Questions tagged [performance]

Performance defines the abilities of a cipher in terms of processing throughput on various platforms, including its memory requirements.

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Performance consideration in XEdDSA and VXEdDSA Signature Schemes

Can someone please explain the below paragraph from section 7 in The XEdDSA and VXEdDSA Signature Schemes? The below para states that we are hashing twice (I am not able to get that). How pre-hashing ...
tarun14110's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Is there a floating point CSPRNG?

Is there a floating-point CSPRNG that operates, natively, using floating point operations? Looking for a CSPRNG that's very fast on GPUs, and would be hard for a CPU to beat. EDIT: Floating point ...
Erik Aronesty's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Is there an economic way to check if an elliptic curve point in Jacobian coordiate is the same as a compressed point

On an elliptic curve such as $y^2 = x^3 + b$, we define $a$ compressed point $P = (x, y)$ by it's coordinate $x$ and the parity of the $y$ coordinate. $y$ can be computed using $y = \pm\sqrt{x^3 + b}$ ...
deadalnix's user avatar
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1 answer

can a key be applied to half the cipher text

id like to ask if we encrypt the word "hello" as "olleh" but then we apply the key to only "oll" will it be converted into its orginal form i.e "llo". this was just for example. another thing id like ...
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2 votes
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What's the meaning of "Ops" in this ABE schemes performance form?

I am a Ph.D. student focusing on Attribute-Based Encryption, and now I'm reading the paper "Outsourcing the Decryption of ABE Ciphertexts", seen in Figure 1 below. It gives a summary of an ABE scheme ...
Rocky's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

Elliptic Curve SSL performance: ECDHE and/or ECDSA?

I have a question about the performance benefits (in terms of server-side CPU load) of ECC (Elliptic Curve cryptography) cipher suites in SSL/TLS. It is a known fact that ECC is very good for ...
RandomTask's user avatar
1 vote
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Costs of operations in elliptic curves explanation

I'm trying to understand the cost of operation in elliptic curve (only Weierstrass curve for simplicity) from Wikipedia and there seems to be lack of online information/papers regarding this. I ...
user153882's user avatar
3 votes
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Number of PBKDF2 iterations for modern computing devices [closed]

I know the question of "how many iterations should I use with PBKDF2" is asked quite often, and the answer is typically "test and see what's practical." However, my key derivation will be taking ...
Snowman's user avatar
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1 answer

Quadratic sieve for DLOG performance - theory vs actual?

Is there any report on comparing quadratic and number field sieve performance in theory vs actual data for discrete logarithm over primes? Is actual data better than theory in any way unexplained (I ...
Turbo's user avatar
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Signing many small messages with minimal overhead

I have a distributed system where each client writes many small messages, roughly the size of messages in a chat system, e.g. ~100-200 bytes each. I want each message to be signed so that we know for ...
Filip Haglund's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

How to measure Cycles per Byte of an Algorithm?

I am trying to measure the cycles per byte for $\mathop{SHA-3}$ reference implementation. I am using recommendations from Microsoft querying the performance counter. As you can see in the first ...
chris000r's user avatar
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1 answer

How to calculate time taken by encryption?

First of all, I know that this all it's very complicated, I know that CPUs are complex beasts, and may not work at their full potential all the time, they can have more than one core, and the ...
yak's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Performance comparison between ECDSA and BLS signature schemes

I want to choose an efficient signature scheme for implementation on a lightweight MCU. I was wondering how does the performance of ECDSA and BLS signature schemes compare in terms of signing time and ...
Ihtesham Haider's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How do we compare performance of two encryption algorithms?

Suppose I want to compare between RSA and Paillier encryption algorithms. I have coded two different programs in the same programming language. Now how to compare between these two and in what aspects ...
Akash Kamble's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

RAR brute force cracking speed

I have been playing around with cRARk and was astonished by the low speed. On a 2015 high-end GPU (GeForce 980 ti), it took roughly 4h 50min to test all passwords composed of an 8-character prefix and ...
Wojciech Sidor's user avatar
-1 votes
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Why does Paillier have poor performance?

Can anyone explain to me why Paillier crypto system does not provide good performance? I read here (pdf) that RSA and ElGamal provide better performance than Paillier algorithm.
user36877's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

Are there encryption schemes with which it takes (significantly) longer to encrypt than to decrypt?

Are there encryption schemes with which it takes (significantly) longer to encrypt than to decrypt? I am thinking of a specific situation in which a server continuously receives encrypted messages ...
Sentry's user avatar
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1 answer

Ideal way to profile/performance-measure cipher implementations

I have implemented a bit-sliced version of two ciphers (Gibbon-120 and Hanuman-120, both part of the Primates family of ciphers: ) I now want ...
oPolo's user avatar
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2 answers

Is it possible to securely combine multiple hashes without hashing them?

Let's say we have 1000 files and 1000 already computed cryptographic hashes for those files. Now we want to derive a single hash that authenticates all of them. Is there a more efficient way to do ...
cooky451's user avatar
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Is this a good choice of a digital signature scheme?

This is a concrete instantiation of Rabin-Williams signatures. Specifically: The private key is 2 primes $p, q$. The public key is their product $N = pq$ and is approximately 3072 bits long. the ...
Demi's user avatar
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Benchmarks for second round CAESAR competitors

I'm interested in how the second round CAESAR competitors stack up in terms of software performance against each other and against chacha20-poly1305 with both small and large messages. Sadly the only ...
cooky451's user avatar
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3 answers

What is the fastest block cipher in the (Intel) world?

In AES competition,Rijndael cipher obtained first rank and become Standard and Serpent, Twofish, RC6 and MARS obtained another ranks and I know that Serpent took second rank because it was slower than ...
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0 answers

AES encryption time difference for same data [duplicate]

When encrypting same data with AES, encryption time for the first encryption is longer than the second one. In the same program, I have written encrypt() function ...
myat's user avatar
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15 votes
2 answers

Is it possible to utilize an AES-128 encryption hardware unit for AES-256?

There exist processors (for example ARM v8/v9 archicteture based), which cannot do AES-256 hardware based, but are equipped with AES-128 encryption hardware units. Is it possible to utilize an AES-...
0laf's user avatar
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1 answer

Why inversion and multiplication operations are costly in elliptic curves?

There are several algorithms for efficient scalar multiplication of an arbitrary point P(x,y) by some positive integer k in elliptic curves defined over $F_{p}$ or $F_{2^{m}}$. The scalar ...
KMK's user avatar
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What is the fastest modular reduction algorithm available?

I have been browsing for the fastest and most efficient modular reduction algorithms and came across quite a few. But the one in A Fast Modular Reduction Method (2014) by Zhengjun Cao, Ruizhong Wei ...
abejoe's user avatar
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How to measure performance for ABE Schemes

I have these 3 Schemes: 1) J. Bethencourt, A. Sahai, and B. Waters, "Ciphertext-policy attribute-based encryption" 2) F. Guo, Y. Mu, W. Susilo, D. Wong, and V. Varadharajan, "Cp-abe with constant-...
Ellipticat's user avatar
11 votes
2 answers

How does hash speed vary based on string length?

Surprisingly I have not been able to find an answer to this question on Google. If I have a function that is based on any of the popular hashing algorithms used for password generation, by what ...
NibblyPig's user avatar
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Caculated time One Point Multiplication with double and method

I am using double and add method for point multiplication in affine coordinates. How we compute 1PM in double and method? Di Wang said one point multiplication consists of repeated addition and ...
Alfred Saut's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

ABE Schemes - Access Structures & Performance

I'm reading this article, CP-ABE with constant-size keys for lightweight devices and in the Table 1, are there these access structure: Threshold, Tree, ($n$,$n$)-Threshold, LSSS, AND gates. I have 2 ...
Ellipticat's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Faster alternative to HKDF

HKDF is used in one of my projects to derive separate keys from a common master key. But profiling has shown it to be the performance bottleneck under certain circumstances. Is there any faster ...
Siyuan Ren's user avatar
10 votes
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Performance of ECDSA, ECKCDSA and ECGDSA

It is proven that ECDSA algorithms are faster in key and signature generation compared to RSA. In addition, the signatures are much shorter. However, I would like to know the performance difference ...
budderick's user avatar
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Is secure lattice based cryptography in future?

Lattice cryptography is a post quantum cryptography that work on two NP-hard problem in below: Find shortest nonzero vector from origin and Find minimum distance of a arbitrary point out of lattice ...
R_Jalaei's user avatar
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16 votes
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How do I get the equivalent strength of an ECC key?

I know how to calculate the comparable symmetric strength of an RSA modulus: calculate the running time for a field sieve. This is how NIST gives approximate symmetric sizes for asymmetric algos in ...
mikemaccana's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Hash functions vs Stream Ciphers in terms of Speed

We know that it's possible to create a hash using a stream cipher (for instance, RC4 or AES in Counter Mode). As stated here: "A Pseudo Random Generator (PRG) and a hash function are both Pseudo ...
Aventinus's user avatar
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1 answer

How do different block sizes affect the throughput of GPU implementations of AES?

I am confused about the effect of different block sizes on AES performance. As you can see here, there is a huge gap between the throughput of different block sizes. As far as I know, every 16 bytes ...
Rezaeimh7's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Exactly how slow is asymmetric encryption?

I'm currently doing a project on RSA, and have just come across this website. On here, it says that ...
Ali's user avatar
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28 votes
3 answers

How is bitslicing faster?

I have read a paper on Bit Slicing and Lightweight crypto but cannot understand how bitslicing makes encryption scheme faster. Please can someone explain with an example exactly how bit slicing makes ...
ishaan arora's user avatar
7 votes
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Pseudo random generator vs block encryption, which is faster?

If one wishes to encrypt one can either use a pseudo random generator to generate a long sequence and then xor it with plaintext, similarly he can use the seed as key to encrypt the plaintext using ...
Baruntar's user avatar
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Can a billion elliptic curve keys be generated on a laptop in less than an hour?

I want my application to generate an EC key pair. The first four bytes of the sha256 hash of the public key should contain a known IP address. As hashes are one-way functions, I need to brute force ...
Thomas Von Panom's user avatar
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Performance of Fully homomorphic encryption VS Paillier encryption in Practice

Consider two schemes both have computation complexity linear to the input size (i.e. number of inputs). One scheme is based on Paillier encryption and the other one is based on fully homomorphic ...
Aydin's user avatar
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Generating a 30-32-bit PRP

I want to generate a small 30 or 32 bit PRP. I am going to use that PRP in an open web service and anyone will be able to get any number of plaintext-cyphertext pairs. I've found an algorithm called ...
voidmaster's user avatar
8 votes
4 answers

Switching between AES and a highly performant algorithm

I want to de/encrypt several binary files rather frequently on a normally battery-powered device. My goal is to use AES-256 when the device is AC-powered and a highly performant algorithm when it's ...
Kar's user avatar
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Explain same encryption time for two files of different sizes

I am encrypting files in a two layered fashion as follows: Inner layer is 128 bit AES-CTR encryption Outer/Second layer is a simple one time padding with a particular key. While testing the running ...
bawejakunal's user avatar
1 vote
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Which data encryption mechanism to use for data transfer?

I have high performance nodes communicating with each other sending logs and data over network. The communication is heavy and over public network. I would like to know how to know which is the best ...
Shahrukh Khan's user avatar
8 votes
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AES decryption vs encryption speed

Let's consider the CTR mode. For a faster encryption/decryption, is it preferable to use the decryption operation of AES, or its encryption ?
Dingo13's user avatar
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Cryptography and FPGA

I see a lot of papers about FPGA implementations. For what kind of "concrete" application should we implement cryptographic algorithms on FPGA ? Which secured application require such a huge data ...
Dingo13's user avatar
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11 votes
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Secure content-defined chunking

Intro For deduplication purposes, I need to split a stream of plaintext bytes into variable-sized chunks. The way this is traditionally done is using a rolling hash function defined over some window $...
Paya's user avatar
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Is encryption time greater than decryption time?

Is encryption time always greater than decryption time for all encryption techniques (AES / DES / RSA / DSA), or is there a mistake somewhere in my implementation?
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Asymmetric encryption that is secure for (almost) any foreseeable future

Recently, I've been reading a couple of papers about building cryptosystems that are secure for up to 30 years. But for some applications, this seems a bit low to me. So I am wondering if considering ...
Hadrien G.'s user avatar