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Argon2 or scrypt instead of PBKDF2 with AES

Is using scrypt or argon2 a better key stretching technique with AES compared to PBKDF2 or bcrypt with regards to a quantum computer brute force attack. The brute force attack I'm referring to is ...
Thunder's user avatar
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Is it possible to determine the number of characters used for a password used to encrypt a file with AES 128?

I lost a password for an ethereum wallet at the end of 2016. Computer immediately shutdown and password was not recoverable. I know there are many potential avenues for narrowing my search for what ...
user588641's user avatar
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Password derived hash to encrypt known plaintext as password check

The title sounds way too adventurous for what it actually is. I am currently building a system which features some encryption. There is already a system in place, which is built after that scheme if ...
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