Encrypt ...
Mathieu Borderé's user avatar
2 votes
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Implementing password recovery in my app

I have an Android App that stores encrypted data using a key derived from user entered password (PBKDF2). If any user forgets their password, they loose access to all their data. Hence, I am trying to ...
Shahid Thaika's user avatar
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Does this protocol description and design look sound?

I am working on a tool that uses password derived keys for AES and a selectable modes of operation to encrypt (and later decrypt) text for storage on an insecure media. The tool is constrained to ...
schickb's user avatar
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1 answer

How does SMB authentication work?

When I learned about the inner workings of the TLS protocol and what exactly it protects a connection against, I was surprised to learn that even asymmetric encryption can be defeated by a MITM attack ...
TrisT's user avatar
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Generic encryption & decryption module - question regarding password stretching & salt

We want to implement an encryption / decryption module that we want to provide to different internal components of our system (internal library for internal components). The component will provide (...
TrinityTonic's user avatar
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1 answer

When trying to break a PBKDF2 SHA512 hash, how fast is an RTX 4090 or similar GPU with the given parameters

I'm writing a paper for uni about password security, specifically about cracking passwords in the context of a password manager. I've coded a password encryption scheme which uses PBKDF2(SHA512) to ...
Luka Gecko's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How strong should my password manager's master password be?

I use an offline password manager, I want to use a future proof very strong master password and I'm going to choose one of these options from the EFF's large wordlist, a randomly chosen 8 word ...
Echo's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

Long Random Key and XOR - How Secure?

I have an application that encrypts files in the following manner (I think I can hear sighs already but bear with me): Start with two byte arrays generated from random strings of lengths l1 and l2 (...
mrrrk's user avatar
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0 answers

How to extract a private key from .PFX file to .PEM file using AES-GCM as a password-based encryption?

I'm trying to extract a private key from a .PFX file to a .PEM file format. I was able to do it using Aes128Cbc in either .NET or OpenSSL: .NET: ...
Davy Souza's user avatar
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Password Manager desktop app

I have built a small password manager desktop app using python. This app falls under the master-password model.The app connects to two databases stored locally. The first database stores the users ...
StavrosN's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Best practices on implementing a password manager

I'm a dev new to security and cryptography. I'm writing a password manager and Time-based OTP combo in dart/flutter to use in multiple devices and platform for fun and use it personally for real. I ...
anthonychwong's user avatar
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Can I use a password hash to encrypt the private key of a bigger block size?

I have private keys that are close to 2kb big. Now I want to password encrypt them in the following manner. Generate the private key of an asymmetric encryption algorithm (public key can be derived ...
kartti's user avatar
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Storing length of encrypted data

I need to encrypt some user's data. However to make it more apparent to the user what data is stored in each key, I was thinking to also store the length of the actual data along the cipher. E.g. <...
Pithikos's user avatar
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1 answer

Understanding symmetric encryption security in relation to password-based key derivation

Here are some assumptions on which the question is based. If anything is wrong with this, please point this out straight away: Let's say I have a file I want to encrypt with AES256 symmetric ...
Jan Undrych's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Number of characters in 64-bit and 128-bit password

I have a simple question but I can't seem to find the answer of. I know that A 128-bit hash contains 32 characters since each represents a hexadecimal. Similarly, a 64-bit hash would contain 16 ...
netbeansnewbie's user avatar
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Custom key for key wrapping using JOSE/JWK

I am trying to figure out how to use a custom password with a JWK that uses the password for key wrapping. The JWA spec contains for example "PBES2-HS512+A256KW", which does "PBES2 with ...
enzian's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Does combining multiple PBKDF2 keys result higher iteration count when using same password but different salts?

I did some experimenting with web subtle crypto. I derived a key using PBKDF2 with SHA-512 and 100 000 iterations and timed it. Doing same with 200 000 rounds doubled the time as expected. Then I did ...
Puruporo's user avatar
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What qualifies as a key?

For my own project and the fun of it I have created an algorithm that turns plain text into cipher by interacting between entered text and a given password. My question is, in this instance, does the ...
vquest's user avatar
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Algorithm used to generate a BitLocker recovery key

I know exactly how a generated BitLocker recovery key works and I can write a code to brute-force it. How is the recovery key generated though? I could think of some answers: it is generated using an ...
abbas's user avatar
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Is it ok to create secret by signing known data (string) with RSA private key?

Imagine you have RSA key pair. You also have some text data. So public key and text data are visible to everyone. Question is, if you sign the text_data with the private key, is the result considered ...
nsko's user avatar
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Hashing and Password Cracking

I was playing a game on cryptography where I encountered this problem: Hashed Value of password: 24 109 76 35 22 94 83 25 106 104 73 87 56 38 56 50 10 92 58 84 44 88 24 112 125 121 125 43 122 55 106 ...
Turing101's user avatar
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Public key cryptography for logins

This is a question sparked purely by curiosity, wanting to understand a little more about cryptography and authentication. Thanks in advance to anybody taking their time to answer. Instead of salting ...
Remediem's user avatar
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How does biometric authentication add protection to encryption schemes?

I'm wondering since at least 2 offline password management services,Passkeep and Keepass both use biometric authentication in addition to the master password. You need to possess the physical device ...
fingerdingers's user avatar
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How strong would be create a password through AES ECB encryption?

Suppose that I want to use a "poor man" password management working as follows: 1. I choose and remember one single master password (for example "78HK+jm?329"); 2a. for any bank, ...
Fabius Wiesner's user avatar
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Is it safe to use the same password for both VeraCrypt volume and Windows Login?

I encrypted my entire volume with Veracrypt which prompts on start up and asks for a password, great. Now after every startup is finished or everytime I leave the computer unattended (after a quick ...
Keneff's user avatar
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Hashed password used for encryption and for user authentication at the same time

As I am fairly new to cryptography, I would like to understand how to, in a simple way, implement a system that would achieve the following: the user would have to setup a password, which would then ...
simbr's user avatar
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Is it possible to send a file that cannot be opened or copied by the reciever, but only by a pre made program?

I couldn't think of a better question to ask, but I will explain more here. I want to be able to send a Word document to a server that will work with the document data. Are there any good ways to do ...
Gaddz's user avatar
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1 answer

Why does CMS' PasswordRecipient use a KEK?

When using openssl cms -encrypt -pwri_password, it follows the process described in RFC 3211, which passes the user-provided password into a KDF, but then, rather ...
JamesTheAwesomeDude's user avatar
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AES and the Feistel Structure Used Together?

In Dual Watermarking in Tele-radiology using DWT for Data Authentication and Security, the authors wrote: The encryption process uses the Feistel structure consisting multiple rounds for processing ...
Nikhil Soni's user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

Password hash contained '\x00' in middle, resulting in ValueError from bcrypt.hashpw

I have some code that accepts a password in string format, and hash it with SHA3-512 before passing it to bcrypt for hashing. However, by some coincidence, I found a test case that produces a hash ...
Benji Tan's user avatar
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1 answer

Am I using these key derivation functions correctly?

I am a bit confused about key derivation functions. I am trying to use the argon2 KDF from the passlib python module to do the ...
HerpDerpington's user avatar
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How to encrypt a text file in a portable manner based solely on a password?

I used to use openssl aes-256-cbc, but the problem I have with this is when I try to decrypt in a different version of the distro it fails, as if it depends also on some internal key or something, ...
ChocoDeveloper's user avatar
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Making a secure file sharing scheme usable

I am trying to realize a secure file sharing scheme based on asymmetric crypto. Users will access this via browser. In short, it works like this: Users register and set their username and password. ...
Theodor Straube's user avatar
2 votes
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Best practise for encryption in a password manager

I'm trying to make a password manager for Windows installed computers, and after researching the best ways to encrypt the passwords in the database (I'm new to cryptography) I think I've come up with ...
user86121's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

How are recovery keys possible if something is encrypted using a password?

I thought that encryption works as follows - it is about changing the thing we want to secure using an algorithm and using the password to mathematically change the secured content so it is unreadable....
Kaykay2137's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Encrypting data with HMAC-SHA1 challenge response as the key

I came across a piece of software that uses the following algorithm to generate a symmetric encryption key to encrypt data. Generate a non-secret 64 byte random string $M$ (fixed challenge) Generate ...
rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr's user avatar
2 votes
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End-to-end photo storage

I've been tasked with developing an app that will need to store photos a user takes securely, and I've been struggling to think up a method to do this. What I was thinking so far is as follows: When ...
George Herbert's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How to choose parameters for Argon2 for a password vault

I'm creating a password vault, and I plan to use Argon2id to derive the master key from the master password. For encryption, I plan to use XChaCha20 with Poly1305. To be clear: a set of multiple ...
SWdV's user avatar
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What are some of the alternatives to password based file encryption?

With the ever increasing risk of attackers compromising password based encryption by brute forcing or guessing passwords, are there alternatives to this traditional scheme of deriving encryption keys ...
Aravind A's user avatar
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Issue with decrypting self-coded AES

Summary: As a trainee, I got the task to extract encrypted passwords of our external password manager (Zoho Vault) and decrypt them. The documentation regarding how to decrpyt them is...none. I ask ...
Merz's user avatar
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For TCG-Opal drives, which password is used to derive KEK?

SEDs use a user password (PIN) to generate KEK by a KDF algorithm. The KEK is then used to encrypt the MEK (where MEK is internally generated in the drive). But TCG-Opal drives have 9 locking-ranges ...
alonco's user avatar
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How to provide secure password based encryption with password reset option

I am trying to build website that will encrypt some data for the user using his/her the output of scrypt on it, now the idea is that this schema is not flexible because if the user loose their ...
juan123321's user avatar
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Do all forms of symmetric encryption require multiple pieces of information? (nonce, iv, etc)

I'm attempting to learn encryption and have a very basic grasp of it, but I have questions. First, I'm looking to use AES. I want to take text, encrypt it with AES using a variable-length key, and ...
UtahJarhead's user avatar
4 votes
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Security limits of password-based encryption

A reasonable way to do password-based encryption is: put the passphrase¹ and nonce in a well-parametrized memory-hard iterated hash function like Argon2, to derive a key 128-bit or larger. output the ...
fgrieu's user avatar
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Relation between Zoom id,password and join URL [closed]

We all are using zoom application for joining/hosting meetings in this corona virus period. As we create a meeting, a new id, password and a url is generated. Some real examples follow- Id: ...
pjmathematician's user avatar
3 votes
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Do all PAKE assume that all parties already have a password?

I was looking for a means to perform a key exchange without relying on a PKI. I discovered Password Authenticated Key Exchange (PAKE) and after reading J-PAKE; I have the following questions: Do PAKE ...
vxek's user avatar
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Can a duplicate ssh private key be dangerous?

For convenience I had an id_rsa keypair and duplicated them with a new name. I may or may not use them consistently on different machines. (The reason was to keep an existing id_rsa on a machine I ...
dcvii's user avatar
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WPA/WPA password algorithm

I would like to understand the mechanism behind wpa/wpa2 algorithm. Is there any script that can put this theory:(Key = PBKDF2(HMAC−SHA1, passphrase, ssid, 4096, 256)) into action to test it ? I made ...
Khalil Karoui's user avatar