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AES-256 password cracking time

My question is kinda simple. I want to use AES-256 encryption to encrypt my backup. Using a password like this: ...
user58555's user avatar
-1 votes
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New Passwording? [closed]

I just want to note before you continue reading--this does not specifically apply to hashes or the key to encrypted messages. However, I am initially thinking about password/key solving/remembering by ...
Eliter's user avatar
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Can key hardening compensate lack of entropy?

In the context of an offline brute-force attack on encrypted data at rest (say, a password-protected AES encrypted file), is a password with 64 bits of entropy and 65536 rounds of key hardening just ...
John Blatz's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Using PBKDF2 twice with different argument order

I'm pretty sure this is a really bad approach (in theory), but one of my clients is doing this and I was wondering… How bad it is to perform pbkdf-2 in this way (with 2000 iterations)? ...
XCore's user avatar
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