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Questions tagged [playfair]

The Playfair cipher is a digraph substitution cipher. It employs a table where one letter of the alphabet is omitted, and the letters are arranged in a 5x5 grid.

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Recommended puzzles? [closed]

I am beginning my journey into Cryptography, having studied a theory-heavy master's degree module, and I have also read The Code Book by Simon Singh, among many other online resources. What puzzle ...
securityauditor's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Key derivation using known parameters of playfair [duplicate]

Is it possible to derive the key, for a playfair cipher, if both the message and cipher text are known?
Edward's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

How would I go about breaking Playfair cipher with the alphabet and the encrypted message? [closed]

I was wondering how I could crack a Playfair cipher with only the alphabet and the ciphered message. Ive tried looking for tools online, but still no luck.
Playfair92's user avatar
0 votes
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Question about the Playfair cipher

The task: The Playfair cipher with $I = J, X$ added into two same letters and the key keep distance. The plaintext: CORONAVIRUS SPREADS FAST The whitespaces in plaintext and key are to be ...
Papps's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

How to decode Playfair when only a small part of key is available?

How to decode Playfair when only a small part of key is available? What is the plain text for this message? Can someone explain how to recover the plain text for this message? Is there a program that ...
Julio Doebeli's user avatar
1 vote
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Can I use a Friedman test when decrypting a Playfair cipher?

I’d like to decrypt a Playfair ciphertext; however, I need to find the key word first. Is it possible to use the Friedman test here to find the length of the key word? My cipher has no J’s in it would ...
Lauren Hosking's user avatar
5 votes
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Playfair cipher - questions about inserting 'X'

I'm implementing the Playfair cipher as part of a programming project. I realize there are different versions of the cipher - I've been asked to implement the version which treats the letters 'I' and '...
user61891's user avatar
0 votes
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Cracking transposition cipher

I have a task to decrypt custom made transposition cipher, as I'm not the cryptography expert, I would appreciate any help. I've been given the table of characters ... ...
Dawid Zbiński's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How large is the Playfair cipher keyspace? [duplicate]

In the Playfair cipher, is the key space 5 x 5 = 25 or 25 x 25 = 625? I'm trying to work out the size of the key space if each set of equivalent keys is counted as one key.
hperm's user avatar
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Substitution Cipher Help: Can't figure out keyword [closed]

Given a keyword, you can encrypt a message using alphabetical substitution like this: ...
Roach's user avatar
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-2 votes
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Playfair cipher or ADFGX? [closed]

As part of an assignment, I have been given a cipher text of FFFXXXFGXAGFAFDAFXADDAGAD with the following description, ...
MPol's user avatar
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1 answer

How to decode a Playfair message with a partial key?

I've been given a Playfair ciphered message and a partial key, where a few key letters are missing: Corrupted key (? stands for a missing letter): ...
Grigory Zaripov's user avatar
5 votes
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How to find the keyword of the Playfair cipher, given the plaintext and the ciphertext?

I know how the Playfair cipher works. I would like to know how to find the keyword of the Playfair cipher, given some ciphertext and the corresponding plaintext. For example: encrypted: ...
Brian Brown's user avatar
2 votes
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Decoding the Playfair cipher with a crib [duplicate]

I have a Playfair cipher text and I know a portion of the text (one world). How can I decode the cipher from here? Thanks.
Robert Sandu's user avatar
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Unicity-distance of Playfair

Given the classical scheme Playfair, say, for 5*5 matrices, I am interested to determine its unicity-distance. How should one proceed to properly do that? I should appreciate it, if I could obtain a ...
Mok-Kong Shen's user avatar
1 vote
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Playfair Cipher Confusion with one column encryption

Recently I decided to learn "Playfair Cipher", and I have hit a road block. what do i substitute the letters for if they are on the same column? Here is an example: ...
John S.'s user avatar
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How to create and validate potential grids when attacking a Playfair cipher?

First up: I am not asking you to decypher anything. This question is about attacking a Playfair cipher; more specifically – how to create potential grids when doing so. I'm currently working on a ...
MD_90's user avatar
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Does the length of the keyword used for keytable for Playfair matter?

So for Playfair, we choose a keyword and put that in the keytable with no duplicates. Then, we fill the rest of the table with alphabets in order that are not in the keyword without 'J'. Does the ...
whiteSkar's user avatar
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3 votes
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Playfair Cipher + Vigenère Cipher?

I'm researching cryptography for a school project, came across the above two ciphers, and something occurred to me. Would combining these two schemes give a considerably stronger encryption than ...
user2085590's user avatar
-4 votes
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encryption of message "DATACONFANTIALITY" with key playfair using playfair cipher

actually i have solved the above mentioned problem but i want to check weather it is correct or not. my question is that how to encrypt the message DATACONFANTIALITY using the playfair cipher where ...
pooja's user avatar
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How does cryptanalysis of the Playfair cipher work?

I have a set of Playfair-enciphered data that I'm trying to crack without the key. I know I need to analyse bigrams; I've currently worked out what decrypts to th, <...
helpneeded123's user avatar
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Multi-round Transposition/Playfair as a secure hand cipher in the computer age [closed]

Given that computers can be easily compromised, there is a need for a hand cipher that can withstand computer attack. Clearly the traditional hand ciphers fail. One time pads work. They also have ...
Tuntable's user avatar
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Encryption of numeric value using playfair

I am studying in CSE and in my recent exam paper, A question was asked as: Construct a playfair cipher for Plaintext: semester5 and key:technology. Generally as we are taught yet, there is no ...
krupal's user avatar
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-1 votes
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Number of possible keys in a Play fair cipher [duplicate]

So for the play fair case, the number of possible keys is : 26x26 = 676 possible keys But if we consider the repeated letters, how many unique keys will the play fair have? I mean how will ...
Scarl's user avatar
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4 votes
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Four-Square cipher and its keyspace

Am I thinking about this correctly? Consider that the keyspace of the Playfair cipher is equivalent to all permutations of the alphabet, e.g. the number of distinct permutations of 25 objects, and ...
user7538's user avatar
11 votes
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How many keys does the Playfair Cipher have?

I was just studying the Playfair cipher and from what I've understood, it is just a slightly better version of a Caesar cipher, in that it isn't actually mono-alphabetic but rather the 'digrams' are ...
GamingX's user avatar
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How to attack a classical cipher using known partial plaintext?

I have a ciphertext generated by a classical cipher. I do not know what was cipher used to generate it. I do however have the beginning of the plaintext. What are the cryptanalysis approaches for ...
Jake's user avatar
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22 votes
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What are the main weaknesses of a Playfair cipher, if any?

What are the main weaknesses of a Playfair cipher, if any? I know that they depend on none of the letters missing, but that is an easy fix if a letter gets dropped. Besides that, are there any other ...
Arlen Beiler's user avatar