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Question about malicious security in protocol using OT

I was studying a protocol that used an OT and suddenly and suddenly I realize that I fail to imagine how a protocol using an OT could be malicious secure. Suppose we have a protocol P that use an OT ...
miky's user avatar
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Fairness and guaranteed output delivery

Why for achieving the fairness and guaranteed output delivery, less than a half of the parties should be corrupted? ($t < m/2$, where $t$ is the number of corrupted parties and $m$ is the total ...
Amirhossein Adavoudi's user avatar
-1 votes
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Which of these deductions are true about the simulator and the adversary?

Which of these deductions make sense? The simulator is actually being run by the adversary. It makes sense that the adversary initializes the simulator (which is just a program) with the input that ...
Amirhossein Adavoudi's user avatar
0 votes
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Is function Deterministic or Probabilistic in the malicious security definition?

As you see, according to the attached definitions from "Efficient Secure Two-Party Protocols", the definition of the security in the semi-honest world has two cases for $f=(f_1,f_2)$.(deterministic ...
Amirhossein Adavoudi's user avatar
1 vote
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A problem exists with the security proof in the secure AND example in the malicious model [closed]

Imagine that the malicious adversary in the real world uses $Y = 0$ as its input, therefore he computes the output as ($X$ && $y=0$) = $0$. We can conclude that the real view in the real world ...
Amirhossein Adavoudi's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

The interaction between the malicious Adversary and the Simulator and Real-Ideal' views

This example is from “Efficient Secure Two-Party Protocols-Carmit Hazay-Yehuda Lindell”. And the security proof of the above example is this: I have drawn a picture that is deduced from the above ...
Amirhossein Adavoudi's user avatar
3 votes
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How to use Real-Ideal model in a specific scenario (two party with cloud)

I have designed a two-party protocol where two parties outsource their input to the cloud. For example, Alice and Bob have inputs $X$ and $Y$, respectively, after which Alice and Bob encrypt their ...
Amirhossein Adavoudi's user avatar
0 votes
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Using the security definition in the malicious model to prove security in the semi honest model

Can I use the security definition in the malicious model in order to prove the security of a two-party protocol which is in the semi-honest model? (I am using IDEAL/REAL Model paradigm) Would you ...
Amirhossein Adavoudi's user avatar