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Questions tagged [rsa]

An asymmetric (e.g. public-key) cryptosystem, based on modular exponentiation with big exponents and modulus. RSA can be used both for signature and encryption with proper paddings.

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1 answer

RSA attack when size of $M^e$ and $N$ is close

Let say we have the following information: $$ e = 3 $$ $C$ is the Cipher text and $M$ is the Plain text with $C=M^3\pmod N,$ and $N$ is a product of two primes. and we have the size of the original ...
qweqwqwe's user avatar
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In the DGK Cryptosystem, how hard is it to recover g, if we have knowledge of the private key?

Given the knowledge of the values for $v_p$, $v_q$, $n$ and $u$, and knowing that $g^{u*v_p*v_q} \mod n = 1$, how hard is it to compute the value of $g$? My assumption is that it is as hard as the RSA ...
user120896's user avatar
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Coppersmith's Method when you know half of one of the RSA Semprimes [closed]

I have the following 300 digit semiprime ...
Semiprime Factorizer's user avatar
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300 digits semiprime factorization with the first half of the factor known

Imagine this: there is a 300-digit semiprime, and you are given the first half of one of its prime factors (i.e., you are given the first 75 of 150 digits of that prime factor). Would you be able to ...
Semiprime Factorizer's user avatar
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Encrypting AES-GCM Key with AES or RSA?

I am building an application with a hierarchy of key-sets (think encrypted messaging). Each key-set contains: Symmetric (AES-GCM-256) Asymmetric (RSA-OASEP-256) Each key-set defines an encrypted &...
Joseph's user avatar
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Security analysis of using RSA-OAEP and RSA-PSS with the same key

We all know that it is a bad idea to use the same key for multiple purposes. However it sometimes happens that non-cryptography-savvy people will make this mistake - specifically, that they'll use an ...
Paul Crowley's user avatar
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What is the difference between public and private RSA keys? [duplicate]

I have been learning about generating RSA keys and am wondering if there is a particular reason why the private key is the private key and the public the public. As far as I know the encryption is bi-...
Ast0rath's user avatar
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Can an RSA 2048 public key be recovered from encrypted- and decrypted data?

I have a binary file and an encrypted file (.sgo). Can I get the public key from this data? The encryption used is RSA-2048.
DiomantiK's user avatar
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What exactly is a VRF?

Random numbers are useful in many use cases such as blockchain. I know many blockchains or smart contracts employ VRF to generate "provably fair random numbers". But what exactly is a VRF? I'...
Yan's user avatar
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Generating Carmichael numbers in polynomial time

I'm generating RSA 2048-bit keys with $p$ and $q$ of 1024-bit primes. For primality, I'm using the Miller-Rabin test. As Carmichael numbers pass the MR test, I tried to compute how many such numbers ...
sg777's user avatar
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How can I demonstrate the existence of such an isomorphism(look at the image below)?

While I was reading a paper from "Daniel Shumow" about recovering all possible plaintexts when bad RSA keys ($e$ and $\phi(N)$ aren't co-prime) generation occurs, I found this isomorphism (...
g2f1's user avatar
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How to find N and e knowing that e = p and N = p*q?

I've been stuck in this problem for a while, this is a challenge about Symmetric RSA: We know that $N = p*q$ $e = p$ $ct = pt^p \bmod N$ (1) We are given $ct$ (which is the flag encrypted) and 4 ...
Ahn's user avatar
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A question about partial proof in RSA CTF problems

user119487's user avatar
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Peculiar case of RSA

I am dealing with a case as follows: P = 73, Q = 97. N = 7081, phi(N) = 6912. e = 7. Now, to find decryption exponent 'd' we have to satisfy: (e * d) mod phi(N) = 1 - (i). Aliter: d = e^(-1) mod phi(N)...
Jignesh Mehta's user avatar
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Is it really safe to exchange data without a handshake?

I want to be able to exchange data between personal devices within a local network via HTTP. The point is that I want to use the same pair of personal asymmetric keys on both sides. It turns out that ...
Stanley Wintergreen's user avatar
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Probability of Enhanced MR test outcome for NOT A POWER OF PRIME

I come up with an approach to find the probability of the outcome "PROVABLY COMPOSITE AND NOT A POWER OF A PRIME" of enhanced MR test. In context of this question, the probability/error ...
sg777's user avatar
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Enhanced MR test understanding the steps in detail

I'm going through the Enhanced MR test cited in FIPS 186-5, I have couple of questions regarding the following steps 4.5 $z = b^m \pmod w.$ 4.6 $\textrm{If }((z = 1)\textrm{ or }(z = w – 1)), \textrm{...
sg777's user avatar
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How wrong is NIST 800-89's Partial Public Key Validation for RSA step e?

NIST 800-89 Recommendation for Obtaining Assurances for Digital Signature Applications has recommendations for (Explicit) Partial Public Key Validation for RSA which include an example method. It's ...
fgrieu's user avatar
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Enhanced Miller Rabin outcome for composite numbers

I'm going through the Enhanced MR test cited in FIPS 186-5, in which it is mentioned that a composite number can be  COMPOSITE WITH FACTOR  or  COMPOSITE AND NOT A POWER OF A PRIME. When I tested this ...
sg777's user avatar
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RSA like problem with unknown e and d

I have encountered a strange source code part in a soon-to-be-decommissioned legacy app, which uses an RSA-like scheme for "one-way hashing" data. It works like this: base^input mod N = hash ...
Bill Perry's user avatar
6 votes
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Find unknown primes from two RSA modulus

Suppose that $𝑝$, $𝑞$, and $𝑟$ are $512$-bit primes and for some integer $𝑎 < 10^5$, $𝑝 + 𝑎$ is also prime. We know the moduli $𝑛_1 = 𝑝 × 𝑞$ and $𝑛_2 = ...
Lisbeth's user avatar
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Source code of generating private exponent for RSA?

I'm learning math of RSA. I'm interesting about realisation of computing private expoinent in source code. Where can I read a well made implemenation? (I prefer Python or Go implementation) I tried to ...
Andrew's user avatar
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What Digital Signature Methods are Suitable for Microcontrollers?

Given the constraints in terms of processing power, memory, and energy, what digital signature schemes are commonly used and efficient for Microcontrollers? I have come across RSA with low public ...
Nawras Hussein's user avatar
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Can the RSA public key be used for both encryption and decryption?

My understanding of RSA Cryptography is that the Public Key is used for data encryption and Private Key is used for data decryption. But on this website(
John Hpa's user avatar
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Weakness when encrypting using RSA private key?

I know that usually with RSA, you encrypt data using the public key, and decrypt using the private key. Or alternatively, you sign using the private key, and verify the signature using the public key. ...
Ralf's user avatar
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Reduction from factoring to RSA and the Oracle RSA problem

Recently I read some papers related to RSA Brown16,AM09,BNPS01 and I learned that there is a variant problem of RSA is The oracle RSA problem (or one more RSA Problem) is $m+1$ copies of the classic ...
constantine's user avatar
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Does unlimited signing oracle leak the private key?

I am writing a PC software that uses a type of USB dongle as licensing key. The dongle functions as a signing oracle and does nothing more: Given any message $M$, it first pads $M$ to $PadM$, then ...
zwhconst's user avatar
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RSA problem with unconventional calculation of phi

I have $\phi$,$N$ and ciphertext. But the $\phi$ is calculated with $\phi=(p+1)(q+1)$. I normally calculate $d$ but cannot recover the message.
Zay Yar Htet's user avatar
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2 answers

P, Q, and G values in a public key

I came across a certificate that contains values $P,Q$, and $G$ besides the public key. Obviously, $P$ and $Q$ here are primes, but not the two secret primes. I am curious are those values ...
Jaka's user avatar
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rsa special private key attack

This is a level 3 challenge in Mystery Twister.
Leo's user avatar
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RSA small private key attack: the private key is slightly larger than the bound given by Boneh and Durfee

$N$ = ...
Lee's user avatar
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Shannon's Perfect Security for Asymmetric Encryption

I have the following definition of Shannon's Perfect Security. Assuming messages and keys are drawn randomly from some distribution then: The probability of guessing plaintext m is not enhanced by ...
revision's user avatar
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Why does it take longer to generate suitably large primes for Diffie-Hellman key exchange as opposed to for RSA encryption / decryption?

For RSA, we need two primes p and q to define N = pq. We will only look how long it takes to generate a prime for p because the process is similar for q. From my lecture slides, my professor states ...
nasiedlak's user avatar
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What is the best possible security for authentication of entity?

The classical security for authentication is computational provided by RSA or EC based signatures. With the advent of new PQ schemes the security claims are upgraded though nothing is proved. So the ...
Viren Sule's user avatar
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Why doesn't the existence of the Quadratic Sieve algorithm imply that integer factorization is in the class SUBEXP?

SUBEXP is defined as the intersection of DTIME(2^n^c) over all c>0. The order of the Quadratic Sieve algorithm is O(exp((k+o(1))(logN)^1/2(loglogN)^1/2)). Doesn't this imply that the decision ...
Omeglac's user avatar
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Reaching the bound of Boneh and Durfee Attack

According to the paper, theoretically,we can get $\delta=0.292 \lt 1-\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}$,but how to set the lattice and implement it in sagemath? I generated some data by ...
Cred Mao's user avatar
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Confused about use of Euler totient function in RSA

I'm reading a book and I arrived at the part that explains 'textbook' RSA. It explains that given a modulus $n=pq$ and public exponent $e$ that we can encrypt $x \in \mathbb{Z}^{*}_n$ by setting $y=x^...
Mr. B's user avatar
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Sending public key trough untrusted server

I am developing end-to-end encrypted chat system (which is open-source). When I want to give other client my public key, I need to send it trough server, right? I want to make sure no one can edit the ...
ENGO_150's user avatar
3 votes
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Why is 65537 always coprime to φ(N) in RSA?

Implementation of the RSA cryptosystem often uses the number $65537$ as a public exponent. It is a requirement that such numbers have an inverse modulo $\varphi(N)$, where $N$ is usually a product of ...
user1145880's user avatar
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Random padding of RSA-signed message at end instead of beginning of the message

I’ve a signature scheme for 1024‒bit RSA with a 65537 exponent. The signed message is constructed as follows: 760‒Bits fully_user_controlled_message_content+8 Bits incremental nonce+sha256(...
user2284570's user avatar
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Break RSA knowing N, e, dp+dq

In a cryptography exercise, I have to factor $N$ only knowing $e$ and $d_p+d_q$ (not $d_p$ and $d_q$ separately). I came up with the following equations: $$e*(d_p+d_q) = 2+K_p(p-1)+K_q(q-1)$$ $$e*d_p \...
yusufm's user avatar
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RSA decrypt using Openssl error : Public Key operation error

Hello im got stuck at ctf crypto challenge, so at the challenge is given 3 file which is flag.enc pub.key priv.key , so i tried to decrypt using openssl here is ...
iykyk's user avatar
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Public proven methods to generate SSH key from pass phrase?

Do we have something proven APPS for generate ssh key from some words? I mean private key(without reason wich type rsa or eleptic curves) generated deterministic from seed I found this fork of ssh-...
Andrew's user avatar
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How often do hard-to-factor numbers occur?

[Computer scientist here who is not totally familiar with the factoring literature -- please forgive my ignorance.] It's well known that hard-to-factor integers, $n$, are typically semi-primes, such ...
Hans Schmuber's user avatar
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Deriving the RSA private key [duplicate]

Is there any way to derive the RSA private key from another RSA private key? Let's say I have a base RSA key $(P, Q)$ (both prime), and then use some salt and an algorithm that creates a new primes, e....
simonS's user avatar
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How can I understand the gap between CPA and CCA1?

I have read lots of books about CPA,CCA1,CCA2. I understand how to get an example satisfies CPA but not CCA2. However, I can't find such a scheme which is CPA but not CCA1. What is the extra advantage ...
Wang Xingwang's user avatar
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What is insecure about adding salt to your plaintext before using RSA? [duplicate]

RSA can't be used securely as is as it is deterministic. So an encrypted "yes" always looks the same. A simple workaround, which is apparently not secure, is to add 100 bits, say, of random ...
Simd's user avatar
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How do RSA implementations avoid cases where the ciphertext and N are not coprime?

I'm trying to better understand RSA. One attack I've read about is when the encrypted message $y$ and $N = p\cdot q$ share a common factor. If this happens, we can easily factor $N$ to obtain $p$ and $...
rookie's user avatar
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sign a JWT with RS256 using a RSA-PSS SHA256 key pair?

Given a private key using algorithm RSA-PSS with SHA256 is it possible to use this key to sign a JWT using algorith RS256 (RSA with SHA256) instead of PS256 (RSA-PSS with SHA256)? The German ...
Basti's user avatar
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Prove RSA scheme is insecure [closed]

Im reviewing my crypto and I would like to prove the following: RSA experiment where the adversary is given N, e, and y. The adversary knows p, q. I know the RSA scheme is built on the idea that it is ...
Ahmed Zaidan's user avatar

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