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Questions tagged [serpent]

A symmetric block cipher algorithm with a 128 bit block size, and key sizes up to 256 bits.

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2 votes
1 answer

AES vs Serpent - which is more side-channel resistent?

I learned that some AES implementations are vulnerable to side-channel attacks due to how the SBOX structure is implemented. The output have to be nonlinear, therefore having low bit inputs results in ...
moju22's user avatar
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Encrypting two messages with the same content with different keys/IVs still secure if attacker knows they are the same?

I want to store two ciphertexts inside the same file. The data stored in each ciphertext is the same (except for padding), but the data was encrypted with different keys and IVs. Both ciphertexts were ...
slee69's user avatar
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Security of ChaCha compared to AES and Serpent

I'm trying to understand how secure XChaCha20 is in comparison with other ciphers. From what I know, ChaCha is more secure than AES, but less secure than Serpent. My question is how much more "...
Evan Su's user avatar
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OpenSSL supports AES, Camellia, ChaCha. How about Twofish, Threefish, Serpent?

If I understood correctly, some symmetric ciphers such as AES, Camellia, ChaCha are implemented in OpenSSL (along with several older ones) but some other commonly used and proven ciphers such as ...
RocketNuts's user avatar
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Are the Serpent Test Vectors incorrect?

I have recently written an implementation of Serpent and was testing it against known vectors to no avail. Using 256-bit key, I compared my encryption to the test vectors located here: http://www.cs....
toothandsticks's user avatar
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Security of bit shift in Serpent

As far I know, the Serpent cipher is the only cipher that uses legit bit shifts (<<) along with circular left shift (...
hardyrama's user avatar
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Serpent vs AES,, theoretical security

In the lets-choose-the-next-aes contest in 1998, they chose Rijndael because of speed. Now, not taking speed into account, is Serpent more secure or not? Since it has 32 rounds (of course that's not ...
Ömer Enes Özmen's user avatar
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Is it possible to identify a Serpent encryption key in memory?

It has been shown that AES keys that are in use can be identified in memory. This identification relies on discovering expected round keys in memory that are contained within the key schedule. My ...
learnerX's user avatar
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Are there any publicly available Serpent s-boxes of a non-linear order 3, optimized for x86_64?

The original serpent paper claims that the s-boxes provided are of non-linear order 3, the maximum. However, this has turned out to be false, as some of them are of order 2. Are there any s-boxes ...
user96649's user avatar
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Serpent intermediate rounds differs from example code, but result is still correct, is it a problem?

Through great pain and suffering, I've been able to successfully implement Serpent. For example, when using the key 00112233445566778899aabbccddeeff, and encrypting ...
user96649's user avatar
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How do the Serpent S-boxes work?

Warning: The link in the answer explain the S-Box well, but there is an error in the pseudocode. $K_i = K_{i-8} \oplus K_{i-5} \oplus K_{i-3} \oplus K_{i-1} \oplus 0x9e3779b9 \oplus i$; Instead, it ...
user96649's user avatar
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Is there a real purpose to use Twofish, Serpent or Threefish instead of AES?

I am wondering if other ciphers like Serpent or Twofish or even Threefish have really an use in real life, because AES seems to be very efficient in most situations. But for example TrueCrypt or ...
daralim's user avatar
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At rest encryption question from someone who knows nothing

this forum is way above me and the members here are far, far smarter than I am, so this probaby isn't the place to ask such a simple question, but whatever. All I wanted to ask is for at rest ...
Ian's user avatar
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Why should symmetric block cyphers be efficient?

If I remember well, AES (then named Rijndael) won the competition because it was slightly faster to implement as one of its competitors, Serpent, which erred on the side of caution, using 32 rounds as ...
entrop-x's user avatar
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Key strenth in Cipher cascades (Veracrypt)

Disclaimer : basic crypto knowledge So this is a question specificly about veracrypt , but theoreticly applies to any other encryption software which supports cipher cascades . So if you use a ...
Richard R. Matthews's user avatar
8 votes
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Is it true that Serpent and twofish are much stronger than AES?

I heard that Serpent and Twofish are much stronger than AES, but it was chosen because it is faster. If that's true, please tell me why it is stronger. Also: is it true that Twofish and serpent are ...
Richard R. Matthews's user avatar
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Why did Rijndael become AES; what is wrong with Twofish and Serpent? [duplicate]

Why did the Rijndael cipher become the Advanced Encryption Standard instead of Twofish and Serpent? Do Serpent and Twofish have security issues or weak keys? Or is it just slower? I know that some ...
Richard R. Matthews's user avatar
-1 votes
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Why did Rijndael become the AES Standard . What is wrong with Twofish and Serpent? [duplicate]

Why did Rijndael become the AES Standard? What is wrong with Twofish and Serpent? Is there a security vulnerability in Twofish/Serpent? How do they work? As far as I know, Twofish and Serpent are used ...
Question0's user avatar
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How effective is Serpent-256 in CTR mode?

I downloaded a compression program known as PeaZip which offers encryption and 2-way authentication also. PeaZip has an option to encrypt compressed file with variety of ciphers and one of them is ...
RPK's user avatar
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How can I create pre-determined encrypted results?

I want my encryption results to be the lyrics to Star Spangled Banner. The original text I'm encrypting would be, for instance, the menu to a local pizza place. I know what I want my passphrase to be. ...
Darwin's user avatar
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Order of multiple encryption algorithms

as you can see on image above, in VeraCrypt you can select either Serpent -> Twofish -> AES or ...
encore leet's user avatar
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Which symmetric cipher is best for studying? [closed]

I would like to study a modern symmetric cipher (I have never studied a cipher before) and I was wondering which would be the best cipher for studying purposes of the following: AES (Rijndael), ...
Superpelican's user avatar
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Is the key schedule of Serpent a circle?

The creation of the prekeys for Serpent works by XORing some previous values with a counter and a fixed value. Every word is 32 bits big and 4 words form a round key (after applying a S-Box, but this ...
Nova's user avatar
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Twofish vs. Serpent vs. AES (or a combo)

I've seen some posts and info online, but they are from 2009, 2010, 2011 or 2012, which is 3-6 years ago, which is a very long time. So I'm looking for an up-to-date answer about which of these is the ...
Jack's user avatar
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What is Initialization vector (IV) [closed]

I am not the best cryptologer and therefore I have some questions so I learn more and get better. Heres the questions: What is Initialization vector (IV)? MUST I use it or not?
tor's user avatar
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Alternative encryption algorithm [closed]

I need a alternative encryption alcorithm to AES. It shouldn't be AES, Twofish or Serpent and it must be very strong. I dont care about the performance.
Tor's user avatar
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Bouncy jdk 1.51 Serpent KAT tests vs Nessie vectors

Having a little trouble getting Nessie vectors working with the Bouncy Castle SerpentEngine. Do the Nessie vectors require a mode or some pre-processing? Nessie Serpent 128, set 1, vector 0 reads: ...
JGU's user avatar
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Serpent 256bit Non bit sliced version (Table Sbox/IP/FP/LT/ILT) (Non-bitslice notation rules)

Good afternoon! I got some mismatches while counting Round Keys at non bitsliced version of Serpent. I have used official AES submission outputs (file ecb_iv.txt). AES submission package test vector: ...
nmZ's user avatar
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Serpent 256bit key wrong round keys

Assume that we have this 256bit key: 15FC0D48 D7F8199C BE399183 4D96F327 10000000 00000000 00000000 On first 0-7 keys we can't apply formula wi=(wi-8 xor wi-5 xor wi-3 xor wi-1 xor phi xor i)<<&...
nmZ's user avatar
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Serpent Cipher 128bits (Example rounds on any plaintext/key)

Is there are any possibility to see trace(example) of Serpent Encryption/Decryption on concrete plaintext/key example, (not code implementation) or at least animation of steps. During reading of ...
nmZ's user avatar
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1 answer

Why is Serpent faster than AES in this benchmark?

I have a laptop without the AES-NI CPU instructions but with SSE4.1. I'm using Linux and tried the (in-memory) cryptsetup benchmark to get the rough tendency which returned: ...
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4 votes
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Serpent cipher : Osvik S-Boxes confusion and test vectors

I'm having hard time with the implementation of the S-Boxes by Osvik found in this paper: Speeding up Serpent. At the end of the paper, all the s-boxes are given and then, I just implement them. Here'...
Gabriel L.'s user avatar
4 votes
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Serpent block cipher : S0 to S7 functions unclear

I am presently implementing the serpent block cipher in C++ following the specifications. It's important to mention that I'm implementing the cipher in bitslice mode. You'll need the The full ...
Gabriel L.'s user avatar
7 votes
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Combining multiple symmetric encryption algorithms - implications?

I was just wondering if I add more security by combining two or more symmetric encryption algorithms on a plain text. For example: ...
Chris's user avatar
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Would a "Triple AES" (in the sense of how Triple Des works) serve for a dramatic increase in safety?

The system requires to be as paranoid as possible regarding security. One of the few contemplated changes to the current design is to use multiple encryption. First proposal was to use Serpent on top ...
Mamsaac's user avatar
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Double Encrypting with two different keys

In terms of security, would it be MORE or LESS secure to take, say, an RC4 output (or Serpent) or other, that is encrypted with one key, and to encrypt that output with AES (using a different key)? <...
Jeremy P's user avatar
8 votes
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Advantage of AES(Rijndael) over Twofish and Serpent

I'm trying to figure out a suitable encryption technique and after reading a bit, I figured the current AES 128-bit encryption is suitable for what I'm trying to do. However, this is more due to the ...
GamingX's user avatar
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Rijndael vs. Serpent vs. Twofish: General comparison

Can anyone explain (or give a link to document about) why Rijndaal won the AES, especially comparing it to other finalists (Serpent and Twofish)? What criteria were used to make decision? Or is there ...
gordon-quad's user avatar
12 votes
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XSL on serpent and rijndael - which is most affected?

So I've often looked at serpent and thought it was a very strong contender in AES. Not so long ago I was looking for evidence as to why it didn't beat rijndael. So far, the closest I've got answering ...
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