Questions tagged [searchable-encryption]

Searchable encryption is a subfield of cryptography which constructs and analyzes cryptosystems that preserve the ability to 'search' over encrypted data, for some definition of 'search'.

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8 votes
2 answers

Searchable Encryption with Substring Search

I want to search substrings in encrypted string. To do that I have read “Implement Rabin-Karp Algorithm” and “Substring-Searchable Symmetric Encryption”. After that, I completed the Rabin-Karp ...
Hakan ALTAŞ's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Is it possible to match encrypted documents using user-defined search terms?

Suppose I am storing a number of encrypted documents in a database. I would like to make it possible to identify the subset of documents whose contents match user-specified search terms without a) ...
nw.'s user avatar
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6 votes
3 answers

paradox on fully homomorphic equality checking

Imagine, a client encrypts a corpus of data (say documents of text) with the public key of a Fully Homomorphic Encryption scheme (FHE) and outsources the data to an untrusted server.Now the client ...
sashank's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Searchable encryption vs Homomorphic encryption

For a search algorithm, what are the differences between using searchable encryption (SE) and using homomorphic encryption (HE) ? What are the advantages or disadvantages of using one of the above ...
1010101's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

ORAM over Third Party DB

Oblivious Ram (ORAM) is a cryptographic technique that is used for secure DB querying without leakage on the access patterns. There are several schemes for ORAM, amongst the most popular ones, there ...
DaWNFoRCe's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Do Curtmola et al.'s IND-CKA1/2 security definitions protect against search pattern leakage?

In the article Searchable Symmetric Encryption: Improved Definitions and Efficient Constructions, Curtmola et al. propose adaptive and non-adaptive (indistinguishability and simulator-based) security ...
JRG's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

reducing false positives in searchable encryption

Practical techniques for searchable encryption proposed by Song et al. [1] have a false positive rate of $l/2^m$ where $l$ is left half of encrypted bits and $m$ is right half and $l+m=n$ where $n$ is ...
sashank's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Why use indexing for searchable encryption?

Searchable encryption can be separated into sequential scan and indexing. Besides increasing search speed, why do we use indexing in searchable encryption? As an end-user, we do not usually make a ...
Piao's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Searchable Symmetric Encryption VS Deterministic encryption?

I am a beginner learning about encryption. The Searchable Symmetric Encryption is better than Deterministic encryption? When I say better I mean smaller leakage.
Robert's user avatar
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0 answers

Public key encrypted searchable index

I'm trying to implement system for encrypted and searchable audit logs. The system will work in the following manner: There will be an untrusted audit log server, where all the logs will be saved ...
Marmellad's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Unsure of syntax used in Searchable Encryption

This image is taken from Algorithm 1 from "Σoφoς – Forward Secure Searchable Encryption, CCS '16". On line 4 there seems to be a new variable, M, that is never defined throughout the rest of the ...
Stilton's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Is Discrete Logarithmic assumption enough to design a secure searchable encryption scheme?

I have a basic question in my mind which is "Can we develop a scheme based on Discrete Logarithmic (DL) assumption only? " Most of the "Searchable Encryption" schemes use assumptions like Decisional ...
Naz's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Search Over Encrypted Data

I'm doing a research about how to search over encrypted data as the title said. And, I saw cryptDB used a cryptographic scheme from Song's article Practical Techniques for Searches on Encrypted ...
Simão Dolores's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Which encryption technique should be adopted to keep the search functionalities?

I am in exactly the same situation as described in this post. I must be able to encrypt data from a client workstation then send it to an untrusted server (encrypted at rest), then decrypt it only on ...
Marc Alves's user avatar
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See any problems with this search-specific homomorphic encoding strategy?

I'm imagining this for use in the scenario of cloud-stored client-encrypted email, where, when seeking to do a string search across messages, you don't want to have to download every stored message in ...
Mike Lawrence's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

Does Ciphertext policy ABE support search operation on encrypted data

Basically CP-ABE (or attribute based encryption) allows end-users to encrypt the data with desired access control structure. I was investigating the how to do keyword-search on encrypted data given ...
Bhanu Gopularam's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Could Yao's Millionaires' problem be used as a problem of binary search?

I recently started reading about Yao's Millionaires' problem. If the Yao's Millionaires' problem is capable of finding if one party has less money / more or equal money than the other party, then is ...
bd55's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Question related to Searchable Encryption

What are the future prospects of Searchable Encryption? Are industry based labs interested in Searchable Encryption? Will doing a PhD in Searchable Encryption help my join industry based research labs?...
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1 vote
1 answer

lookup encrypted text by clear text without decryption

I've implemented vouchers module in my web project where I use it to generate redeem get etc... vouchers. since voucher codes are considered sensitive, I've considered to encrypt them using AES-GCM. ...
Suhayb's user avatar
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1 answer

Problem in Identifying relevant documents to evaluate Precision in Information Retrieval (IR) Systems

In searching engines, especially for ranked search approaches, How to evaluate the results returned by IR Systems . The precision is evaluated by the below equation: (Number of relevant documents in ...
Siva Kumar's user avatar
1 vote
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How to compute an identity function on encrypted vector by using a third party?

I want to compute an identity function over encrypted vector on a third party. For example, F(x) = [a1,a2,..,an] where x is a tag. However, i do not want the third ...
sof's user avatar
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0 answers

Design flaw in IND-CKA definition of Searchable Symmetric Encryption?

I am a graduate student interested in searchable encryption research. I carefully read the Secure Indexes paper published in 2004, and I was confused about the IND-CKA, the game-based security ...
Jiangnan's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Unexpected Behavior Working in Prime Order Subgroup with Java BigInteger Class

I'm implementing a searchable symmetric encryption scheme, developed by others, for my own personal enrichment. The original research is located at the link: I'm ...
Alex R's user avatar
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1 answer

The output of experiments Real and Ideal in simulation-based security proof [closed]

For simulation-based security proof in searchable encryption, there are two experiments running for the Real and the Ideal world respectively. I can understand that the Real world experiment taking ...
ccccr's user avatar
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1 answer

Searching in Paillier Cryptosystem

I have implemented Paillier Cryptosystem. Lets say, I have an encrypted array E(x) = [2,4,5,10,0,20] and I want to find that if 0 exist in that array. Due to the limitations of Paillier cryptosystem I ...
Haroon Malik's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Is it possible to construct dataset for only another party to consult?

Is it possible to construct a dataset made of some kind of probabilistic encrypted indexes such that anyone can update the information contained in the set but only the one with a secret key could be ...
Afonso Delgado's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Equality Check with EC Point Division using Bilinear Pairing

I'm currently trying to implement a PEKS scheme for my master's thesis and got stuck on a check I have no clue how to implement. The equation looks like this: $$ \hat{e}\left(P_1, T_3\right)\stackrel{?...
Michael Herwig's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Does the searchable encryption scheme satisfy trapdoor indistinguishability?

In a searchable encryption scheme based on the certificateless cryptosystem, the trapdoor generation algorithm only has a hash function that outputs an integer value. Does the scheme satisfy trapdoor ...
Rabindra Moirangthem's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How "identifier" works in Symmetric Searchable Encryption?

I'm new to this field,Symmetric Searchable Encryption, and have read some papers in this field. Notice lots of these papers about SSE use identifiers when build encrypted index and return identifiers ...
zbo's user avatar
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