Questions tagged [pkcs8]

Public-Key Cryptography Standard, number 8, describes the Private-Key Information Syntax Standard which is used to carry (encrypted or unencrypted) private certificate keypairs.

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Is it possible to check private key syntax using openssl?

I have a DER-serialized private key. The tool I have to provide the key to gives me algid parse error, not a sequence, and it looks like the problem is that the key ...
gicig's user avatar
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Need help with PKCS#12 3 key triple des key expansion

I am trying to decrypt PKCS8-Shrouded Key Bag inside a PKCS#12 pfx file. The oid for the encrypted data is PbeWithSHAAnd3-KeyTripleDES CBC. Iteration count and salt has been provided within the pfx ...
user45979's user avatar
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How to extract a private key from .PFX file to .PEM file using AES-GCM as a password-based encryption?

I'm trying to extract a private key from a .PFX file to a .PEM file format. I was able to do it using Aes128Cbc in either .NET or OpenSSL: .NET: ...
Davy Souza's user avatar