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Questions tagged [reference-request]

A reference request is a request to be provided with a source from documentation, official papers, and specs related to one or more specific algorithms or cryptographic procedures. Open ended literature recommendation requests are off topic! Also: Crypto.SE is not an optimal replacement for a search engine. The reference-request tag is not something that provides a base to replace research efforts.

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0 answers

Does the supposed domain separation make it safe to reuse Ed25519 public key for Curve25519 key establishment?

The "Similar Questions" section under my title suggest several similar questions on this, but none touched on that explicitly. Because Montgomery curves have birationally equivalent Edwards ...
DannyNiu's user avatar
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What is the message inflation ratio in ring-LWE?

I've been learning and implementing standard ring-LWE over $R_t = \mathbb{Z}_t[x]/(x^N+1)$ [1]. In my implementation [2] the inflation ratio is ~192 (it takes 192 bytes to encrypt 1 byte). My ...
Jackson Walters's user avatar
1 vote
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Noncommutative generalizations of NTRU

I recently learned and implemented NTRU Encrypt successfully in Python/SageMath. The key players are the polynomial rings $R = \mathbb{Z}[x]/(x^N-1)$ and reduction $R_p = \mathbb{Z}_p[x]/(x^N-1)$. One ...
Jackson Walters's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Rust implementation of ChaCha20/Poly1305 or AES-GCM that uses GPU?

Do you know of any Rust implementation of ChaCha20/Poly1305 or AES-GCM that uses the GPU (especially CUDA) for encryption?
user3329064's user avatar
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Number field embeddings for homomorphic encryption

Suppose Alice chooses a number field $K$ and a polynomial $f(x) \in K[x]$. She computes the splitting field $L$ along with an embedding $\varphi: K \rightarrow L$. In SageMath, ...
Jackson Walters's user avatar
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Vulnerability of key exchange arising from interoperability of implementations

I remember that I read a paper a long time ago that makes a claim of the following kind: Although TLS (or perhaps another protocol) is secure in theory, different implementations of it could interpret ...
user2249675's user avatar
2 votes
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Fully homomorphic encryption textbook suggestion

I am looking for mathematics textbooks which include a rigorous introduction to fully homomorphic encryption and especially CKKS / TFHE algorithms at the level of Boneh and Shoup's A Graduate Course ...
ephe's user avatar
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0 votes
0 answers

Where is the UltraPLONK paper?

I'm looking for the paper for UltraPLONK, the extension to Turbo PLONK that Aztec released in 2020. I'm seeing references to it in other papers (but with no link to the actual paper) and in social ...
anon's user avatar
  • 31
2 votes
1 answer

Languages $L$ that have perfect zero-knowledge that do not have any $AM$ proof system that is perfect or zero-knowledge on $L$

In the GMR[85] paper, a conjecture is made in section 3.7: There exist languages $L$ that have perfect or statistical zero-knowledge proof systems, but do not have any Arthur-Merlin proof system that ...
itstwelvehere's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Which was the first cipher that used the Maximum distance separable (MDS) matrix?

MDS matrices are used in the diffusion layer of block ciphers. I am interested in knowing who was the first researcher(s) who used an MDS matrix in their cipher. Thanks in advance.
Kurious Koder's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Literature on Batching in FHE

From what I understand, the folklore way to batch Ring-LWE style cipher texts is to use the Chinese remainder theorem. I am wondering if there are any different approaches/optimizations to this style ...
woah's user avatar
  • 27
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0 answers

One Way Functions with Non-Uniform Inputs

It is well-known that a One-Way Function is hard to invert on uniformly random inputs. As per Wikipedia, for [sic] all randomized algorithms $F$, all positive integers $c$ and all sufficiently large $...
Lt. Commander. Data's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

"intermediate" PRNG

Two popular example dynamical systems for PRNG are LFSRs, basically the orbit $(x^ks)_{k>0}$ for some non-zero seed $s$ and (primitive) $x$ in $GF(2^n)^{\times}$ CTR_DRBG, say with AES128 and 256-...
yoyo's user avatar
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Aggregate Signatures Overview

I've been learning about aggregate signatures lately, are there any overviews or learning materials about aggregate signatures (including security properties)?
Ping Ping's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Citation to original paper by Davies-Meyer on one way compression functions

I see a lot of references to the Davies-Meyer construction for one-way compression functions. But I can't find any citation to the original paper. Does anyone have it?
Bert's user avatar
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Choosing (key,plain) to produce zero state in middle rounds of AES encrypt

I was told in passing that (key, plain) pairs could be chosen to produce a zero state in AES encrypt in some middle round (say 5). [The application here being to side-channel leakage assessment.] ...
yoyo's user avatar
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7 votes
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Who invented salt, and why is it called salt?

I'm looking for an authoritative reference about the history of salts in the context of hash functions. Why is the personalization string in a hash function called a "salt"? Who should be ...
Mikero's user avatar
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Post-quantum EU-CMA security from OWF-only

In the paper: "Universal One-Way Hash Functions and their Cryptographic Applications". The following is proven: "If 1-1 one-way functions exist, then the one-way based signature scheme ...
Ilk's user avatar
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-1 votes
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What's the best encryption algorithm for storing files on a server?

I'm making a cloud-based service. So, basically, my users will be able to upload files (any type of files) and they will be uploaded to a server. I am aware that I have two options: Upload the files ...
Gaurav Mall's user avatar
3 votes
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On real-time decryption of encrypted radio communications

According to Jack Watling & Nick Reynolds, Ukrainian officers recalled one incident in which the Russian headquarters gave pre-emptive warning to its units of an artillery strike based on ...
Rodrigo de Azevedo's user avatar
1 vote
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Modern proof of Kilian's result that OT is complete for 2PC

I'm looking for a textbook or article that spells out the details of Kilian's paper on the completeness of oblivious transfer for secure two-party function evaluation (2PC). Kilian's paper is in the ...
lamontap's user avatar
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Authors of "How to explain zero-knowledge Protocols to your children?"

Does anyone know what are the family relationships in the paper "How to Explain Zero-Knowledge Protocols to Your Children" The authors are: Jean-Jacques Quisquater, Myriam Quisquater, Muriel ...
Alex Them's user avatar
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LWE KEMs and message coding

In many proposed lattice PKE schemes, the plaintext is encoded or modulated in a simple fashion, e.g. using Kyber-ish notation: key gen: $pk=(A, t=As+e)$, $\quad sk=s\quad$ ($A$ random, $s$, $e$ ...
yoyo's user avatar
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3 votes
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Why in authenticated encryptions do we need separate keys for cipher and MAC?

As asked, I suppose this must have been answered before, even if not in the form asked here. The most notable AEAD schemes GCM-AES and ChaCha20-Poly1305 do this. Also, even outside AEAD, ad-hoc ...
DannyNiu's user avatar
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Security assumption: Where is an assumption from (who provides and formalizes it)?

Is there a list of all the (most) assumptions (such as RSA and DDH assumptions) used in cryptography and the corresponding properties?
Jeffrey's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

Reference implementation of Shamir's Secret Sharing

Is there an implementation of Shamir's Secret Sharing that can be regarded as a "canonical" (or "reference" or "standard") implementation, so that I can test other ...
Georg's user avatar
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References and Books for the basics

I started studying again recently, I forgot plenty of stuff. But there are 2 areas that I am really struggling. The procedures to prove and demonstrate theorems. The basic math necessary for ...
Alec Holland's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Info AES cryptanalysis

I have some doubts regarding AES weakness and AES cryptanalysis. While it is relatively simple to find Cryptanalysis info on previous ciphers, I get confused about understanding various types of ...
LianoQ's user avatar
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1 answer

Security of equal discrete logs (over different bases)

I am trying to find a reduction for the following DLOG problem in generic groups. It is a simple generalization but I'm not finding any reference (the closest being the Chaum-Pedersen signature scheme ...
crypcrypcryp's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

How lattices and LWE are connected?

I am a last-year master student in pure mathematics and I am working on my thesis. I am working on a connection between lattice-based encryption and Ring LWE and between Ring LWE and Homomorphic ...
Kate Jns's user avatar
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"Add" points that are not on the same elliptic curve?

Assume elliptic curve in Weierstrass form. $y^2 = x^3 + a x + b$ where $x,y,a,b \in F$ I noticed the point addition formula does not involve parameters $a,b$. Furthermore, one can always solve for $a,...
Kh40tiK's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Why is this function bijective?

I cannot seem to understand why the function $F$ defined in Theorem 7.1 of the paper “Permutation rotation-symmetric Sboxes, liftings and affine equivalence” is described as “a bijection on $\mathbb{F}...
lyrically wicked's user avatar
10 votes
1 answer

Who is the inventor of the OFB block cipher mode of operation?

Handbook of Applied Cryptography gives two resources for the OFB mode 1980 FIPS 81. This doesn't give any references, unlike NIST. 1983 ANSI X3.106, unfortunately pay-walled. Who is the inventor of ...
kelalaka's user avatar
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How to find the 6 main properties of cryptographic hash functions when implementing a hash function?

According to this there are at least 6 "properties" all cryptographically secure hash functions strive to attain: Deterministic: the same message always results in the same hash; Quick: it ...
HareSurf's user avatar
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8 votes
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Where did Whitfield Diffie say "If you can make random numbers, you can have a private conversation"?

I've seen the following (alleged) quotation on this site and other places:- If you can make random numbers, you can have a private conversation. -Whitfield Diffie. Yet we (Google & me) can't ...
Paul Uszak's user avatar
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Baby steps with example, looking for an "AES for Idiots" type of explanation

Countless examples all over on implementation of AES. None of these actually make sense to someone with zero cryptographic or advanced mathematical experience. This => too abstract & technical.....
RobbB's user avatar
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Classic secret sharing schemes vs Homomorphic secret sharing schemes

What is the difference between the classic secret sharing schemes that are used in the protocols of Ben-or and Rabin, Ben-Or, M., Goldwasser, S., Wigderson (that is the Shamir's secret sharing scheme) ...
Hunger Learn's user avatar
2 votes
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How can I understand the math behind crypto, especially that used in blockchains / distributed ledgers?

A bit of a background about me; Computer Engineer but during my studies I didn't dive too deep into the maths, especially the crypto maths that is used to make the blockchain and cryptography work. I'...
Muhammad Yasir's user avatar
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Where can I find good practice questions for proofs by reduction?

I already have the Katz-Lindell textbook, but I also want some additional practice problems for security reductions for stuff like PRFs, MACs, digital signatures, private and public key schemes, and ...
ness64's user avatar
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Homomorphic Encryption Library Supporting Addition, Multiplication & Logical Shift

Does anyone know of a C++ homomorphic encryption library that supports addition, multiplication and logical right shift over integers? Some set of instructions that allows the implementation of ...
Sam's user avatar
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Designated verifier signature from Diffie–Hellman and a MAC

Here is an idea for a designated verifier signature scheme. Suppose Alice and Bob know each other’s public keys and Alice wants to send a message to Bob, such that only he will be convinced of its ...
kirelagin's user avatar
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Literature about cryptography and programming on c++ [closed]

I'm interested in learning about cryptography and making something practical out of it - make own cryptocurrency sometime im future. I think I have good knowlegde of c++, I learned from ...
noname123's user avatar
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Looking for a authoritative reference on DER (X.509 etc) encoding standards

I'm writing a paper on parsing DER. DER the canonical sister of BER, when it comes to encoding ASN.1, with emphasis on shortest possible encoding. One of the properties that I seek to assure myself of,...
Kees-Jan Hermans's user avatar
1 vote
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Step-by-step working out with example input for NIST Hash Functions like SHA-1,SHA-2, and SHA-3

I am working on doing a naive Python implementation of SHA-1,SHA-2, and SHA-3 and I need to test and debug because the hash result right now is not correct. I have found a step-by-step working out of ...
arunkumaraqm's user avatar
2 votes
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Clarification of the provable cryptography controversies

I read about the provable cryptography in Wikipedia. The article referred to tense controversies around 2007. Do these controversies still exist? What is the substitution for the provable-security? Is ...
Crypt01's user avatar
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3 votes
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Confusion and diffusion misunderstanding

I am reading the book titled "Algebra for Cryptologists". The author defined the confusion and the diffusion as follows: Confusion: Confusion is intended to make the relationship between the ...
Crypt01's user avatar
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Neural Network based on pseudorandom number

Recently, I read this paper NEURAL NETWORK BASED CRYPTOGRAPHY. Under the section 3.1 it said: The aim is to improve the randomness of the random numbers generated by any algorithm using an NN. In ...
Emon Hossain's user avatar
10 votes
2 answers

Why cannot I assume that cryptography published in venues/journals handled by the same publishers as prestigious journals is serious?

I do not know if it is allowed to ask this question. I have been told that "most of the papers on chaos-based cryptography are appearing in fee/generalist journals, whose focus is not security&...
Crypt01's user avatar
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6 votes
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Introduce a reference for cryptanalysis of WhatsApp software

I am studying on cryptanalysis of WhatsApp software. I know this is secure software but I want to present a documentary on this topic as a seminar at the university for applied mathematics students. ...
user3571's user avatar
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Coursera Course or book(s) That covers the following subjects: OPENSSL, SSH, PKI, MD5, RSA, Certificates, keys, signatures

I started working as a developper in a cryptography company 3 months ago where the applications are for mostly windows applications. I found that I don't have enough knowledge concerning the topics ...
Hani Gotc's user avatar
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